1.填词 1)Traffic creates a great deal of p in many big cities. 2)There was a c of over 1,000 people in the street. 3)It’s a big i city where they make cars and electronic equipment. 4)Be careful! It’s d to walk around town late at night. 5)It’s a very a town with a lot of beautiful buildings. 6)In some countries, it is to drink the water because it is dirty. 7)When studying children and other young animals,we can see the striking in their behaviour. 8)It is unbelievable that there are still many people in rural areas living below line. 9)It is reported in the paper that many around the world have sent aid to the tsunami-hit countries. 10) The policeman said to the young man,"please give me your precise ." 查看更多




1.He is an honest man, that is to say, what he says is always c______________ with what he does.

2.In the a_______________ of evidence, the police had to let Kelly go.

3.An idea that I was wasting my time s______________ me when I came out of her room.

4.She r_______________ her mother in appearance but not in character.

5.The table is too high for your son,so you can a______________ the table to his height.

6.It is ________________(使窘迫,使尴尬) that our streets are so dirty.

7.He stood silently with his arms _______________ (交叉).

8.I hope what I say can  ________________(澄清)the situation.

9.He was fined for breaking traffic  ___________________ (规则).

10.It is  _________________ (全世界,普遍地)acknowledged that one’s thinking directs one’s actions.




The Transport Industry In the UK

The transport industry employs around 2.3 million people in the UK across some 196,000 companies. Worth over £75 billion to the economy, it ensures that goods, services and people can move as efficiently as possible.

  1.   Traffic and transport construction jobs are essential to ensure that there are no long-term disruptions(中断) in transport. Without traffic and transport construction jobs, the Transport for London Organization wouldn’t be able to maintain its train or tube lines.

  2.   Opportunities involve construction work and building services to maintain facilities(设施) such as airports and train stations. It also involves anything from designing and creating a new bridge or road, to developing a new harbor to increase sea freight(海运).

Some roles require shift work.   3. . Depending on the role, travel may also be required either locally, nationally, or in some cases, internationally.

Traffic and transport construction jobs have not escaped the effects of a global economic downturn. However, rising fuel costs have seen a huge increase in the number of people using public transport.   4.   

Traffic and transport construction jobs were important during the 2012 Games. Billions of pounds were invested into improving the capital’s transport facilities.   5.   It was a 12-carriage train that linked King’s Cross St. Pancras stations to the heart of London in just seven minutes.

A. With the transport industry, many people would be unemployed in UK.

B. This included the “Olympic Javelin”.

C. This can mean working evenings, nights and possibly weekends.

D. Because of the size of the industry, a number of career opportunities are available.

E. Many stadiums were built at that time.

F. This is because transport construction jobs carry out all the necessary maintenance required to keep public transport safe and running.

G. The industry can be divided into three main sectors: surface, sea and air transport.




1.I certainly owe you an a__________________ for not writing more often.

2.Although she didn’t say anything, the expression in her eyes i________________

that I was not welcomed here.

3.With all that noise going on, I found it hard to c________________ on my book.

4.An old man stood up and gave a d_____________________ of what he had seen.

5.To his r_____________, all his family were safe after the big earthquake.

6.I’m trying my best to find a new _________________ (方式) to learning English

7.A______________ (全神贯注)in his book, Mr. Smith even forgot his meal.

8.China is a country_______________ (属于)to the third world.

9.It’s high time that we should raise our awareness of ___________________ (环境) protection.

10.The other driver _______________ (指责) Wilson of driving dangerously



Many Chinese have been greatly shocked by the traffic accident caused by the drunk driver Sun Weiming, who has killed five and injured some others in Chengdu, Sichuan. However, such a case is not rare.

    Today, the traffic accidents may have been regarded as a social problem. The car has killed and disabled more people in its brief history than any bomb or weapon ever invented. Much of the blood on the street flows actually from rude behavior of drivers who refuse to respect the legal and moral(道德的) rights of others. In fact, the enemies of society on wheels are rather harmless but just ordinary people acting carelessly, you might say. But it is a principle both of law and common morality that carelessness is no excuse when one's actions could bring death or damage to others. A minority of the killers go even far beyond carelessness that can be imagined.

    Researchers have estimated that as many as 80 percent of all automobile accidents can be attributed to(归属于) the psychological condition of the driver. Emotional upsets can change drivers' reactions incorrectly, slow their judgment, and make them blind to the dangers that might otherwise be obvious. The experts warn that it is important for every driver to make a conscious effort to keep his/her emotions under control.

    Yet the irresponsibility that accounts for much of the problem isn't only put upon drivers. Street walkers regularly ignore or break traffic regulations. They are blamed in most vehicle walker accidents, and many cyclists even believe that they are not subject(受…支配) to the basic rules of the road.

Significant legal advances have been made towards safer driving in the past few years. Safety standards for vehicles have been raised both at the point of manufacture and through regular road inspections. In addition, speed limits have been lowered. Due to these measures, the accident rate has decreased. But the accident experts still worry because there has been little or no improvement in the way drivers behave. The only real and lasting solution, say the experts, is to make people believe that driving is a skilled task requiring constant care and concentration. Those who fail to do all these things present a threat to those with whom they share the road.

1. Traffic accidents may be regarded as a social problem because          .

   A. auto driving has become dangerous and harmful in today's society

   B. people usually pay no attention to law and morality when driving

   C. they have caused serious psychological problems among drivers

   D. the car has killed and disabled more people than any weapon in history

2. Who are NOT mentioned as being responsible for the road accidents?

   A. Careless bicycle-riders.                  B. Careless people walking in the street.

C. Irresponsible auto drivers.              D. Irresponsible auto manufacturers.

3. Discussing solutions to traffic accidents, the author seems to be           .

A. doubtful and hopeless                   

B. angry and disappointed

C. objective (客观的) and concerned        

D. anxious and annoyed



1. Traffic in the city____(interrupt)  by a snowstorm at that time.
2. Scientists____  (assume) there is no animal life on Mars.
3. Conditions for scientific research were improved greatly,____ ( accelerate) the country's scientific
    and technological reform.
4. Like an Apollo,he comes and____(arrest) everyone's attention.
5. You can not just____(spit) wherever you like.

