23.There were many.customers outside McDonald’s.I waited ten minutes before I . A.served B.serving C.was served D.would be served 查看更多




Going to a British high school for one year was a very enjoyable and exciting experience for me. The school starts around 9 a.m. and ends about 3.30 p.m. This means 61. I could get up an hour later than usual, as schools in China begin before 8 a.m. 62. 我对此很满意。

On the first day, all students went to attend assembly. I sat next to a girl called Diane. We soon became best friends. During assembly, the headmaster told us about the rules of the school. He also told us that 63. the best way to win respect from the school was to work hard and achieve high grades. This was the beginning of my high school life experience. I felt very excited.

I had many teachers in the past year and they each taught only one subject. 64. 我最喜欢的老师是教我们英语的Green小姐。 In our class there were 29 students. We had to move to different classrooms for different classes. I found 65. the homework was not as heavy as what I used to get in my old school, but it was a bit challenging. I felt lucky as all my teachers were very helpful and I enjoyed all my subjects.








The drug store was closing for the night and Alfred Higgins was about to go home when his new boss approached him.

“Empty your pockets please, Alfred,” Sam Carr demanded in a firm voice.

Alfred pretended to be shocked but he knew he’d been caught. From his coat he withdrew a make-up kit, a lipstick and two tubes of toothpaste.

“I’m disappointed in you, Alfred!” said the little gray-haired man.

“Sorry, sir. Please forgive me. It’s the first time I’ve ever done such a thing,” Alfred lied, hoping to gain the old man’s sympathy.

Mr Carr’s brow furrowed as he reached for the phone, “Do you take me for a fool? Let’s see what the police have to say. But first I’ll call your mother and let her know her son is heading to jail.”

“Do whatever you want,” Alfred shot back, trying to sound big. But deep down he felt like a child. He imagined his mother rushing in, eyes burning with anger, maybe in tears. Yet he wanted her to come quickly before Mr. Carr called the police.

Mr. Carr was surprised when Mrs Higgins finally arrived. She was very calm, quiet and friendly. “Is Alfred in trouble?” she asked.

“He’s been stealing from the store,” the old man coolly replied.

Mrs. Higgins put out her hand and touched Mr. Carr’s arm with great gentleness as if she knew just how he felt. She spoke as if she did not want to cause him any more trouble. “What do you want to do, Mr. Carr?”

The woman’s calm and gentle manner disarmed the once-angry store-owner. “I was going to get a cop. But I don’t want to be cruel. Tell your son not to come back here again, and I’ll let it go.” Then he warmly shook Mrs. Higgins’s hand.

Mrs. Higgins thanked the old man for his kindness, then mother and son left. They walked along the street in silence. When they arrived home his mother simply said, “Go to bed, you fool.”

In his bedroom, Alfred heard his mother in the kitchen. He felt no shame, only pride in his mother’s actions. “She was smooth!” he thought. He went to the kitchen to tell her how great she was, but was shocked by what he saw.

His mother’s face looked frightened, broken. Not the cool, bright face he saw earlier. Her lips moved nervously. She looked very old. There were tears in her eyes.

This picture of his mother made him want to cry. He felt his youth ending. He saw all the troubles he brought her and the deep lines of worry in her grey face. It seemed to him that this was the first time he had ever really seen his mother.

1.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. It was the first time Alfred had stolen anything.

B. Alfred tried to sound big to hide his fear.

C. Mr. Carr set a trap to catch Alfred stealing.

D. Mr. Carr had planned to forgive Alfred from the beginning.

2. What does the underlined word “disarmed” probably mean?

A. annoyed                          B. made less angry

C. convinced                       D. got over

3.What was the mother’s attitude toward Alfred?

A. She felt disappointed with him.

B. She was very strict with him.

C. She was supportive of him.

D. She was afraid of him.

4.What impressed Alfred most about his mother at the drugstore was ________.

A. how angry she was

B. that she didn’t cry

C. that she was able to save him

D. how effectively she handled Mr. Carr

5. From the last paragraph, we know that Alfred ________.

A. was no longer a youth

B. felt proud of his mother

C. wanted his mother to be happy

D. felt guilty and regretful for his deed



Directions; Complete the following passage by using the words in the box.Each word can only be used once.Note that there is one word more than you need.

A.survey      B.off          C.better      D.care     E.conducted

F.differed.   G.personal     H.prepared    I.contrast    J.differences,

GAN Xiaolin, 18, only gets half a day ____ school every week since the Hubei student started senior high school.Every day, he takes core (核心的) courses from 7:10 am to 10:30 pm.

Sometimes, Gan feels extremely stressed from the heavy workload.But he hopes that his three

years of hard work toward the college entrance examination will change his life for the __.

Gan is a typical Chinese student, as shown m a recently released survey.The new survey, which was ____ by the China Youth and Children Research Center and other foreign institutions, polled(调整) about 4,000 high school and vocational school students in China, Japan, the United States and South Korea.

The five biggest frustrations listed by all the young people were: an over-busy school life, an empty___ life, dissatisfaction with their appearance, a lack of time for exercise and friends, and no spare money.

Although some of the teenage problems were y-niversai, there were big _ __ between the students when it came to the time they spent on sehoolwork.

For example, Chinese students spent the most time at school and on homework.Nearly 80 percent of them spent at least eight hours a week in school, and 56.7 percent spent two or more hours on their homework.By_, only about 25 percent of US students, 20,5 percent of Japanese students, and 15 percent of Korean students had more than two hours of homework each night.

The responses from the Chinese students also __ significantly from their peers (同龄人)

in the other three countries when asked about their life goals.

Only 16.7 percent of Chinese students said that they didn't ___ much about their future, while the figure for that category was 72.4 percent for US students, 59.1 percent for the Japanese and 58.2 percent for the South Koreans.The _ found that Chinese students were more motivated than the other students to work hard for a better life.






 注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。

       2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不记分。

七彩教育网 Tom,

I'd like to tell you something more about our school sports meet. It was holding on Oct. 6, which was a fine day. There were over 1,000 students and teachers attend it. Wang Lin, a student from my class won the 100-meters race. He finish the race in 12.6     seconds and broke in the school record. The sports meet was really success. That was because we were all trying to do my best. Although I was not one of the winner, I was proud of that we had cone. I’m looking forward to receiving your letter.



My uncle has a very beautiful umbrella. He has had it  36  and as he is very  37  it, it still looks as good as new.?

“That umbrella must have   38  you a great deal of money, Uncle.” I said to him one day.

“No,” he replied, “ 39 ”

“Was it a present?” I asked again.

“No,” said he.

“Then how did you get it?” I asked.

“Well,” he answered, “it is a strange true story. About ten years ago, I was walking along a quiet London street one evening   40   it suddenly rained. I had no raincoat and no umbrella. No buses ran through that street and there were no   41   in sight. As I was on my way to a party, I didn't want to get  42  . So I stood at a doorway and waited for the rain to stop. By and by it grew quite  43  .There wasn't a person around, and  44   it rained and rained.  45   a young man came to the place where I was standing,  46    a large umbrella over his head.  47  I hoped he would   48   me to walk to the next corner with him in order that I could get a taxi, I stepped   49   the dark doorway where I had been standing, and said: “  50  , where are you going with that umbrella?”

 51   by my sudden appearance, the young man  52   the umbrella, which, I'm afraid, he had just stolen, ran away, and  53  into the darkness. I picked up the umbrella and continued my walk. I knew it would be  54  in this big city to try and discover the owner and so I've kept it   55  .”

1. A. for months           B. for years?          C. since childhood          D. for a few days?

2.A. satisfied with     B. afraid of    ?      C. proud of             D. careful with?

3. A. given             B. cost             C. saved                    D. made?

4. A. very little           B. I don't know     C. not a penny              D. quite a lot?

5. A. when              B. though               C. because              D. after?

6. A. bicycles              B. policemen?      C. friends                  D. taxis?

7. A. tired             B. back             C. wet                  D. away?

8.A. dark               B. fine             C. dirty                    D. dangerous?

9. A. naturally         B. suddenly?           C. always                   D. still?

10.A. At once               B. At last              C. As usual             D. As well

11.A. selling               B. carrying?           C. moving               D. showing?

12. A. As                   B. Although         C. While                    D. If

13. A. order                B. persuade         C. allow                    D. promise?

14. A. into             B. out of               C. towards              D. along?

15.A. By the way            B. Help             C. Excuse me                D. Stop?

16. A. Punished         B. Discouraged?        C. Warned               D. Frightened?

17. A. raised               B. took             C. dropped              D. forgot?

18. A. disappeared          B. lost             C. pulled                   D. turned?

19. A. endless              B. interesting          C. exciting             D. hopeless?

20. A. ever since           B. for a while?        C. for you              D. forever?


