A. accepted B. except C. refused D. rejected 查看更多





We arrived in Spain for the first time a few weeks ago.I decided to   21    a car because we had sold the one we had in England before  22    home.Yesterday the sales office rang us to say the car was  23  .I had tried out a model like it before,but as I was not yet  24    driving in this city,my wife did not want me to collect it   25    so we went together to   26    it.We paid for the car and   27    the papers.They told us that there was   28    petrol(汽油) to take us to a garage,where we could fill up.The   29    garage to the office was about 100 yards away and we got there   30   .But when I turned into the main road I suddenly saw a lot of cars racing  31   me.I got out of   32    as fast as I could by backing into the garage  33    and the man behind   34    me.

“It’s such a problem to   35    to drive on the right side,isn’t it?”my wife said.“Yes,if only I had had a few lessons for   36   ,”I replied.“You had better go   37    on the way home,”my wife said.“You’d be sorry if you had   38    on the first day,wouldn’t you?”While we were talking,the man behind got out of his car and said in good English,“Would you mind telling me   39    you are thinking of leaving?   40    are you going to sit in your car all day?”

21.A.borrow                 B.drive                         C.buy                           D.choose

22.A.leaving                 B.making                            C.returning                   D.getting

23.A.right                    B.ready                        C.fixed                         D.sold

24.A.sure of                                                    B.satisfied with

C.interested in                                                  D.used to

25.A.on my own           B.right away                 C.in a hurry                  D.on the way

26.A.receive                 B.bring                        C.order                        D.fetch

27.A.accepted               B.wrote                        C.signed                       D.copied

28.A.little                     B.enough                      C.much                        D.no

29.A.best                      B.nearest                      C.quickest                    D.cleanest

30.A.lately                   B.directly                            C.safely                        D.slowly

31.A.after                     B.with                          C.around                      D.towards

32.A.their way                     B.the garage                 C.their sight                  D.the car

33.A.at last                   B.once more                 C.as usual                     D.as well

34.A.caught                  B.cheered                     C.shouted at                  D.chatted with

35.A.prepare                 B.continue                    C.choose                      D.remember

36.A.discussion             B.adventure                  C.experiment                D.practice

37.A.carefully               B.smoothly                   C.quickly                            D.differently

38.A.an error                                                   B.a problem

C.an accident                                                   D.a headache

39.A.when                    B.why                          C.how                          D.what

40.A.For                      B.Or                                   C.But                           D.So


The folk song concert was so well _______ that all the tickets had been sold out on the first day.

A. accepted                     B. recognized               C. received                       D. promised



It was early in the morning, on a lonely road. It's  36   heavily. A 9-year-old boy was in the car with his mother, who was  37   him to school. Suddenly, the car went off the road,  38  several times, and came to rest upside down in a ditch(沟渠) filled with water.

Luckily, both the mother and son were  39  seatbelts. The mother suffered a blow to her head and was unable to move. The boy was frightened but  40 . As water came through broken windows in the car, he  41  unbuckled (解开) himself, climbed out of the  42  window, made his way around to the driver's side, and reached inside the  43  to free his trapped mother. With great effort, he managed to  44  her, pull her through the window and up to the road, where they were soon  45  .

His mother later recalled her experience of the  46  . Being unable to move or even  47  to offer instructions ( 指导) or encouragement to her son, she was  48  by her little son's action. She recalled  49  her boy saying out loud as he pulled her through the water, “I think I can, I think I can!”

It seemed  50  that this little boy's act of courage was from one of his favourite books: The Little Engine that Could. In that  51  , when everyone else had  52  hope, the Little Engine carried the heavy load of toys and good things to eat over the hill to the children waiting on the other side. He had  53  and took action. Obviously this book had left a  54  impression before the accident that rainy  55  and motivated ( 激励) the son to take action if the terrifying moments.

1.A.  snowing               B.  smoking             C.  blowing            D. raining

2.A.  ordering                   B.  driving              C.  pushing              D. flying

3.A.  rolled                    B.  fell                  C.  moved              D. stopped

4.A.  making                   B.  watching          C.  wearing          D. missing

5.A.  afraid                   B.  dead                 C.  tired             D. unhurt

6. A.  quickly                 B.  carefully             C.  nearly        D. happily

7.A.  student                    B.  passenger             C.  family             D. worker

8. A. box                         B.  room                  C.   car           D. ditch

9.A. respect                    B.  introduce                C.  recognize            D. free

10.A. accepted                   B. rescued                   C.  welcomed          D. fed

11.A. accident                     B.  experiment              C.  travel              D. fire

12. A. listen                       B.  sleep                   C.  speak               D. look

 13. A. excited                B. frightened              C.  wounded      D. amazed

14.A. seeing                   B.  hearing                 C.  smelling           D. feeling

15.A. clear                     B.  sorry                  C. useful        D. necessary

16.A. poem                       B.  notice                 C.  story               D. dream

 17. A. realized                     B.  waken               C.  kept up             D. given up

18.A. courage                     B.  food            C.  space                 D. time

19. A. bad                   B.  deep             C.  false                   D. general

20. A. afternoon                   B.  night             C.  morning                D. evening



If your father never says to you “I love you” when you are a child, it   36   to be more and more difficult for him to say the words as he grows    37 

I do not   38   hearing the words from my father when I was growing up.   39  , I could not recall(回忆) when I had   40  said those words to him either.

One day, I decided to _41_ the ice and make the first   42_ . So in our next phone conversation I gathered all my _ 43  and let out the words in a low voice, “Dad… I love you!”

There was a   44   at the other end and he awkwardly  45 _, “Well, same back at you!”

I was unexpectedly   46   and my voice was raised, “Dad, I know you love me, and I know when you are ready, you will say what you want to say.”

Fifteen minutes later my mother called and   47   asked, “Paul, is everything okay?”

A few weeks later, Dad   48   our phone conversation with the words, “Paul, I love you.” I was so moved that tears were rolling down my cheeks as I finally “__49  ” the love. As I sat there in tears I realized that this   50   moment had taken our father-and-son relationship to a new   51  .Shortly afterwards, my father narrowly   52   death following heart surgery(外科手术). Many times   __53  , I have   54   if I had not taken the first step and Dad not   55   the surgery, I would have never “heard” the love.

1.A. works out      B. breaks out           C. comes out            D. turns out

2. A. wiser         B. busier               C. weaker           D. older

3.A. remember      B. enjoy                C. mind             D. regret

4.A. Truthfully     B. Fortunately          C. Naturally            D. Obviously

5.A. only           B. last             C. never               D. first

6.A. melt           B. break                C. strike               D. build

7.A. complaint      B. promise          C. move             D. impression

8.A. strength           B. ideas                C. words                D. attention

9.A. sigh           B. silence              C. voice                D. cry

10.A. refused           B. shouted              C. replied         D. explained

11.A. touched           B. frightened           C. shocked          D. annoyed

12.A. excitedly     B. nervously            C. willingly           D. sadly

13.A. continued     B. checked          C. ended               D. interrupted

14. A. accepted         B. expected         C. learned         D. heard

15. A. quiet            B. difficult            C. special         D. different

16.A. level         B. idea             C. world               D. end

17.A. managed       B. escaped          C. avoided         D. faced

18.A. then          B. ago              C. before          D. since

19.A. realized          B. found                 C. doubted         D. wondered

20.A. challenged        B. experienced          C. survived            D. received



The Jordans had the best raspberries in the neighborhood, and that their bushes were always heavy with fruit.So, that summer Friday night, we snuck(潜行) into the Jordans’ backyard and  21  ourselves carefully around the bushes and started  22  their sweet, juicy berry. And we were enjoying every bite of ill-gotten berry  23  all of a sudden the Jordans’ backyard lights were turned on.

“What you boys doing out here?” Mr Jordan shouted. In all  24  ran off my friends, une aten raspberries  25  everywhere.

He made an attempt to grab one or two, but they were too quick. Speed was never my   26  . So I could just stand there and  27  whatever punishment from the Jordans and my parents. I took the scolding that Mr Jordan gave me until we reached my house, where my mother  28  . My friends said they could hear every  29  word from the darkness of our backyard, where they had gathered to celebrate their  30  .

They  31   me about it for days afterwards, while all I could do was complain about how   32   it was that I had to pay the full  33   for doing the exact same thing all of them had done without any  34   consequences. After about a week, I complained it to my father.

“You took raspberries without asking, and you got exactly the punishment you  35 ,”Dad said.

“But what about the other guys?” I asked.

“That’s not my  36  , nor should it be yours,” Dad said. “You can’t control what happens to other people. You can  37   deal with what happens to you.”

Back then I thought Dad just didn’t   38   it. But through the years I come to realize that,   39 , he knew what he was talking about. We didn’t come to earth with a(an)  40  that life would treat us fairly. The only thing we can actually deal with is what happens to us.


A. allowed      B. protected            C. positioned      D. helped


 A. harvesting      B. digging          C. throwing         D. hunting


 A. and            B. when             C. before          D. as


 A. senses          B. ways             C. directions           D. efforts


 A. growing         B. running          C. flying               D. hiding


 A. power           B. disadvantage     C. strength             D. attempt


 A. accepted       B. rejected          C. risked              D. enjoyed


 A. paid for       B. took over        C. turned away      D. picked out


 A. encouraging    B. swear                C. cool            D. kind


 A. stealing       B. experience           C. escape           D. behavior


 A. explained       B. teased               C. scolded         D. praised


 A. unfair          B. funny                C. strange          D. equal


 A. number          B. accident             C. price            D. task


 A. same            B. reliable             C. noticeable       D. safe


A. deserted         B. received             C. refused          D. deserved


  A. concern        B. purpose          C. request         D. answer


 A. sometimes     B. only             C. mostly           D. almost


  A. care           B. value             C. get             D. handle


  A. as well        B. above all        C. as usual        D. or else


A. promise       B. guarantee        C. situation       D. opinion


