第一节.单词拼写 66. It is reported that fish is a rich source of vitamins and . 67. The company is ready to meet the of the next few years. 68. I am very about the future of our company. 69. I her by her red hat. 70. Around 3 pm the dark clouds of the rolled in. 71. The day before yesterday, David bought his girlfriend a ring with a d in it. 72. Christmas is one of the main f in the United States. 73. It is the c in Japan to take your shoes off when you go into someone’s house. 74. The students are shown how to carry out many simple e in the lab 75. It is said that some of these chemicals are bad for the e . 第二节:短文改错(共10小题,每小题1. 5分.满分15分) The sun was shining last Sunday. I went to zoo, 76. which there were a lot of children visiting the 77. elephants, monkeys and pandas. They looked very happily. 78. I was about to leave while I found a boy teasing a monkey 79. with a banana.He seemed to felt it funny. I went up at 80. once and told him to stop doing so that he might get 81. hurt by the monkey that way. The boy took my advice and 82. went away. After a while, I met with Li Gang, who I 83. was invited to go boating with me. He agreed, and we had 84. a good time on the lake. 85. 第三节:书面表达 根据要求写一篇字数为80字左右的日记: 1.6月29日.周六.晴. 2.下午去公园参加劳动.帮助清洁工人清除垃圾. 3.劳动很累.但看到清洁的公园感到很高兴. 4. 今后还要去劳动.使公园成为人们休息的地方而尽一份力. 查看更多



66. As parents, you shouldn’t show _______(偏心)for any one of your children.
67. Because of the ______(有效的)prevention, few people are infected with the virus.
68. You didn’t mean to, but you really put me in an ____________(尴尬的)position.
69. You’d better take off the coat because it is too heavy for such a ___(温和的)day.
70. We care more about quality than _________(数量).
71. She has _______(潜力)in designing, but she needs training.
72. My computer broke down. Luckily it was still under ________(担保), so I got it repaired free of charge.
73. People are waiting __________(焦虑地)for the government’s final decision.
74. What you did was a(an) __________(违法的)act and will lead to your arrest.
75. The department applies the policy in a ___________(灵活的)manner.






66.If you are invited to a family in a foreign country, it’s polite to bring a small gift, such as a bar of _________(巧克力).                    66.______

67.I hope I’m not _______(打断) you.        67._________________

68.Both sides admitted that the exchange between the two schools was a great _______ (成功).68._________________

69.We use X as the symbol for an ______(未知) quantity.69._________________

70.The doctor said his ________(体温) was normal, and that he just lacked a good rest.       70._________________

71.It was a relief that the patient was ________(稍微) better.71.________________

72._______ (提醒)me to call Alan before I go out.  72._________________

73.The English language is widely used in many _________(国际) conferences.73._________________

74.Jane always makes her parents ________(失望) by not passing the exam.74._________________

75.His family are going to celebrate his _______(百岁) birthday. 75._________________



第一节:单词拼写。(共10 小题,每小题1分,满分10分)
66.The new shop across the road has taken away some of my best______(顾客)66________
67.They are good friends though opinions on this matter_______(不同).      67________
68. You didn’t really see a ghost –it was only ________ (想象).              68 ________
69.She always speaks ______(温柔地)to the child.                       69________
70.The plan ,I think, is not _______(实用)                              70________
71. F____ your seat belt when you are driving a car.                       71________
72. The d _______of Radium(镭) is Madame Curie.                   72________
73. Here the t _______changes from -5℃ to 12℃ in winter.                 73 ________
74. New Zealand is s________by the Pacific ocean.                      74 ________
75. John is a boy who is g ________ ; he often lends money to others.         75________






66. China is ________ (经历) rapid change and development these years.

67. Today, sixteen EU nations use the EURO as their_______(官方) currency.

68. I’m sorry to say this kind of furniture is out of _______ (风格) at present.

69. It is essential that more than 70,000,000 people will be__(吸引) to the 2010 EXPO of Shanghai.

70. They ______ (安排) for a car to collect us from the airport that morning.

71. A ______ (正方形) table lies in the middle of the room.

72. Outside our school is a ________ (笔直) road leading to the new stadium.

73. Disabled as he is, he is a famous _________ (音乐家) in China.

74. Wang Meng skated her way to three gold ______ (奖牌) at the Winter Olympics in Vancouver.

75. Buses run _______ (频繁) between the city and the airport.







66.Junk food is food that has a lot of ________ (卡路里)but few nutrients, vitamins and minerals. 66. _________

67. People who celebrate Kwanzaa can enjoy the spirit of holidays without all the              67. ________

68.I took my ______(电容器) to a shed in the fields where I could do my experiment.     68 _________          

69.Earthquake are________(极其) difficult to predict.                                69 _________           

70.The teacher stopped to drink some water and then she___(继续)to give her lessons.      70.________ 

71.What are the ________(原则) of the Spring Festival?                  71. __________         

72.This new model is of high ________ (质量)but it is not expensive     72.__________        

73.He paused, waiting for her to_______(领会)the information.          73. __________        

74.Of all the resources on earth, nothing is as________(珍贵)as a drop of water. 74,_________         

75.On Peace Day, no fightings and_________(冲突) are allowed.                  75. _______        


