It can be inferred from the passage that . A. when one is in a bad mood, he or she may not work very well. B. the best way to overcome a bad mood is to talk to oneself. C. some drugs are more effective than physical exercise. D. taking drugs is at the risk of being harmed. 查看更多



Kalle Lasn was in a supermarket parking lot one afternoon when he had an experience that changed his life.In order to shop at the store, he needed to put money into the shopping cart to use it.Annoyed that he had to "pay to shop," Lasn jammed the coin into the cart so that it wouldn't work.It was an act of rebellion—the first of many—for Lasn.
Born in Estonia, Kalle Lasn moved to Australia as a young man and then later to Japan, where he founded a marketing research firm in Tokyo.Eventually, Lasn moved to Canada and for several years produced documentaries (纪录片) for public television.In the late 1980s, Lasn made an advertisement that spoke out against the logging industry and the deforestation going on in the Pacific Northwest.When he tried to show his ad on TV, though, no station in this area would give him airtime.In response, Lasn and a colleague founded Adbusters Media Foundation, a company for the "Human right to communicate.
Adbusters produces magazine, newspaper, and TV ads with a social message.Many use humor and irony to make their points: In one, for example, a man chain smokes a brand of cigarettes called "Hope".In another, a child is dressed in an outfit used in fast-food ads.Next to the child is a note from its mother telling the restaurant to leave her child alone.
Adbusters also has a magazine and a web site, the Culture Jammers Network, whose members include students, artists, and activists as well as educators and businesspeople interested in social change.Many of these "culture jammers" are working to raise awareness about different social issues by hosting events like "Buy Nothing Day" , " No Car Day" and "TV Turnoff Week" .Lasn and his partners hope these events will encourage people to think about questions such as;
·What kinds of things are we being encouraged to buy by the media?
·Should cars be our primary means of transportation?
·How are television and radio being used now? How could we be using them?
Some culture jammers are using other methods to challenge how people think.Some pretend to be shoppers.They move items in stores from one shelf to another making it difficult for people to find things easily.Other culture jammers break into large company well sites and jam them so that they become unusable.The goal in both cases ia to prevent "Business as usual" and to gel people to ask themselves questions such as "Why am I shopping here?" or "Why should I buy this product?"
Lasn and members of the Culture Jammers Network want to make people aware of social issues, but they also believe it's important to think of solutions, too."A lot of people tell you everything that's wrong but they never say much about how to fix these problems," says Lasn."But there is plenty we can do.If you start despairing, you have lost everything."
Though many TV stations still won't show Adbusters' " uncommercials" , some cable TV stations have started to.People all over the world have joined the Culture Jammers Network and are doing their part to promote social change.
【小题1】What does the underlined word "rebellion" in Paragraph 1 most probably mean?

【小题2】What's the main point of the ad for "Hope" cigarettes?
A.Smoking can help to remove your worries and make you hopeful.
B.Hopefully, the bad taste of the cigarette can help you to quit smoking.
C.You are hopeless at abandoning the habit of smoking.
D.Smoking can ruin you if you are hopelessly addicted to it.
【小题3】Some culture jammers break into websites in order to ________.
A.ask people to be thoughtful consumers. make the companies better known.
C.encourage people to think less and buy less
D.challenge how people react to sudden changes
【小题4】It can be inferred from the passage ________.
A.Adbusters Media Foundation was founded to fight against deforestation
B.More and more people will know about and even become culture jammers
C.The Culture Jammers Network is made up of annoying trouble makers
D.People can see some of Adbusters ads on TV stations
【小题5】Which of the following best describes what Lasn has done?
A.One step at a time.
B.We can and must change the world.
C.Accept what you can't change.
D.Everyone deserves a second chance.


Kalle Lasn was in a supermarket parking lot one afternoon when he had an experience that changed his life.In order to shop at the store, he needed to put money into the shopping cart to use it.Annoyed that he had to "pay to shop," Lasn jammed the coin into the cart so that it wouldn't work.It was an act of rebellion—the first of many—for Lasn.

Born in Estonia, Kalle Lasn moved to Australia as a young man and then later to Japan, where he founded a marketing research firm in Tokyo.Eventually, Lasn moved to Canada and for several years produced documentaries (纪录片) for public television.In the late 1980s, Lasn made an advertisement that spoke out against the logging industry and the deforestation going on in the Pacific Northwest.When he tried to show his ad on TV, though, no station in this area would give him airtime.In response, Lasn and a colleague founded Adbusters Media Foundation, a company for the "Human right to communicate.

Adbusters produces magazine, newspaper, and TV ads with a social message.Many use humor and irony to make their points: In one, for example, a man chain smokes a brand of cigarettes called "Hope".In another, a child is dressed in an outfit used in fast-food ads.Next to the child is a note from its mother telling the restaurant to leave her child alone.

Adbusters also has a magazine and a web site, the Culture Jammers Network, whose members include students, artists, and activists as well as educators and businesspeople interested in social change.Many of these "culture jammers" are working to raise awareness about different social issues by hosting events like "Buy Nothing Day" , " No Car Day" and "TV Turnoff Week" .Lasn and his partners hope these events will encourage people to think about questions such as;

·What kinds of things are we being encouraged to buy by the media?

·Should cars be our primary means of transportation?

·How are television and radio being used now? How could we be using them?

Some culture jammers are using other methods to challenge how people think.Some pretend to be shoppers.They move items in stores from one shelf to another making it difficult for people to find things easily.Other culture jammers break into large company well sites and jam them so that they become unusable.The goal in both cases ia to prevent "Business as usual" and to gel people to ask themselves questions such as "Why am I shopping here?" or "Why should I buy this product?"

Lasn and members of the Culture Jammers Network want to make people aware of social issues, but they also believe it's important to think of solutions, too."A lot of people tell you everything that's wrong but they never say much about how to fix these problems," says Lasn."But there is plenty we can do.If you start despairing, you have lost everything."

Though many TV stations still won't show Adbusters' " uncommercials" , some cable TV stations have started to.People all over the world have joined the Culture Jammers Network and are doing their part to promote social change.

1.What does the underlined word "rebellion" in Paragraph 1 most probably mean?




2.What's the main point of the ad for "Hope" cigarettes?

A.Smoking can help to remove your worries and make you hopeful.

B.Hopefully, the bad taste of the cigarette can help you to quit smoking.

C.You are hopeless at abandoning the habit of smoking.

D.Smoking can ruin you if you are hopelessly addicted to it.

3.Some culture jammers break into websites in order to ________.

A.ask people to be thoughtful consumers. make the companies better known.

C.encourage people to think less and buy less

D.challenge how people react to sudden changes

4.It can be inferred from the passage ________.

A.Adbusters Media Foundation was founded to fight against deforestation

B.More and more people will know about and even become culture jammers

C.The Culture Jammers Network is made up of annoying trouble makers

D.People can see some of Adbusters ads on TV stations

5.Which of the following best describes what Lasn has done?

A.One step at a time.

B.We can and must change the world.

C.Accept what you can't change.

D.Everyone deserves a second chance.



Kalle Lasn was in a supermarket parking lot one afternoon when he had an experience that changed his life.In order to shop at the store, he needed to put money into the shopping cart to use it.Annoyed that he had to "pay to shop," Lasn jammed the coin into the cart so that it wouldn't work.It was an act of rebellion—the first of many—for Lasn.
Born in Estonia, Kalle Lasn moved to Australia as a young man and then later to Japan, where he founded a marketing research firm in Tokyo.Eventually, Lasn moved to Canada and for several years produced documentaries (纪录片) for public television.In the late 1980s, Lasn made an advertisement that spoke out against the logging industry and the deforestation going on in the Pacific Northwest.When he tried to show his ad on TV, though, no station in this area would give him airtime.In response, Lasn and a colleague founded Adbusters Media Foundation, a company for the "Human right to communicate.
Adbusters produces magazine, newspaper, and TV ads with a social message.Many use humor and irony to make their points: In one, for example, a man chain smokes a brand of cigarettes called "Hope".In another, a child is dressed in an outfit used in fast-food ads.Next to the child is a note from its mother telling the restaurant to leave her child alone.
Adbusters also has a magazine and a web site, the Culture Jammers Network, whose members include students, artists, and activists as well as educators and businesspeople interested in social change.Many of these "culture jammers" are working to raise awareness about different social issues by hosting events like "Buy Nothing Day" , " No Car Day" and "TV Turnoff Week" .Lasn and his partners hope these events will encourage people to think about questions such as;
·What kinds of things are we being encouraged to buy by the media?
·Should cars be our primary means of transportation?
·How are television and radio being used now? How could we be using them?
Some culture jammers are using other methods to challenge how people think.Some pretend to be shoppers.They move items in stores from one shelf to another making it difficult for people to find things easily.Other culture jammers break into large company well sites and jam them so that they become unusable.The goal in both cases ia to prevent "Business as usual" and to gel people to ask themselves questions such as "Why am I shopping here?" or "Why should I buy this product?"
Lasn and members of the Culture Jammers Network want to make people aware of social issues, but they also believe it's important to think of solutions, too."A lot of people tell you everything that's wrong but they never say much about how to fix these problems," says Lasn."But there is plenty we can do.If you start despairing, you have lost everything."
Though many TV stations still won't show Adbusters' " uncommercials" , some cable TV stations have started to.People all over the world have joined the Culture Jammers Network and are doing their part to promote social change.

  1. 1.

    What does the underlined word "rebellion" in Paragraph 1 most probably mean?

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  2. 2.

    What's the main point of the ad for "Hope" cigarettes?

    1. A.
      Smoking can help to remove your worries and make you hopeful.
    2. B.
      Hopefully, the bad taste of the cigarette can help you to quit smoking.
    3. C.
      You are hopeless at abandoning the habit of smoking.
    4. D.
      Smoking can ruin you if you are hopelessly addicted to it.
  3. 3.

    Some culture jammers break into websites in order to ________.

    1. A.
      ask people to be thoughtful consumers.
    2. B.
      help make the companies better known.
    3. C.
      encourage people to think less and buy less
    4. D.
      challenge how people react to sudden changes
  4. 4.

    It can be inferred from the passage ________.

    1. A.
      Adbusters Media Foundation was founded to fight against deforestation
    2. B.
      More and more people will know about and even become culture jammers
    3. C.
      The Culture Jammers Network is made up of annoying trouble makers
    4. D.
      People can see some of Adbusters ads on TV stations
  5. 5.

    Which of the following best describes what Lasn has done?

    1. A.
      One step at a time.
    2. B.
      We can and must change the world.
    3. C.
      Accept what you can't change.
    4. D.
      Everyone deserves a second chance.


Jerry was always in a good mood and always had something positive to say. One day I went up to Jerry and asked him, “How do you do it?” Jerry replied, “Life is all about choices. When you cut away all the junk, every situation is a choice. You choose how you react to situations. Each time something bad happens, I can choose to be a victim or I can choose to learn from it. I choose to learn from it.”

       Several years later, I heard that Jerry did something you are never supposed to do in a restaurant business: he left the back door open one morning and was held up at gunpoint by three armed robbers. While trying to open the safe, his hand, shaking from nervousness, slipped off the combination(开启号码锁的号码组合). The robbers panicked and shot him. Luckily, Jerry was found quickly and rushed to the local hospital. After 18 hours of surgery and weeks of intensive care, Jerry was released from the hospital with small pieces of the bullets still in his body.

       I saw Jerry about six months after the accident. When I asked him how he was, he replied, “If I were any better, I’d be twins.” “Weren’t you scared? Did you lose consciousness?” I asked. Jerry replied, “As I lay on the floor, I remembered that I had two choices—I could choose to live, or I could choose to die. I chose to live. The nurses were great. They kept telling me I was going to be fine. But when they wheeled me into the emergency room and I saw the expressions on the faces of the doctors and nurses, I got really scared. In their eyes, I read—He’s a dead man!”

       “What did you do ?” I asked. “Well, there was a big, strong nurse shouting questions at me,” said Jerry. “She asked if I was allergic(过敏的)to anything.” .“Yes,” I replied. The doctors and nurses stopped working as they waited for my reply,. I took a deep breath and yelled, “Bullets!”

       Over their laughter, I told them. “I am choosing to live. Operate on me as if I am alive, not dead!” Jerry lived thanks to the skill of his doctors, but also because of his amazing attitude. I learned from him that every day we have the choice to live fully.

       Attitude, after all, is everything.

1.It can be inferred from the passage that            . should never leave the back door open in a restaurant business.

       B.Jerry’s nervousness led to the shot accident.’s not safe in the morning for the restaurant business.

       D.Jerry was badly wounded during the robbery.

2.The underlined part “If I were any better, I’d be twins.” probably means          .

       A.I’m as fine as before                            B.I’m as fine as my twin brother

       C.I’m not any better                                                               D.I’m even worse

3.What would Jerry probably do if he lost his car?

       A.He would always complain about the public safety.

       B.He would hate himself for being too careless.

       C.He would think it’s a good time for him to buy a new one.

       D.He would feel sad about the lost car for a long time.

4.The writer thinks Jerry a(an)         person.

       A.careless        B.brave       C.optimistic         D.generous


Kalle Lasn was in a supermarket parking lot one afternoon when he had an experience that changed his life.In order to shop at the store, he needed to put money into the shopping cart to use it.Annoyed that he had to "pay to shop," Lasn jammed the coin into the cart so that it wouldn't work.It was an act of rebellion—the first of many—for Lasn.

Born in Estonia, Kalle Lasn moved to Australia as a young man and then later to Japan, where he founded a marketing research firm in Tokyo.Eventually, Lasn moved to Canada and for several years produced documentaries (纪录片) for public television.In the late 1980s, Lasn made an advertisement that spoke out against the logging industry and the deforestation going on in the Pacific Northwest.When he tried to show his ad on TV, though, no station in this area would give him airtime.In response, Lasn and a colleague founded Adbusters Media Foundation, a company for the "Human right to communicate.

    Adbusters produces magazine, newspaper, and TV ads with a social message.Many use humor and irony to make their points: In one, for example, a man chain smokes a brand of cigarettes called "Hope".In another, a child is dressed in an outfit used in fast-food ads.Next to the child is a note from its mother telling the restaurant to leave her child alone.[]

Adbusters also has a magazine and a web site, the Culture Jammers Network, whose members include students, artists, and activists as well as educators and businesspeople interested in social change.Many of these "culture jammers" are working to raise awareness about different social issues by hosting events like "Buy Nothing Day" , " No Car Day" and "TV Turnoff Week" .Lasn and his partners hope these events will encourage people to think about questions such as;

    ·What kinds of things are we being encouraged to buy by the media?

    ·Should cars be our primary means of transportation?

    ·How are television and radio being used now? How could we be using them?

    Some culture jammers are using other methods to challenge how people think.Some pretend to be shoppers.They move items in stores from one shelf to another making it difficult for people to find things easily.Other culture jammers break into large company well sites and jam them so that they become unusable.The goal in both cases ia to prevent "Business as usual" and to gel people to ask themselves questions such as "Why am I shopping here?" or "Why should I buy this product?"

    Lasn and members of the Culture Jammers Network want to make people aware of social issues, but they also believe it's important to think of solutions, too."A lot of people tell you everything that's wrong but they never say much about how to fix these problems," says Lasn."But there is plenty we can do.If you start despairing, you have lost everything."

    Though many TV stations still won't show Adbusters' " uncommercials" , some cable TV stations have started to.People all over the world have joined the Culture Jammers Network and are doing their part to promote social change.

46.What does the underlined word "rebellion" in Paragraph 1 most probably mean?

    A.argument                 B.violence       


47.What's the main point of the ad for "Hope" cigarettes?

    A.Smoking can help to remove your worries and make you hopeful.

    B.Hopefully, the bad taste of the cigarette can help you to quit smoking.

    C.You are hopeless at abandoning the habit of smoking.

    D.Smoking can ruin you if you are hopelessly addicted to it.

48.Some culture jammers break into websites in order to ________.

    A.ask people to be thoughtful consumers. make the companies better known.

    C.encourage people to think less and buy less

    D.challenge how people react to sudden changes

49.It can be inferred from the passage ________.

    A.Adbusters Media Foundation was founded to fight against deforestation

    B.More and more people will know about and even become culture jammers

    C.The Culture Jammers Network is made up of annoying trouble makers

    D.People can see some of Adbusters ads on TV stations

50.Which of the following best describes what Lasn has done?

    A.One step at a time. B.We can and must change the world.

C.Accept what you can't change.  D.Everyone deserves a second chance.

