A live wire is one that is with electricity. 查看更多



Making the judges believe

  Vallandigham was a lawyer. In his last appearance in the courtroom, he represented a client(委托人)on trial for murder. He insisted that the victim(受害人)had drawn his own gun in a way that caused it to fire, killing himself. To prove what he said was true, Vallandigham showed the victim's method of drawing a gun using the evidence gun filled with bullets. The gun went off, and he lost his life but proved his case.

Gone fishing

  A fisherman in Kiev killed himself by electricity while fishing in the river. The 43-year-old man connected cables to the main power supply of his home and put the end into the river. The electric shock killed the fish, which floated to the top of the water. The man stepped into the river to collect his catch, forgetting to remove the live wire, and terribly suffered the same fate as the fish. The man was fishing for a mourning meal to remember the first anniversary(周年纪念)of his mother-in-law's death.

Wrong and wronger

  A 40-year-old official of the local government took his dog out for a walk. He met with a Police Academy student who was guarding two women to their homes. The student pointed out that the official's dog was not allowed on a public street without a lead. Now, no one would be brave enough to tell a village official what to do, so the two men began to argue. Unable to resolve the matter by oral means, the official finally pulled out a military RGD-5 hand grenade(手榴弹)and threw it to the student's feet. His well-trained dog immediately ran for the object and fetched it for his master…and the man and dog met the same fate.

What's that sound?

  Police said an Olathe man was struck and killed by a train after his vehicle broke down on Interstate 35. His attempts to repairing his car had failed, and he had stepped away from the busy freeway to call for help, when the train engineer spotted him standing on the tracks. The engineer said the man was holding a cell phone to one ear, and cupping his hand to the other ear to block the noise of the train.

(1) What the lawyer Vallandigham did showed that ________.

[  ]

A.he had to kill himself to prove the case

B.he had planned carefully to prove the case by killing himself

C.he hadn't thought he would lose life

D.he killed himself in order to save his client

(2) What caused the death of the fisherman?

[  ]

A.The fish in the river.
B.His carelessness.
C.The electric wire.
D.His mother-in-law's anniversary.

(3) Who is wronger?

[  ]

A.The dog.
B.The student.
C.The official.
D.One of the women.

(4) How dare the driver stand on the tracks while a train was coming near?

[  ]

A.He thought the train would stop in front of him.

B.He thought the train wasn't near enough to kill him

C.He couldn't hear the train coming.

D.He failed to notice the danger of the coming train.

(5)The best title of the passage might be“________”

[  ]

A.The Strangest Deaths
B.The Funniest Deaths
C.The Most Stupid Deaths
D.The Most Forgettable Deaths


Making the judges believe

  Vallandigham was a lawyer. In his last appearance in the courtroom, he represented a client(委托人)on trial for murder. He insisted that the victim(受害人)had drawn his own gun in a way that caused it to fire, killing himself. To prove what he said was true, Vallandigham showed the victim's method of drawing a gun using the evidence gun filled with bullets. The gun went off, and he lost his life but proved his case.

Gone fishing

  A fisherman in Kiev killed himself by electricity while fishing in the river. The 43-year-old man connected cables to the main power supply of his home and put the end into the river. The electric shock killed the fish, which floated to the top of the water. The man stepped into the river to collect his catch, forgetting to remove the live wire, and terribly suffered the same fate as the fish. The man was fishing for a mourning meal to remember the first anniversary(周年纪念)of his mother-in-law's death.

Wrong and wronger

  A 40-year-old official of the local government took his dog out for a walk. He met with a Police Academy student who was guarding two women to their homes. The student pointed out that the official's dog was not allowed on a public street without a lead. Now, no one would be brave enough to tell a village official what to do, so the two men began to argue. Unable to resolve the matter by oral means, the official finally pulled out a military RGD-5 hand grenade(手榴弹)and threw it to the student's feet. His well-trained dog immediately ran for the object and fetched it for his master…and the man and dog met the same fate.

What's that sound?

  Police said an Olathe man was struck and killed by a train after his vehicle broke down on Interstate 35. His attempts to repairing his car had failed, and he had stepped away from the busy freeway to call for help, when the train engineer spotted him standing on the tracks. The engineer said the man was holding a cell phone to one ear, and cupping his hand to the other ear to block the noise of the train.

(1) What the lawyer Vallandigham did showed that ________.

[  ]

A.he had to kill himself to prove the case

B.he had planned carefully to prove the case by killing himself

C.he hadn't thought he would lose life

D.he killed himself in order to save his client

(2) What caused the death of the fisherman?

[  ]

A.The fish in the river.
B.His carelessness.
C.The electric wire.
D.His mother-in-law's anniversary.

(3) Who is wronger?

[  ]

A.The dog.
B.The student.
C.The official.
D.One of the women.

(4) How dare the driver stand on the tracks while a train was coming near?

[  ]

A.He thought the train would stop in front of him.

B.He thought the train wasn't near enough to kill him

C.He couldn't hear the train coming.

D.He failed to notice the danger of the coming train.

(5)The best title of the passage might be“________”

[  ]

A.The Strangest Deaths
B.The Funniest Deaths
C.The Most Stupid Deaths
D.The Most Forgettable Deaths



Making the judges believe

  Vallandigham was a lawyer.In his last appearance in the courtroom, he represented a client(委托人)on trial for murder.He insisted that the victim(受害人)had drawn his own gun in a way that caused it to fire, killing himself.To prove what he said was true, Vallandigham showed the victim’s method of drawing a gun using the evidence gun filled with bullets.The gun went off, and he lost his life-but proved his case.

Gone fishing

  A fisherman in Kiev killed himself by electricity while fishing in the river.The 43-year-old man connected cables to the main power supply of his home and put the end into the river.The electric shock killed the fish, which floated to the top of the water.The man stepped into the river to collect his catch, forget ting to remove the live wire and terribly suffered the same fate as the fish.The man was fishing for a mourning meal to remember the first anniversary(周年纪念)of his mother-in-law’s death.

Wrong and wronger

  A 40-year-old official of the local government took his dog out for a walk.He met with a Police Academy student who was guarding two women to their homes.The student pointed out that the official’s dog was not allowed on a public street without a lead.Now, no one would be brave enough to tell a village official what to do, so the two men began to argue.Unable to resolve the matter by oral means, the official finally pulled out a military RGD-5 hand grenade(手榴弹)and threw it to the student’s feet.His well trained dog immediately ran for the object and fetched it for his master…and the man and dog met the same fate.

What’s that sound?

  Police said an Olathe man was struck and killed by a train after his vehicle broke down on Interstate 35.His attempts to repairing his car had failed, and he had stepped away from the busy freeway to call for help, when the train engineer spotted him standing on the tracks.The engineer said the man was holding a cell phone to one ear, and cupping his hand to the other ear to block the noise of the train.


What the lawyer Vallandigham did showed that ________.

[  ]


he had to kill himself to prove the case


he had planned carefully to prove the case by killing himself


he hadn’t thought he would lose life


he killed himself in order to save his client


What caused the death of the fisherman?

[  ]


The fish in the river.


His carelessness.


The electric wire.


His mother-in-law’s anniversary.


Who is wronger?

[  ]


The dog


The student.


The official


One of the women.


How dare the driver stand on the tracks while a train was coming near?

[  ]


He thought the train would stop in front of him.


He thought the train wasn’t near enough to kill him.


He couldn’t hear the train coming.


He failed to notice the danger of the coming train.


The best title of the passage might be“________”.

[  ]


The Strangest Deaths


The Funniest Deaths


The Most Stupid Deaths


The Most Forgettable Deaths

