What shall we use for power when all the oil in the world has ? A. given out B. put out C. put up D. used up 查看更多



What shall we use for power when all the oil in the world has _________?

   A. given out       B. put out        C. held up        D. used up


 What shall we use for power when all the oil in the world has _____ ?

A. given out   B. put out   C. held up   D. used up


What shall we use for power when all the oil in the world has        ?

A.given outB.put outC.held upD.used up


What shall we use for power when all the oil in the world has        ?

A.given out          B.put out           C.held up           D.used up




What shall we use for power when all the oil in the world has_______?

       A.given out      B.put out         C.held up      D.used up


