5.After the father retired, the youngest son r him as president of the company. 查看更多




Read the postcards and choose the best answer for each question.

Bikaner 13/1/2007

Dear Youming,

Have arrived in Bikaner leaving Delhi behind us. Unfortunately there just wasn’t enough time to see everything in only four days. Outside Bikaner’s city walls are miles of desert wilderness. Tomorrow I look forward to exploring the wall itself. The sandstone architecture is said to be incredible. We are also going to take a camel ride through some of the desert. Can you picture me on a camel? I’ll make sure that I have lots of photographs taken. After three days here the next stop is Jaipur.



Delhi 8/1/2007

Dear Mum and Dad,

We have just arrived in India and are in the bustling and exciting city of Delhi. This morning we visited the Red Fort. There we found magnificent palaces, mosques and splendid buildings. I could have spent hours there. This afternoon, amongst other things, we visited the India Gate---a memorial for Indian soldiers lost at war earlier this century. The gates were the largest I have ever seen.

Wish you were here,



Dear Jinao,

So far so good. Once we arrived in Agra, we went straight to the Taj Mahal. I have never seen anything so wonderful. They said that it would look something like Humuyan’s Tomb(Delhi)and it does! There really is nothing more amazing than the brilliant white of the Taj shimmering in the daylight. Apparently the pollution poses a real threat to it. We really covered a great deal in three days here.

It’s been an amazing experience and I’m sorry that we’ll be flying home this evening.

Bye for now.


Jaipur 17/1/2007

Dear Libing,

I am writing from the Johari bazaar in Jaipur. This is a wonderful jewellery market. I’ve found all sorts of intriguing treasures. This morning we visited the Hawa Mahal,”The palace of the Winds”. It is the most incredible structure. The façade of the palace is all windows and filigree screens. Yesterday we visited the City Palace and the Jantar Mantar. After two days here, the next stop is Agra where I look forward to visiting the fort and the Taj.

See you soon,


63. The order in which Lisa visited the cities is ______.

A.      Delhi, Bikaner, Agra, Jaipur

B.      Delhi, Bikaner, Jaipur, Agra

C.      Jaipur, Bikaner, Agra, Delhi

D.     Bikaner, Delhi, Jaipur, Agra

64. According to the postcards, which of the following statements is TRUE? Lisa _______.

A. was hesitant about going on a camel ride

B. visited the Hawa Mahal and the City Palace on the same day.

C. did not have the opportunity to visit the India Gate

D. did not get to see as much of Delhi as she would have liked

65. The aspect of the Taj Mahal that impressed Lisa the most was its ________.

A. colour        B. shape          C. location     D. size

66. The postcards from Lisa about her trip to India indicate that ______.

A. she plans to return to India some day soon

B. the hotels she stayed in had excellent service

C. the people she met in India were friendly

D. she thoroughly enjoyed her trip


Until the 1960's, almost everyone in the U. S. followed tradition and gave all the children in the same family the same last name or surname, as it is called. But during the 60's, young parents began giving their children strange names—names like Moonglow, Eternal Peace, and Sunshine. Some states passed laws controlling the names that parents could use. But after a court case in 1981, a federal judge ruled that parents are free to give any surnames they wish to their children.

So , for the last few decades , more parents are not giving their children the fam­ily 's sur- names .Some insist that while it ' s OK for a boy to have the father ' s family name, a girl should have the mother' s family name . Thus, Philip Gaylord and Pan Zimmitti could be brother and sister. Some parents think that using family surname is old —fashioned and boring. One couple gave their son the last name Sue because they like the Johnny Cash song," A Boy Named Sue." And finally, some parents think that giving their children different surnames is just a "neat thing to do". So the first son of a New York family has the last name Washington —Lincoln, after the two fa­mous presidents. The daughter has the last name Anthony—Tubman after two women who fought for women's rights.

This change in naming customs presents two problems. First, if each person in the family has a different last name, family records will be very confusable. It will be hard to track a person's family, and record keeping will be difficult .Second, some physiologists are afraid that different surnames will threaten family unity. Since names have  an important effect on one's identify (身份) , they think brothers and sisters will not feel connected if they have different last names.

So this problem of names will get worse as new and different last names increase. Get ready to meet Welcome Baby Darling , sister of Aren't We Glad , You ' re Here and It ' s About Time.

1.In America, ________to give children different surnames these days.

    A.it is allowed by the law                  B.it breaks the law

    C.it is one of the customs                  D.it is unusual

2.In the second paragraph of the passage a "neat thing to do" means________.

    A.a good thing to do                                                  B.a terrible thing to do

    C.a dirty filing to do                   D.a clean thing to do

3.According to some psychologists, the different last names will let brothers and sisters feel they


    A.enemies                          B.as close as before

    C.good fiends                       D.separated

4.From the last paragraph, we can see the author _____this change in naming customs.

       A.is for        B.is against          C.doesn't care         D.doesn't notice


Read the postcards and choose the best answer for each question.

Bikaner 13/1/2007

Dear Youming,

Have arrived in Bikaner leaving Delhi behind us. Unfortunately there just wasn’t enough time to see everything in only four days. Outside Bikaner’s city walls are miles of desert wilderness. Tomorrow I look forward to exploring the wall itself. The sandstone architecture is said to be incredible. We are also going to take a camel ride through some of the desert. Can you picture me on a camel? I’ll make sure that I have lots of photographs taken. After three days here the next stop is Jaipur.



Delhi 8/1/2007

Dear Mum and Dad,

We have just arrived in India and are in the bustling and exciting city of Delhi. This morning we visited the Red Fort. There we found magnificent palaces, mosques and splendid buildings. I could have spent hours there. This afternoon, amongst other things, we visited the India Gate---a memorial for Indian soldiers lost at war earlier this century. The gates were the largest I have ever seen.

Wish you were here,



Dear Jinao,

So far so good. Once we arrived in Agra, we went straight to the Taj Mahal. I have never seen anything so wonderful. They said that it would look something like Humuyan’s Tomb(Delhi)and it does! There really is nothing more amazing than the brilliant white of the Taj shimmering in the daylight. Apparently the pollution poses a real threat to it. We really covered a great deal in three days here.

It’s been an amazing experience and I’m sorry that we’ll be flying home this evening.

Bye for now.


Jaipur 17/1/2007

Dear Libing,

I am writing from the Johari bazaar in Jaipur. This is a wonderful jewellery market. I’ve found all sorts of intriguing treasures. This morning we visited the Hawa Mahal,”The palace of the Winds”. It is the most incredible structure. The façade of the palace is all windows and filigree screens. Yesterday we visited the City Palace and the Jantar Mantar. After two days here, the next stop is Agra where I look forward to visiting the fort and the Taj.

See you soon,



63. The order in which Lisa visited the cities is ______.

A.      Delhi, Bikaner, Agra, Jaipur

B.      Delhi, Bikaner, Jaipur, Agra

C.      Jaipur, Bikaner, Agra, Delhi

D.     Bikaner, Delhi, Jaipur, Agra

64. According to the postcards, which of the following statements is TRUE? Lisa _______.

A. was hesitant about going on a camel ride

B. visited the Hawa Mahal and the City Palace on the same day.

C. did not have the opportunity to visit the India Gate

D. did not get to see as much of Delhi as she would have liked

65. The aspect of the Taj Mahal that impressed Lisa the most was its ________.

A. colour        B. shape          C. location     D. size

66. The postcards from Lisa about her trip to India indicate that ______.

A. she plans to return to India some day soon

B. the hotels she stayed in had excellent service

C. the people she met in India were friendly

D. she thoroughly enjoyed her trip


阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36---55各题后的 A B C D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
A gift left to her
Early in the morning, I was taken in a nylon bag into a truck. I felt horrible as well as ___36___What would she do with me? She was almost mad after the___37__of her husband.
A few minutes later, I heard the truck___38__its engine and move fast. I kept making sounds to show my protest, but failed to make any___39___ Finally she put me down in a __40__place. Maybe she didn’t want me to die from lack of air; she untied the bag.
I ___41___ out and looked up, only to see many strange faces and fingers pointing at me.
It turned out that my owner meant to___42___ me. I saw my owner on the truck, which was going farther and farther. So I cast my head ___43__the direction of the truck. The days we spent together was like a movie playing in front of my eyes as I ran after the truck. I saw my male owner, who suffered liver cancer; look at me with his sad eyes. I saw myself___44__my owner everywhere; I saw him lie in his dying bed, she all___45__.
I ran as fast as I could. And the___46___I saw her wave to me, my eyes became wet. I wouldn’t blame her for treating me like this for she was such a (n) ___47___ lady. She seemed even somewhat ___48___ at his leaving her alone, trying many ways to ___49___the pains of losing him. She ___50___ his pictures and clothes, and she redecorated the whole house. Now I was the only ___51___ thing to remind her of him. ___52___ later, I am pretty sure that she would realize how mad she was to do this…
The truck finally stopped when I was almost ___53___. She ran up to me and hugged me ___54___. I heard her ___55___: “I know you are a present he left to me.”
36. A. puzzled           B. excited          C. delighted             D. frightened
37. A. separation           B. absence       C. departure           D. death
38. A. run                        B. begin            C. start                    D. operate
39. A. sense                  B. trouble                 C. effort                      D. difference
40. A. usual                  B. strange              C. familiar               D. dark
41. A. walked        B. rushed           C. ran                      D. struggled
42. A. harm               B. desert            C. punish                      D. sell
43. A. into                    B. at                        C. in                            D. to
44. A. follow            B. bring            C. guide                        D. support
45. A. with tears            B. in tears                 C. out of breath        D. in silence
46. A. time                  B. direction       C. way                    D. moment
47. A. cruel                  B. unfriendly     C. unfavorable          D. unfortunate
48. A. calm                   B. depressed      C. angry                       D. sad
49. A. kill                        B. remove             C. bear                    D. prevent
50. A. kept                   B. burned                 C. sold                    D. hit
51. A. moving           B. walking         C. existing               D. blessing
52. A. But                    B. And                  C. Thus                   D. Then
53. A. worn out             B. knocked out    C. left out               D. made out
54. A. tightly            B. patiently        C. sadly               D. desperately
55. A. shout                  B. speak            C. whisper            D. talk


After the new type of rice was introduced, the farmers produced _______ rice this year as last year.

A.as twice much asB.twice as much asC.twice much as D.twice as much

