名词用作动词的用法 一个词由一种词类转到另一种或另几种类而不发生形的变化.称为转化.转化是英语构词法中的一种.英语有大量的动词可以转化为名词也有不少名词可以转化为动词. [举例]Would you like to drink some water? 你要喝水吗? I watered my flowers flowers this morning? 今天早晨我浇花了. Can I have a look ? 我能看一看吗? She is looking at the new car? 她在看那辆车. Let’s go out for a drive next Sunday. 下星期天我们去兜风吧! He is driving his new car. 他正开着他新车呢? 以上只是列举了名词动词的几个简单例子.有关此类转化本模块中出现的还有:head eye, name paper book air voice hand dress diet mail ship face work dust answer picture knife nurse bottle cash house mother brother mask turn use record stop increase peel 等等.要善于试试看.在本单元你能找出多少个名词转化动词和动词转化名词的例子. 同时还要注意如下事项: ①名词和动词在转化时.有时意思会发生变化: [举例]eye用眼睛看.端详 ship用船装 picture用图表示,描述 book预订 ②有些名词和动词在转化时发生元音改变或词尾改变: [举例]blood -bleed sale -sell song-sing advice-advise bath-bathe belief -believe ③有些形式不变.但读音会发生变化: [举例] house 房子;住宅 给...房子住;给...房子用 use 用途 用,使用 record 记录,记载 记录,记载 increase增加 增加 针对以上注意事项.还需要大家在今后的学习中善于发现.及时积累.结合语境.真正掌握动词与名词之间的转化. 查看更多




第一节  基础写作:





    3.遇到困难和挫折时,要说“太好了!” 因为你抓住了锻炼自己的机会。看到他人收到挫折时,应该说“你有困难吗?让我来帮助你吧!”






    Perhaps you don’t know your school principal very well.But you might be wise to take him or her seriously.Peking University will enroll students recommended by high principals this year.November 16, 2009 Peking University released a list of 39 high school principals in 10 provinces who have the chance to recommend students.If the students recommended pass a round of interviews by Peking University, they will have an extra 30 points added to their national college entrance exam scores if they apply to the university after the exam.Peking University said the reason behind the move was a desire to give students with comprehensive and special abilities a chance to stand out.

    However, a survey conducted by leading Chinese portal sina.com showed 10046 out of 14227 people surveyed were against the new idea.Most said the recommendations were unfair on other students.Xue Yong, a Peking University alumni who is now an assistant professor at Suffolk University told the Qianjiang Evening News the experiment could be dangerous if it is abused.But Qu Jun, former deputy director of Shanghai municipal education commission, said the experiment represents much needed changed to the existing university entrance system, which has been criticized for many years.




    1) 你是否支持北大建立校长推荐制来选拨优秀学生?请阐述理由。










This weekend in Sydney, Australia “lights out” activity will be staged. Sydney people will keep lights off for an hour, so that the Australia’s largest city will be thrown into darkness in the night.
In Sydney, a large number of businessmen have been added to this action plan. The government officials and tens of thousands of people have also answered the call enthusiastically.
The landscapes of Sydney such as Sydney Opera House, Sydney Harbor Bridge and dozens of skyscrapers will keep lights off for one hour from 7:30, and even McDonald’s big “M” logo will be switched off. But its significant lighting, such as the flying lights and the traffic lights will be on as usual.
This event is called “Earth Hour”. One of the organizers says this action will encourage Australians to switch off unnecessary lights in their daily life.
“Our aim to do this is very simple. We do not want people to return to live in cave time. We just want to reduce greenhouse gases into the atmosphere as much as possible.” He also said, “One-hour  black out is only the beginning, and the next step is to improve people’s awareness of energy saving”.
1. 以约30个词概括上文的主要内容。
2. 以约120词就“熄灯一小时”活动发表你的看法,内容包括:
1. 作文中可以使用亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子。
2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。


To give the things you don’t need
When I moved into my new house, there was already a washing machine in it. However, I had just bought a new one, so I wondered what to do with the machine that was already in my house. I remembered two girls who regularly knocked at my door for religious reasons.
They never had or kept anything they didn’t need. If one of them needed something, they would work for the amount of time it took to make the money and then return to their religious work. They had just moved into their own house so I decided to give them all the things I didn’t need in my house. Whatever they didn’t need, they could give to the charity store they helped support.
I asked them if they needed a washing machine and they looked at each other and smiled. It turned out that they had called on a complete stranger the week before, a shingle mother with a new –born baby to take care of. She had been washing clothes by hand. When hey got home they discussed the fact that the woman probably needed their washing machine more than they did so they gave it to her. And their good deed had come back to them as they would be able to have my washing machine.
2.然后以约120个词就“To give the things you don’t need”的主题发表你的看法,内容包括:


To give the things you don’t need
When I moved into my new house, there was already a washing machine in it. However, I had just bought a new one, so I wondered what to do with the machine that was already in my house. I remembered two girls who regularly knocked at my door for religious reasons.
They never had or kept anything they didn’t need. If one of them needed something, they would work for the amount of time it took to make the money and then return to their religious work. They had just moved into their own house so I decided to give them all the things I didn’t need in my house. Whatever they didn’t need, they could give to the charity store they helped support.
I asked them if they needed a washing machine and they looked at each other and smiled. It turned out that they had called on a complete stranger the week before, a shingle mother with a new –born baby to take care of. She had been washing clothes by hand. When hey got home they discussed the fact that the woman probably needed their washing machine more than they did so they gave it to her. And their good deed had come back to them as they would be able to have my washing machine.
2.然后以约120个词就“To give the things you don’t need”的主题发表你的看法,内容包括:



To give the things you don’t need

When I moved into my new house, there was already a washing machine in it. However, I had just bought a new one, so I wondered what to do with the machine that was already in my house. I remembered two girls who regularly knocked at my door for religious reasons.

They never had or kept anything they didn’t need. If one of them needed something, they would work for the amount of time it took to make the money and then return to their religious work. They had just moved into their own house so I decided to give them all the things I didn’t need in my house. Whatever they didn’t need, they could give to the charity store they helped support.

I asked them if they needed a washing machine and they looked at each other and smiled. It turned out that they had called on a complete stranger the week before, a shingle mother with a new –born baby to take care of. She had been washing clothes by hand. When hey got home they discussed the fact that the woman probably needed their washing machine more than they did so they gave it to her. And their good deed had come back to them as they would be able to have my washing machine.



2.然后以约120个词就“To give the things you don’t need”的主题发表你的看法,内容包括:








