31.The pictures often make me think of the days we spent in Beijing.had a great effect on me. A.which,that B.which,which C.when,which D.that:that 查看更多



Hope in my arms

Last year, I was invited to participate in a carnival for Tuesday’s Child, an organization that helps children with AIDS.

All the children that had gathered at one particular room could   36  a square on a piece of cloth. Later the squares would be sewn(缝) together to  37  a quilt. The quilt would be  38  to a man who had devoted his life to the  39  and would soon be   40 .

The kids were given paints in bright colors and asked to paint something that would make the quilt  41 . As I looked around at all the squares, I saw pink hearts, blue clouds, orange sunrises and red flowers. The pictures were all bright and  42 . All   43  one.

One boy was painting a heart, but it was dark and lifeless. It  44  the bright colors that his fellow artists had used.I asked why. He told me that he was very   45  and so was his mom. He said that his sickness was not ever going to get better and neither was his mom’s. He looked   46  into my eyes and said, “There is no hope in my life.”

I told him I was sorry and I could understand why he had made his heart a dark color. I told him that   47  we couldn’t make him better, we can give  48 , which can really help when you are feeling sad. I told him that if he would like, I would be   49  to give him one so he could see what I meant.  50 , he crawled into my lap. I thought my own heart would burst for this sweet little boy.

He sat there for a long time. Finally he  51  down to finish his coloring.

As I was getting ready to  52  home, I felt a tug (猛拽) on my jacket. Standing there was the little boy,  53 . He said, “My heart is changing  54 . It is getting brighter. I think those hugs really do  55 .”

On my way home I felt my own heart. It too had changed to a brighter color.

1.                A.find           B.paint           C.cut  D.draw


2.                A.fold           B.become        C.spread   D.make


3.                A.presented       B.sold            C.lent  D.thrown


4.                A.education       B.country         C.organization   D.neighborhood


5.                A.dying          B.coming         C.visiting   D.retiring


6.                A.beautiful        B.strong          C.new D.comfortable


7.                A.empty          B.puzzling         C.confusing D.inspiring


8.                A.without         B.besides         C.except   D.beside


9.                A.needed        B.lacked          C.contained D.showed


10.               A.curious         B.disappointed    C.angry D.sick


11.               A.forward        B.still            C.straight    D.even


12.               A.so that         B.as long as       C.even though    D.as though


13.               A.hugs           B.smiles          C.prizes D.lessons


14.               A.sorry          B.happy          C.eager D.relaxed


15.               A.Suddenly       B.Quickly         C.Unwillingly D.Slowly


16.               A.slowed         B.jumped         C.slipped    D.fell


17.               A.leave          B.stay           C.head D.arrive


18.               A.smiling         B.crying          C.dancing   D.glaring


19.               A.shape          B.color          C.weight    D.form


20.               A.fit             B.hurt           C.fail   D.work




Grandma Moses is among the most famous twentieth-century painters of the United States, yet she did not start painting until she was in her late seventies. As she once said to herself: " I would never sit back in a rocking chair, waiting for someone to help me." No one could have had a more productive old age.

She was born Anna Mary Robertson on a farm in New York State, one of five boys and five girls. At twelve she left home and was in domestic service until, at twenty--seven, she married Thomas Moses, the hired hand of one of her employers. They farmed most of their lives, first in Virginia and then in New York State, at Eagle Bridge. She had ten children, of whom five survived; her husband died in 1927.

Grandma Moses painted a little as a child and made embroidery (刺绣) pictures as a hobby, but only changed to oils in old age because her hands had become too stiff to sew and she wanted to keep busy and pass the time. Her pictures were first sold at the local drugstore and at a market and were soon noticed by a businessman who bought everything she painted. Three of the pictures exhibited in the Museum of Modern Art, and in 1940 she had her first exhibition in New York. Between the 1930's and her death, she produced some 2,000 pictures: detailed and lively portrayals of the country life she had known for so long, with a wonderful sense of color and form. "I think really hard till I think of something really pretty, and then I paint it" she said.

1.According to the passage, Grandma Moses began to paint because she wanted to_______.

A.make herself beautiful

B.become famous

C.earn more money

D.keep active

2.Grandma Moses spent most of her life ________.





3.The underlined word “portrayals ” means ________.

A. expressions       B explanations     C. descriptions  .  D. impressions

4.From Grandma Moses' description of herself in the first paragraph, it can be inferred that she was ________.





5.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A.The Children of Grandma Moses.

B.Grandma Moses: Her Life and Pictures.

C.Grandma Moses: Her Best Exhibition.

D.Grandma Moses and Other Older Artists.




Restaurants in Europe, the United States and Japan are testing technology to let diners order their food direct from a screen at their table instead of depending on a fellow human being to note their choice.

Besides cutting costs, companies that sell the “e-menus” argue the bytes-for-bites way has a new value that can attract younger customers, and various photographs of steaks and gooey desserts attract diners to order more. It also could extend the TV dinner. How about a computer game dinner?

“It's about impulse-buying,” said Adi Chitayat, Conceptic’s CEO. “If a person starts looking at pictures of chocolate cake, the chances are he'll order it.” Frame, a restaurant in Tel Aviv with the system, is said to have its sales on tables with the e-menu  increased by about 11% . Customers often call ahead to reserve (预定)spots equipped with screens, manager Natalie Edry told Reporters.

At one of the e-menu tables, IT worker Gil Uriel and his young family were enthusiastic as they checked out pictures of the dishes on offer and squabbled(争吵) over desserts. “It’s more visual,” says Uriel, as his children clicked away furiously on a games function between courses. “We can still choose, we can still argue —but it’s much easier when we can all see it.”

1.The following are the advantages of “restaurants with” EXCEPT that_______.

A.eating in them is more comfortable

B.the restaurants can save a lot of money

C.they can attract more youngsters to the restaurants

D.customers can see the pictures of their ordered foods

2.The underlined word “impulse—buying” in the 3rd paragraph means_______

A.having no idea in buying things

B.being uninterested in buying things

C.having no patience in buying things

D.being encouraged in buying things

3.According to the last paragraph, we know that_______.

A.costomers feel little interest in the e-menus

B.e-menus only attract a small number of customers

C.it still takes time for e-menus to be widely accepted

D.restaurants of this kind are refused by customers

4.The best title of this passage may be “_______”.

A.Computers in restaurants

B.Restaurants try e-menus

C.Modern restaurants

D.Great changes in restaurants

5.This passage might be taken from_______

A.a food guide           B.a website

C.a traveling magazine       D.classic advertisements



A thief was found ________ the house and steal the pictures last night.


B.to enter





Our brains work in complex and strange ways. There are some people who can calculate the day of the week for any given date in 40,000 years, but who cannot add two plus two. Others can perform complex classical piano pieces after hearing them once, but they cannot read or write.
Dr.J.Langdon Down first described this condition in 1887.He called these people idiot savants. An idiot savant is a person who has significant mental impairment (损伤) , such as in autism or retardation.  At the same time, the person also exhibits some extraordinary skills, which are unusual for most people.The skills of the savant may vary from being exceptionally gifted in music or in mathematics, or having a photographic memory.
One of the first descriptions of a human who could calculate quickly was written in 1789 by Dr.Benjamin Rush, an American doctor.His patient, Thomas Fuller, was brought to Virginia as a slave in 1724. It took Thomas only 90 seconds to work out that a man who has lived 70 years, 17 days, and 12 hours has lived 2,210,500,800 seconds.Despite this ability, he died in 1790 without ever learning to read or write.
Another idiot savant slave became famous as a pianist in the 1860s. Blind Tom had a vocabulary of only 100 words, but he played 5 ,000 musical pieces beautifully.
In the excellent movie Rain Man, made in 1988 and available on video cassette, Dustin Hoffman plays an idiot savant who amazes his brother played by Tom Cruise, with his ability to perform complex calculations very rapidly.
Today we more clearly recognize that the idiot savant is special because of brain impairment.Yet not all brain impairment leads to savant skills.Some studies have shown that people who have purposeful interruption of the left side of the brain can develop idiot savant skills. However,few people wish to participate in such experiments. There are many excellent reasons for not undergoing unnecessary experimentation on one's brain. The term idiot savant is outdated and inappropriate. Virtually all savants have a high degree of intelligence and are thus not idiots.
48.What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.Idiot savants have areas of outstanding abilities.
B.Human Beings have complicated thinking process.
C.The brains of the idiot savants are partly impaired.
D.The reasons why people have wonderful skills vary.
49.Which of the following can be done by Rain Man?
A.He can play wonderful pieces of classical music.
B.He can guess out exactly the length of a man's life.
C.He can memorize the contents of the pictures fast.
D.He can count matches dropped on the floor quickly.
50.What can you infer from the passage?
A.Idiot savants have real talents for art and math.
B.Dr.Down is the first person who found idiot savants.
C.Few people wish to risk becoming savants by brain operations.
D.Intentional left brain impairments will surely lead to idiot savants.

