---Sally, could you go and help your father wash the car ? ---Why ? I’m busy now. Amy is lying on the grass doing nothing.. A.me B. I C. him D. her 查看更多



There was a little boy   26   his grandparents on their farm.He was given a slingshot(弹弓)to play with,out in the woods.He   27   in the woods,but he could never hit the target.Getting a little  28  ,he headed back to dinner.Then,he saw Grandma’s pet duck,so he let fly,hit the duck square in the head,and   29   it.He was shocked and upset.In   30  ,he hid the dead duck in the woodpile,  31   to see his sister watching.Sally had seen it all,  32   she said nothing.

  33  lunch that day grandma said,“Sally,let’s wash the dishes.”

But Sally said,“Grandma,Johnny told me he wanted to   34   in the kitchen today,didn’t you Johnny?”And then she   35   to him,“Remember,the duck?”So Johnny did the dishes.

Later Grandpa asked if   36   wanted to go fishing,and Grandma said,“I’m sorry but I need Sally to help make supper.”

But Sally   37   and said,“Well,that’s   38   because Johnny told me he wanted to help.”

  39  the duck,Johnny had to stay and Sally went fishing.

After several days of Johnny doing both his   40   and Sally’s,he finally couldn’t   41 

it any longer.He came to Grandma and told her that he killed the duck.She   42   down,gave him a hug(拥抱),and said,“Sweetheart,I know.You see,I was standing at the window and I   43   the whole thing.But because I love you,I   44   you.But I was just   45   how long would you let Sally make a slave of you.”

26.A.helping                 B.visiting                            C.tending                            D.seeking

27.A.practised               B.played                       C.worked                            D.hunted

28.A.anxious                B.tired                         C.pleased                      D.discouraged

29.A.caught                  B.injured                      C.killed                        D.seized

30.A.surprise                B.disappointment          C.anger                        D.horror

31.A.only                     B.so as                         C.in order                     D.expecting

32.A.so                        B.and                           C.instead                      D.but

33.A.At                        B.After                        C.Before                      D.Cooking

34.A.work                    B.stay                          C.help                          D.get

35.A.called                   B.whispered                  C.nodded                      D.signed

36.A.the children          B.Sally                         C.Johnny                      D.Grandma

37.A.sighed                  B.agreed                       C.objected                    D.smiled

38.A.easy                            B.all right                     C.fine                          D.impossible

39.A.Searching             B.Hiding                      C.Remembering            D.Regretting

40.A.homework            B.housework                 C.farm work                 D.cooking

41.A.stand                    B.change                      C.like                           D.cover

42.A.sat                       B.went                         C.lay                            D.knelt

43.A.know                   B.heard                        C.saw                           D.understand

44.A.missed                  B.forgave                            C.congratulated             D.punished

45.A.wondering            B.saying                       C.imaging                    D.considering



第二部分,完形填空(共20小题,每题1.5分 共30分)

There was a little boy   21   his grandparents on their farm.He was given a slingshot(弹弓)to play with, out in the woods.He   22  in the woods,but he could never hit the target.Getting a little  23 ,he headed back to dinner.Then,he saw Grandma’s pet duck,so he let fly,hit the duck square in the head,and   24   it.He was shocked and upset.In  25  ,he hid the dead duck in the woodpile,  26  to see his sister watching.Sally had seen it all,  27   she said nothing.

  28 lunch that day grandma said,“Sally,let’s wash the dishes.”

But Sally said,“Grandma,Johnny told me he wanted to  29   in the kitchen today,didn’t you Johnny?”And then she   30   to him,“Remember,the duck?”So Johnny did the dishes.

Later Grandpa asked if   31   wanted to go fishing,and Grandma said,“I’m sorry but I need Sally to help make supper.”

But Sally   32   and said,“Well,that’s   33   because Johnny told me he wanted to help.”

  34 the duck,Johnny had to stay and Sally went fishing.

After several days of Johnny doing both his  35   and Sally’s,he finally couldn’t  36 

it any longer.He came to Grandma and told her that he killed the duck.She  37   down,gave him a hug(拥抱),and said,“Sweetheart,I know.You see,I was standing at the window and I  38   the whole thing.But because I love you,I   39  you.But I was just   40  how long would you let Sally make a slave of you.”

21.A.helping                       B.visiting                              C.tending                                      D.seeking

22.A.practised                            B.played                              C.worked                             D.hunted

23.A.anxious                      B.tired                                  C.pleased                                     D.discouraged

24.A.caught                        B.injured                              C.killed                                 D.seized

25.A.surprise                     B.disappointment             C.anger                                D.horror

26.A.only                    B.so as                                 C.in order                            D.expecting

27.A.so                                B.and                                    C.instead                             D.but

28.A.At                                B.After                                 C.Before                              D.Cooking

29.A.work                           B.stay                                   C.help                                   D.get

30.A.called                          B.whispered                       C.nodded                             D.signed

31.A.the children              B.Sally                                  C.Johnny                              D.Grandma

32.A.sighed                        B.agreed                             C.objected                          D.smiled

33.A.easy                                     B.all right                            C.fine                                    D.impossible

34.A.Searching                  B.Hiding                               C.Remembering                D.Regretting

35.A.homework                 B.housework                      C.farm work                       D.cooking

36.A.stand                          B.change                             C.like                                    D.cover

37.A.sat                               B.went                                 C.lay                                     D.knelt

38.A.know                           B.heard                                C.saw                                   D.understand

39A.missed                         B.forgave                                      C.congratulated                D.punished

40.A.wondering                 B.saying                               C.imaging                            D.considering



I was in lodgings (寄宿处) now, on my own, but the other lodgers had constant visitors up and down the stairs past my door. None of this disturbed me except one girl who sang softly to herself an old Russian folk song as she ran up to the room above. It was a sound of sweetness, musical, soft, unselfconscious and happy. I began to listen out for it, jumped up from my table, and threw open the door to catch a glimpse(一瞥) of her as she passed, but I was always too late. I asked the people upstairs who she was, and described the beautiful sounds she made. They became rather reserved(拘谨) and exchanged glances and hurriedly admitted it might be Sally. I thought she was someone special, not to be discussed in the ordinary way, and became a little curious to meet her. But the last thing I wanted at that stage was to get caught up with anybody. I’d just come to the end of a rather painful friendship, and now I had work to do.

One day, I came face to face with a girl on the landing. It was certainly her; whoever made that noise would look as she did. We stood and stared at each other too long for comfort. I broke the moment and, excusing myself, moved past her because it was too like the movies. I thought for some time of that long, silent stare, and laughed. She was tall and looked proud, with a slight , round-shouldered look that made me breathless and I didn’t know why.

1.At his lodgings, the author __________.

A.seldom had visitors

B.wished he had more visitors

C.was always disturbed by other people’s visitors

D.had too many visitors.

2.Whenever the author heard the sound of the girl’s voice__________.

A.he sat listening to it

B.he saw her moving upstairs

C.he threw down his books

D.he tried to see who it was

3.People who were asked about the girl__________.

A.told him all about her

B.didn’t want to tell him much

C.didn’t tell him anything

D.were angry when he mentioned her

4.From this passage we can see that the author was____________.

A.was not interested in Sally

B.curiously attracted by Sally

C.angry at being disturbed by Sally

D.afraid to get to know Sally



There was a little boy      his grandparents on their farm. He was given a slingshot(弹弓)to play with, out in the woods. He         in the woods, but he could never hit the target. Getting a little      , he headed back to dinner. Then, he saw Grandma’s pet duck, so he let it fly, hit the duck in the head, and          it. He was shocked and upset. In       , he hid the dead duck in the woodpile, only to see his sister __   ___.Sally had seen it all,         she said nothing.

        lunch that day grandma said, “Sally, let’s wash the dishes.” But Sally said, “Grandma, Johnny told me he wanted to     in the kitchen today, didn’t you Johnny?” And then she said to him in a(n) _   ___ voice, “Remember, the duck?” So Johnny did the dishes.

    Later Grandpa asked if         wanted to go fishing, and Grandma said, “I’m sorry but I need ___   ___ to help make supper.”

Hearing this, Sally said with a smile, “Well, that’s         but Johnny told me he wanted to help.”        the duck, Johnny had to stay and Sally went fishing.

After several days of Johnny doing both his         and Sally’s, he finally couldn’t       it any longer. He came to Grandma and told her that he __   ___ the duck. She knelt down, gave him a hug(拥抱),and said,“Sweet heart, I know. You see, I was standing at the window and I        the whole thing. But because I love you, I       you. But I was just       how long you would let Sally make a slave of you.”

1.A. helping                           B. visiting                        C. attending      D. respecting

2.A. practised                   B. played                         C. worked                   D. hunted

3.A. exhausted                 B. tired                            C. pleased               D. discouraged

4.A. caught                             B. injured                           C. killed              D. bothered

5.A. surprise                          B. disappointment      C. anger                D. fear

6.A. watching                   B. crying                     C. laughing                  D. avoiding

7.A. so                               B. and                              C. instead                D. but

8.A. At                                     B. After                      C. Before                     D. Cooking

9.A. work                         B. stay                             C. help                          D. get

10.A. high                         B. low                         C. angry                D. friendly

11.A. the children                B. Sally                       C. Johnny                    D. Grandma

12.A. all of you                 B. one of you             C. Johnny                    D. Sally

13.A. easy                                  B. all right                       C. amusing                    D. impossible

14.A. Searching                         B. Hiding                         C. Remembering         D. Loving

15.A. homework                   B. housework               C. farm work       D. cooking

16.A. stand                             B. change                      C. like                            D. cover

17.A. boiled                           B. hated                         C. loved                    D. killed

18.A. knew                             B. heard                        C. saw                            D. understood

19.A. missed                          B. excused                    C. congratulated         D. punished

20.A. wondering                   B. saying                        C. imaging               D. expecting



I was in lodgings (寄宿处) now, on my own, but the other lodgers had constant visitors up and down the stairs past my door. None of this disturbed me except one girl who sang softly to herself an old Russian folk song as she ran up to the room above. It was a sound of sweetness, musical, soft, unselfconscious and happy. I began to listen out for it, jumped up from my table, and threw open the door to catch a glimpse(一瞥) of her as she passed, but I was always too late. I asked the people upstairs who she was, and described the beautiful sounds she made. They became rather reserved(拘谨) and exchanged glances and hurriedly admitted it might be Sally. I thought she was someone special, not to be discussed in the ordinary way, and became a little curious to meet her. But the last thing I wanted at that stage was to get caught up with anybody. I’d just come to the end of a rather painful friendship, and now I had work to do.

One day, I came face to face with a girl on the landing. It was certainly her; whoever made that noise would look as she did. We stood and stared at each other too long for comfort. I broke the moment and, excusing myself, moved past her because it was too like the movies. I thought for some time of that long, silent stare, and laughed. She was tall and looked proud, with a slight , round-shouldered look that made me breathless and I didn’t know why.

At his lodgings, the author __________.

A. seldom had visitors                     

B. wished he had more visitors

C. was always disturbed by other people’s visitors      

D. had too many visitors.

Whenever the author heard the sound of the girl’s voice__________.

A. he sat listening to it                              B. he saw her moving upstairs

C. he threw down his books                       D. he tried to see who it was

People who were asked about the girl__________.

A. told him all about her                                 B. didn’t want to tell him much

C. didn’t tell him anything                         D. were angry when he mentioned her

From this passage we can see that the author was____________.

A. was not interested in Sally                             B. curiously attracted by Sally

C. angry at being disturbed by Sally                D. afraid to get to know Sally

