Shelly came home so thin and weak that her own children hardly r her. 查看更多



Booking tickets for an important play on September 8.
A  By Telephone
For credit card (信用卡) bookings. Calls are answered.
Box office (售票处) 
01789-95623 9a.m.-8p.m.(Mon.-Sat.)
0541-541051 (24 hours, 7 days, no booking charge)
B  By Fax
For credit card bookings. Please allow at least 48 hours for reply, if required.
Box office 01789-261974 or 01862-387765
C  By Post
   Please enclose(附上) a cheque (支票) details together with 50p to the total amount (总额) to cover postage. Please send to the Box Office, RST, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV376BB.
  Booking opens for all the plays.
D In Person
   Box office
   RST hall, 9:30a.m.-8p.m.(Mon.-Sat.)
   9:30a.m.-6p.m.when theatres are closed (Sun.)
E  Overseas Booking
   The easiest method of payment is by credit card.
  We accept Visa, Master Card, American Express and Diners Club. Please give the card number, name and address of the card holder.
F  By E-mail
Please visit the website and you will get the ticket in no time. Book the ticket online through the online payment system. 10p would be charged for each ticket.
【小题1】Mr. Wallet is a retired man and has lots of free time. Watching plays is one of his favorites. The theatre is not far from his home.
【小题2】 Mrs. Bright is a business woman. There is a fax machine in her office but she wants to get the ticket as soon as possible. She doesn’t want to pay extra money for the ticket.
【小题3】Anna is a college student. At the beginning of this term, she is busy in all kinds of things. Thus, she can not afford to go to the theatre to book the ticket by herself. And she has no credit card at hand right now.
【小题4】 Shelly studies in Beijing University now. She will fly back to her country this weekend, before which she must book the ticket for the play.
【小题5】Mr. William works in a company as a computer programmer and has an easy access (机会) to the Internet. He wants to get the ticket as soon as possible.


Who Is Kimberly Kirberger? Kimberly Kirberger is the president and founder of Inspiration and Motivation for Teens, Inc.(I.A.M.for Teens, Inc.) a corporation formed exclusively (专有地) to work for teens.It is her goal to see teens represented in a more positive light and it is her strong belief that teens deserve better and more positive treatment.

She spends her time reading the thousands of letters and stories sent to her by teen readers and traveling around the country speaking to high school students and parents of teens.She has appeared as a teen expert on many television and radio shows.

Kimberly says that the College Soul book has been an amazing journey.In getting close to and heating from so many teenagers she kept hearing about this very emotionally packed time that begins with application to college and extends through the four-year experience.It became clear to her that this was a time of life that was filled with many challenges and that college students could really benefit from a book like this.For her, it was simply a continuation of a commitment that she has made to teenagers to do what she can to inspire and motivate them while letting them know there are people who believe in them.

Kimberly is the co-author of the bestseller, Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul and the New York Times bestseller, Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul II, as well as Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul Journal.She is also the co-author of the forthcoming Chicken Soup for the Parent’s Soul and Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul III, and the author of Teen Love: On Relationships, a Book for Teenagers.

Kimberly started the Teen Letter Project with Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen and Health Communications, InC.The Project is responsible for answering the heartfelt letters received from teenagers and also reaching out to teens in trouble and encouraging them to seek professional help.

To book Kimberly for a speaking engagement or for further information on any of her projects, please contact:

I.A.M.for Teens, Inc.

P.O.Box 936, Palisades, CA 90272 phone: 310-573-3655


e-mail for stories: stories @

e-mail for letters: letters @ teenagechick

Web site:

68.Kimberly Kirberger devotes herself to ________.

A.helping people in trouble   B.writing books for children

C.the research of teen problems    D.the healthy growth of teenagers

69.The third paragraph mainly tells us ________.

A.why Kimberly wrote the College Soul book Kimberly wrote the College Soul book

C.the College Soul book was a great success students benefit from the College Soul book

70.Which of the following was written alone by Kimberly Kirberger ?

A.Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul.

B.Chicken Soup for the Parent’s Soul.

C.Teen Love: On Relationship, a Book for Teenagers.

D.Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul.

71.What’s the purpose of the Teen Letter Project?

A.Helping problem teenagers.  B.Collecting teenager problems.

C.Attracting the teenagers.      D.Offering help to teenagers.




Beijing Hongkong CA 368 Dec21 20∶00PM 21∶30PM 

Hongkong London  Dec.21 22∶00PM 8∶00AM 

London Glasgow BA163 Dee.22 10∶00AM 11∶00AM 

  Dec.10th 1999


One possible version

Dec. 10th 1999


I’m lying on my back in my grandfather’s orchard(果园),looking up at the branches above me.It is one of the last days of summer.Already the days are shorter and the nights are cooler.Some kinds of apples are already ripe(成熟的).Others will be ready to pick soon.I think of my grandmother’s apple pie,and how I used to make it with her.She died last year,before the apple harvest,and I have not had her pie since.I really miss her.I hear bees busily humming about,visiting the late summer flowers.The gentle hum of their wings nearly sends me to sleep.

The sky is as blue as my grandfather’s eyes.Above me,big white clouds race across the sky like pieces of cotton blowing in the w ind.School starts in another week,and time seems to have slowed down.

“Sophie!”calls my  grandfather.“Is that you?”I stand up,take his hand,and tell him all about my day as we walk through the orchard.We talk about apples,and bees,and Grandma.He tells me that he misses her too.

He puts his rough,brown farmer’s hand around my shoulder and pulls me close.“You know,Sophie,”he says,“I spent the morning in the attic(阁楼),and you’ll never guess what I found.It’s the recipe(烹饪法) for Grandma’s apple pie.I used to help her make it sometimes.I can’t do it all alone,but you used to help her too.Maybe between the two of us,we ca n work it out.Want to try?”

“But it won’t be the same without Grandma,” I tell him.

“That’s true,”he says,“but nothing_is_the_same_without_Grandma.Still,I don’t think that she would want us never to have another apple pie.What do you say?” I nod yes,and we walk towards home...towards an afternoon in the farmhouse kitchen,making Grandma’s famous apple pie.

1.We learn from the passage that Sophie    .

A.likes to watch clouds in the attic

B.comes to the orchard after school

C.enjoys Grandma’s apple pie very much

D.picks many apples in the orchard

2.Sophie’s grandfather spent the morning in the attic______   .

A.looking for Grandma’s recipe for apple pie

B.helping Sophie’s grandmother make apple pie

C.trying to make apple pie all alone for Sophie

D.talking about apples,and bees,and Grandma with Sophie

3.The underlined part in the last paragraph shows much Sophie’s grandmother loved Sophie much Sophie’s grandfather likes apple pies much Sophie loves her grandfather’s orchard much Sophie’s grandfather misses Grandma

4.Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?

A.My grandfather’s orchard           B.My grandmother’s apple pie

C.A morning in the attic              D.The last days of summer




 Shelly had prepared carefully for her biology examination so that she could be sure of passing it on her first_________.

A. intention    B. attempt           C. purpose            D. desire


