去掉there.因为定语从句中的地点已经有关系副词where充当.所以there为多余. 查看更多




Why is it that we tend to value relationships more once they've ended? Is it simply human nature to take for granted the smile of someone close,the friendship of a relative,the concern of a neighbor? In the moment,we think that these people will be around forever.

Most of us never stop to imagine all those who have a profound impact on our lives. It’s so easy to justify this casual attitude by saying we are too busy, too tired,too involved with work,too concerned about money,and the list of excuses goes on and on. So enjoying a friendship may be put off for one day, and then another. Before long, feelings have faded,and there is less incentive to get together. Almost relegated to a chore now,precious moments become something to endure.  

Usually, something dramatic must happen to change this apathy and pull one out of a rut. Perhaps it’s something shocking,like a death,a divorce,sudden illness,an accident — something stunning to force taking notice.Then comes the guilt,the re-assessment of feelings,the sadness of loss.

We long to have those precious moments once again,to share and express our feelings. Instead of waiting for an excuse,why not get out of the rut,take the initiative,and spend quality time with the people you value. Let them know how really important they are.










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Why is it that we tend to value relationships more once they've ended? Is it simply human nature to take for granted the smile of someone close,the friendship of a relative,the concern of a neighbor? In the moment,we think that these people will be around forever.

Most of us never stop to imagine all those who have a profound impact on our lives. It’s so easy to justify this casual attitude by saying we are too busy, too tired,too involved with work,too concerned about money,and the list of excuses goes on and on. So enjoying a friendship may be put off for one day, and then another. Before long, feelings have faded,and there is less incentive to get together. Almost relegated to a chore now,precious moments become something to endure.  

Usually, something dramatic must happen to change this apathy and pull one out of a rut. Perhaps it’s something shocking,like a death,a divorce,sudden illness,an accident — something stunning to force taking notice.Then comes the guilt,the re-assessment of feelings,the sadness of loss.

We long to have those precious moments once again,to share and express our feelings. Instead of waiting for an excuse,why not get out of the rut,take the initiative,and spend quality time with the people you value. Let them know how really important they are.










但不得直接引用原文中的句子;  2、标题自定。

[评分标准]    概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,篇章连贯




Why is it that we tend to value relationships more once they've ended? Is it simply human nature to take for granted the smile of someone close,the friendship of a relative,the concern of a neighbor? In the moment,we think that these people will be around forever.

Most of us never stop to imagine all those who have a profound impact on our lives. It’s so easy to justify this casual attitude by saying we are too busy, too tired,too involved with work,too concerned about money,and the list of excuses goes on and on. So enjoying a friendship may be put off for one day, and then another. Before long, feelings have faded,and there is less incentive to get together. Almost relegated to a chore now,precious moments become something to endure.  

Usually, something dramatic must happen to change this apathy and pull one out of a rut. Perhaps it’s something shocking,like a death,a divorce,sudden illness,an accident — something stunning to force taking notice.Then comes the guilt,the re-assessment of feelings,the sadness of loss.

We long to have those precious moments once again,to share and express our feelings. Instead of waiting for an excuse,why not get out of the rut,take the initiative,and spend quality time with the people you value. Let them know how really important they are.










但不得直接引用原文中的句子;  2、标题自定。

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1. However,________one had got to have a  passbook to live in Johannesburg.
2. Sadly I did not have it because l was not born there,and I__________whether l would
    非常遗憾的是我没有这个证件,因为我不是在那里出生 的,我很担心我会不会失业。
3. The last thirty years________laws stopping our rights and progress,until today we have _________
    we have almost no rights at all.
4 . we were put into a position________we had ___________to accept we were less important,
     ____ fight the government.
   我们被置于这样一个境地,要么被迫接受低人一等 的现实,要么跟政府斗争。
5. We first broke the law in a way____; when    this    was    not    allowed...    only    then
     _________decide to_______________.
  首先我们用和平的方式来打破原有的法律,而当这种 方式也得不要允许时,只有到这
  个时候,我们才决 定用暴力反抗暴力。




Why is it that we tend to value relationships more once they've ended? Is it simply human nature to take for granted the smile of someone close,the friendship of a relative,the concern of a neighbor? In the moment,we think that these people will be around forever.

Most of us never stop to imagine all those who have a profound impact on our lives. It’s so easy to justify this casual attitude by saying we are too busy, too tired,too involved with work,too concerned about money,and the list of excuses goes on and on. So enjoying a friendship may be put off for one day, and then another. Before long, feelings have faded,and there is less incentive to get together. Almost relegated to a chore now,precious moments become something to endure.  

Usually, something dramatic must happen to change this apathy and pull one out of a rut. Perhaps it’s something shocking,like a death,a divorce,sudden illness,an accident — something stunning to force taking notice.Then comes the guilt,the re-assessment of feelings,the sadness of loss.

We long to have those precious moments once again,to share and express our feelings. Instead of waiting for an excuse,why not get out of the rut,take the initiative,and spend quality time with the people you value. Let them know how really important they are.










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