Look, Tom. Your desk is very . Why not clean it right now? 查看更多



1. Failing in the examination again ________ (心烦意乱) her a lot.
2. He looks handsome and gentle, but _________ (实际上) he is a thief.
3. Mr Huang said that he wnted to buy a bigger ________ (公寓) to live in.
4. Look, Tom. Your desk is very ________ (布满灰尘的). Why not clean it right now?
5. Excuse me, Professor Li, can you be ________ (出席) at our meeting tomorrow?
6. She doesn't want to set down a ________ (系列) of facts in a diary as most people do.
7. My uncle suffered from a serious disease. Luckily he has ________ (康复) now.
8. Mrs. Brown always gives me a hand when I am in trouble. I am really ________ (感激) to her.
9. Singapore has a large number of fluent English speakers because its ________ (官方) language is English.
10. Because of the cold, the water _______ (逐渐地) changed into ice.

