15.A.while B.because C.where D.since 查看更多



One of the most popular new online games is Second Life.These games are also called MMOs for short.But unlike other MMOs, Second Life is not about winning or losing.Second Life is technically a computer game.But people involved in it do not consider it a game, because the players Create everything.Second Life is more for socializing and creating communities.
Users of Second Life are called residents.To take part, they must create an electronic image of themselves.Some look like humans, while others look like animals.Inside the Second Life world, residents build homes, run business, buy and sell things, work, play, and attend school.They even have relationships and get married.
Second Life was created in 2003 by Linden Lab in San Francisco, California.Linden Lab controls the website where the ever—changing world is being created.There are now about one million people around the world who are active in Second Life.The number has grown quickly since the beginning of the year when there were about one hundred thousand users.
The average age of people involved with Second Life is about thirty.However, Linden Lab recently created Teen Second Life for young users.Second Life has its own economy and its own money called Linden dollars.Millions of dollars are made and spent each month in Second Life.Users can enter Second Life for free.But they must pay for a membership if they want to own land or buy and sell goods and services.
Lately, several major companies have become involved with Second Life.They want to be part of the growing business world that exists within the made—up reality.The car maker Toyota, music producer Sony BMG, and even Reuters news agency are among businesses now existing within Second Life.
68.The best title for the passage may be    .
A.Popular Computer Games                     B.Users of Second Life
C.Business within Second Life                 D.A Million People Get a Second Life
69.According to the passage, Second Life refers to a new online game    .
A.about winning or losing
B.in which players can create everything
C.mostly for children
D.designed for only one player role
70.We can see from the passage that the users of the Second Life    .
A.can’t create the electronic images
B.become humans and animals
C.don’t work or play
D.can even get married
71.It can be inferred from the passage that    .
A.these major companies want to become the players inside the Second Life world
B.these major companies: want to make profits from Second Life
C.we can’t believe in the made—up reality inside the Second Life world
D.these major companies show no interest in Second Life


Did you know that women’s brains are smaller than men’s?  The average women’s brain weighs 10% less than men’s.Since research has shown that the bigger the brain, the cleverer the animal, men must be more intelligent than women.Right? Wrong.Men and women always score similarly on intelligence tests, despite the difference in brain size.Why? After years of study, researchers have concluded that it’s what’s inside that matters, not just the size of the brain.The brain consists of “grey matter” and “white matter”.While men have more of the latter, the amount of “thinking” brain is almost exactly the same in both sexes.

It has been suggested that smaller brain appears to work faster, perhaps because the two sides of the brain are better connected in women.This means that little girls tend to learn to speak earlier, and that women can understand sorts of information from different sources at the same time.When it comes to talking to the boss on the phone, cooking dinner and keeping an eye on the baby all at the same time, it’s women who come out on top every time.

There are other important differences between two sexes.As white matter is the key to spatial tasks, men know better where things are in relation to other things.“A great footballer always knows where he is in relation to the other players, and he knows where to go,” says one researcher.That may explain one of life’s great mysteries: why men refuse to ask for direction and women often need to!

The differences begin when fetuses(胎儿)are about nine weeks old, which can be seen in the action of children as young as one.A boy would try to climb a barrier before him or push it down while a girl would attract help from others.These brain differences also explain the fact that more men take up jobs that require good spatial skills, while more women speech skills.It may all go back to our ancestors, among whom women needed speech skills to take care of their babies and men needed spatial skills to hunt, according to one research.

If all this disappoints you, it shouldn’t.“The brain changes throughout our lives according to what we do with it.”says a biologist.

Which of the following is true according to the first paragraph? ________.

A.Women’s brain is 10% less than men’s

B.Grey matter controls thinking in the brain.

C.Grey matter plays the same role as white matter.

D.Both sexes have the same amount of white matter.

What can we infer from the second and third paragraphs? ________.

A.Men do better dealing with one job at a time.

B.Women prefer doing many things at a time. 

C.Women do not need to tell directions.

D.Men have weaker spatial abilities.

Which of the following do you agree with according to the fourth paragraph? _  A.More women take up jobs requiring speech skills

B.Young boys may be stronger than young girls.

C.Women may have stronger feelings than men.

D.Our ancestors needed more spatial skills.

What is the writer’s attitude in writing this passage? ________.

A.Defensive.  B.Objective.  C.Persuasive. D.Supportive.


Did you know that women’s brains are smaller than men’s? The average women’s brain weighs 10% less than men’s.Since research has shown that the bigger the brain, the cleverer the animal, men must be more intelligent(聪明的) than women.Right? Wrong.Men and women always score similarly on intelligence tests, despite the difference in brain size.Why? After years of study, researchers have concluded that it’s what’s inside that matters, not just the size of the brain.The brain consists of “grey matter” and “white matter”.While men have more of the latter, the amount of “thinking” brain is almost exactly the same in both sexes.

It has been suggested that smaller brain appears to work faster, perhaps because the two sides of the brain are better connected in women.This means that little girls tend to learn to speak earlier, and that women can understand sorts of information from different sources at the same time.When it comes to talking to the boss on the phone, cooking dinner and keeping an eye on the baby all at the same time, it’s women who come out on top every time.

There are other important differences between two sexes.As white matter is the key to spatial(空间的) tasks, men know better where things are in relation to other things.“A great footballer always knows where he is in relation to the other players, and he knows where to go,” says one researcher.That may explain one of life’s great mysteries: why men refuse to ask for directions…and women often need to!

The differences begin when fetuses(胎儿) are about nine weeks old, which can be seen in the action of children as young as one.A boy would try to climb a barrier (障碍物) before him or push it down while a girl would attract help from others.These brain differences also explain the fact that more men take up jobs that require good spatial skills, while more women speech skills.It may all go back to our ancestors(祖先), among whom women needed speech skills to take care of their babies and men needed spatial skills to hunt, according to one research.

If all this disappoints you, it shouldn’t.“The brain changes throughout our lives according to what we do with it.” says a biologist.

The passage mainly tells us ________.

A.the difference between men’s and women’s brains

B.the changes in brain throughout our lives

C.that men are better at spatial tasks

D.that brain differences are related to our ancestors

Which of the following is true according to the first paragraph?

A.Women’s brain is 10% less than men’s

B.Grey matter plays the same role as white matter.

C.Grey matter controls thinking in the brain.

D.Both sexes have the same amount of white matter.

What can we infer from the second and third paragraphs?

A.Women prefer doing many things at a time.

B.Men do better dealing with one job at a time.

C.Women do not need to tell directions.

D.Men have weaker spatial abilities.

Which of the following do you agree with according to the fourth paragraph?

A.Young boys may be stronger than young girls.

B.More women take up jobs requiring speech skills

C.Women may have stronger feelings than men.

D.Our ancestors needed more spatial skills.

What is the writer’s attitude in writing this passage?

A.Defensive.         B.Persuasive.    C.Supportive.   D.Objective.


Did you know that women’s brains are smaller than men’s? The average women’s brain weighs 10% less than men’s.Since research has shown that the bigger the brain, the cleverer the animal, men must be more intelligent(聪明的) than women.Right? Wrong.Men and women always score similarly on intelligence tests, despite the difference in brain size.Why? After years of study, researchers have concluded that it’s what’s inside that matters, not just the size of the brain.The brain consists of “grey matter” and “white matter”.While men have more of the latter, the amount of “thinking” brain is almost exactly the same in both sexes.

It has been suggested that smaller brain appears to work faster, perhaps because the two sides of the brain are better connected in women.This means that little girls tend to learn to speak earlier, and that women can understand sorts of information from different sources at the same time.When it comes to talking to the boss on the phone, cooking dinner and keeping an eye on the baby all at the same time, it’s women who come out on top every time.

There are other important differences between two sexes.As white matter is the key to spatial(空间的) tasks, men know better where things are in relation to other things.“A great footballer always knows where he is in relation to the other players, and he knows where to go,” says one researcher.That may explain one of life’s great mysteries: why men refuse to ask for directions…and women often need to!

The differences begin when fetuses(胎儿) are about nine weeks old, which can be seen in the action of children as young as one.A boy would try to climb a barrier (障碍物) before him or push it down while a girl would attract help from others.These brain differences also explain the fact that more men take up jobs that require good spatial skills, while more women speech skills.It may all go back to our ancestors(祖先), among whom women needed speech skills to take care of their babies and men needed spatial skills to hunt, according to one research.

If all this disappoints you, it shouldn’t.“The brain changes throughout our lives according to what we do with it.” says a biologist.

56.The passage mainly tells us ________.

       A.the difference between men’s and women’s brains    

       B.the changes in brain throughout our lives

       C.that men are better at spatial tasks                 

       D.that brain differences are related to our ancestors

57.Which of the following is true according to the first paragraph?

      A.Women’s brain is 10% less than men’s             

       B.Grey matter plays the same role as white matter.

       C.Grey matter controls thinking in the brain.         

       D.Both sexes have the same amount of white matter.

58.What can we infer from the second and third paragraphs?

      A.Women prefer doing many things at a time.         

       B.Men do better dealing with one job at a time.

       C.Women do not need to tell directions.             

       D.Men have weaker spatial abilities.

59.Which of the following do you agree with according to the fourth paragraph?

     A.Young boys may be stronger than young girls.     

       B.More women take up jobs requiring speech skills

       C.Women may have stronger feelings than men.    

       D.Our ancestors needed more spatial skills.

60.What is the writer’s attitude in writing this passage?

A.Defensive.         B.Persuasive.   C.Supportive.         D.Objective.


Did you know that women’s brains are smaller than men’s? The average women’s brain weighs 10% less than men’s.Since research has shown that the bigger the brain, the cleverer the animal, men must be more intelligent(聪明的) than women.Right? Wrong.Men and women always score similarly on intelligence tests, despite the difference in brain size.Why? After years of study, researchers have concluded that it’s what’s inside that matters, not just the size of the brain.The brain consists of “grey matter” and “white matter”.While men have more of the latter, the amount of “thinking” brain is almost exactly the same in both sexes.

It has been suggested that smaller brain appears to work faster, perhaps because the two sides of the brain are better connected in women.This means that little girls tend to learn to speak earlier, and that women can understand sorts of information from different sources at the same time.When it comes to talking to the boss on the phone, cooking dinner and keeping an eye on the baby all at the same time, it’s women who come out on top every time.

There are other important differences between two sexes.As white matter is the key to spatial(空间的) tasks, men know better where things are in relation to other things.“A great footballer always knows where he is in relation to the other players, and he knows where to go,” says one researcher.That may explain one of life’s great mysteries: why men refuse to ask for directions…and women often need to!

The differences begin when fetuses(胎儿) are about nine weeks old, which can be seen in the action of children as young as one.A boy would try to climb a barrier (障碍物) before him or push it down while a girl would attract help from others.These brain differences also explain the fact that more men take up jobs that require good spatial skills, while more women speech skills.It may all go back to our ancestors(祖先), among whom women needed speech skills to take care of their babies and men needed spatial skills to hunt, according to one research.

If all this disappoints you, it shouldn’t.“The brain changes throughout our lives according to what we do with it.” says a biologist.

The passage mainly tells us ________.

         A.the difference between men’s and women’s brains    

         B.the changes in brain throughout our lives

         C.that men are better at spatial tasks                 

         D.that brain differences are related to our ancestors

Which of the following is true according to the first paragraph?

       A.Women’s brain is 10% less than men’s             

         B.Grey matter plays the same role as white matter.k.s.5.u

         C.Grey matter controls thinking in the brain.          

         D.Both sexes have the same amount of white matter.

What can we infer from the second and third paragraphs?

       A.Women prefer doing many things at a time.        

         B.Men do better dealing with one job at a time.

         C.Women do not need to tell directions.             

         D.Men have weaker spatial abilities.

What is the writer’s attitude in writing this passage?

A.Defensive.            B.Persuasive.    C.Supportive.  D.Objective.

