46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 Mr Zhang is over sixty years old. He has retired. He is one of my respected teachers. He teaches us chemistry when we were in Senior Grade One. He was old, and he taught us good. He tired his best to make his classes lively. Mr Zhang usually made good preparations for the lesson and was strict to us, too. Whenever we made mistakes in our homework, he would ask us to correct them. At that time, I was used to be poorly in chemistry. Mr Zhang often helped me with my studies very patiently. With his help, I had made rapid progress and caught with the class. He is always very kind to every student. As an experienced teacher, he is respected and loved by all the students. 查看更多




W: You look so happy.

M: I have just (44) p_____ the College English Test Band 4.

W: Oh, really? (45)C_________! Could you tell me some more information (46) a_______ it?

M: Of (47) c_______. Recently CET-4 has introduced three new types of questions, that is, Compound Diction, Translation and Short Answer Questions. The (48) p______ of Compound Dictation is to test students’ ability to (49) u_____ information in the listening materials. The Translation (50) t_______ is to test students’ ability to understand the reading materials. And in the Short Answer Questions section, (51) s________ are required to answer questions.

W: Then, (52) h__________ can I do a good job?

M: Well, regular practice will help you a (53) a_________.

(44) __________

(45) __________

(46) __________

(47) __________

(48) __________

(49) __________

(50) __________

(51) __________

(52) __________




A: It’s good to see you again. You’re an engineer, aren’t you? Did you stay in England after you (44) l_________ the university?

B: I worked in Canada for two years. It’s a good place.

A: That (45) s_____ interesting, but I’m sure you’re glad to be (46) b_____. What have you been doing since you came back?

B: I’ve been (47) s______ old friends, visiting my family things for my new flat and just having a holiday.

A: Haven’t you got another (48) j______?

B: Yes, I (49) s_____ a new one a week ago. But what about you?

A: I’ve got a job in a company that sells office (50) e______― paper, typewriters you know the sort of thing. It may sound rather dull, but I’ve been (51) t______ all over Europe for the last two years. I’m still traveling and still (52) s_______. I like working (53) a________.

(44) ________

(45) ________

(46) ________

(47) ________

(48) ________

(49) ________

(50) ________

(51) ________

(52) ________

(53) ________



M: Well, Stella? Why do you look (44) u_________?

W: Oh, Bill, I have just had a quarrel with Mr. Philips.

M: Mr. Philips! What on earth was it (45) a_____?

W: Well, I have made three bad (46) m_____ so far this week. Today I (47) f_________ to give him an important message, so he got really angry with me.

M: But I don’t understand. You are usually very careful and (48) n_____ make mistakes.

W: I’m just so tired, I don’t know (49) w______ I am doing.

M: Why? Have you been going to bed late these days?

W: No, I’m usually in bed by about eleven. But I keep being (50) w______ up by half past four every morning. And then I cannot go back to sleep.

M: Why?

W: It’s my (51) n_____, the milkman next door. He has to get up at half past four and he always turns the radio on (52) l_____.

M: Ask him to turn it down then.

W: It’s difficult. I don’t know him yet.

M: If you don’t want to see him, write him a letter.

W: Do you think it’s a good idea?

M: Yes, I do. I’ll help you (53) w______ the letter.

W: OK, let’s try.

(44) ________

(45) ________

(46) ________

(47) ________

(48) ________

(49) _______

(50) _______

(51) ________

(52) ________

(53) _______


第二节 完形填空(共20小题:每小题1.5分,共30分)


One day on the way home from work, I stopped at a little store by the market. As I entered the store, I   36      something unexpectedly: the   37    made with a special cheese that my wife and I both liked very much!  38   , I decided to buy a large one. When I got home and   39   my discovery, my wife was less   40    in it than I was: I didn’t know why. Perhaps she thought it was too   41    for the fridge,   42    maybe she thought it was too expensive. Whatever the   43   , we didn’t eat the cake that night and without any argument we put it in the   44  .

A few days later, I opened the fridge. It was   45    ! I thought she had returned it to the store. In spite of my strong willingness to start a (n)  46    , I convinced myself that maybe there was another   47   , so I didn’t mention it. One month later, we were going to visit some friends. As we were getting into the car, I saw the cake box in her hand ! I couldn’t describe how  48   I was . When I told her what I had   49    , she smiled and said that   50    she bought a lot of frozen things, she had taken the cake to her mom to   51    it for us in her fridge. That night I had the   52    cake ever.

We told the story to our friends and we talked about how   53    in our family life it might be to make wrong   54   and how joyous it is when you fight against your ___ 55_   to start an argument.





















A. touched  

A. candy

A. Anyway

A. hid  

A. disappointed

A. sweet

A. or                                 

A. decision                   

A. car                           

A. packed

A. argument

A. effect

A. eager

A. thought

A. though

A. find

A. dearest

A. easy  

A. excuses

A. effort

B. bought

B. chocolate

B. However

B. explained 

B. concerned

B. heavy               

B. but

B. example

B. fridge

B. covered

B. speech

B. place 

B. happy

B. seen

B. when

B. lay

B. best

B. serious

B. decisions

B. ability

C. picked

C. cake

C. Indeed  

C. made

C. confident

C. big

C. so

C. story

C. kitchen

C. destroyed

C. explanation

C. reason 

C. angry

C. meant

C. since

C. make

C. coldest

C. amazing

C. choices

C. thought

D. noticed 

D. ice cream

D. Moreover

D. presented

D. interested

D. special

D. as

D. case

D. box

D. gone

D. discussion

D. choice

D. bored

D. said

D. if 

D. keep

D. largest

D. funny

D. guesses

D. try




The start of a new school year always brings a return to routine at my house. It’s the   36   routine practiced all across the country: wake up the   37  , get them out of bed, make sure everyone has   38  , check to see that the five-year-old has her shoes on, see their teeth are brushed,   39   lunches or lunch money, grab the book bags, and   40   for the door. Life goes like this and   41  thought is required for such a routine. As a   42  , I just get in the zone and get it all done. The mental clock is   43   ticking the whole time.

    One recent morning proved a(n)   44  . “The trees are dancing, mom!” shouted the five-year-old as we pulled out of the driveway. Her conversation about dancing trees went on for several minutes   45   I finally came out of my “accomplish the routine” mindset (心态) and noticed the   46   that day.

    Oh! The trees were dancing! I was so   47   with my daily routine that I   48   to notice the world around me. Once I started paying attention to the   49   of the leaves and the beauty of the trees “dancing”, it changed my whole mindset.

      50   life through the eyes of a five-year-old brought   51   back to my morning. I often find it easy to   52   the sense of wonder that I had as a child. The   53   I’ve been in “the routine”, the more likely I am to lose some of the wonder and the freshness. My young child   54   me that I need to   55   and enjoy the wonder of my life.


A. special

A. neighbors

A. eaten

A. hand in

A. wait

A. little

A. doctor

A. usually

A. example

A. once

A. sunshine

A. busy

A. hesitated

A. color

A. Ending

A. beauty

A. learn

A. higher

A. forced

A. study

B. same

B. parents

B. left

B. hand over

B. look

B. quick

B. mother

B. slightly

B. exception

B. while

B. rain

B. angry

B. failed

B. shape

B. Hating

B. kindness

B. lose

B. longer

B. persuaded

B. work

C. new

C. children

C. recovered

C. hand down

C. search

C. much

C. student

C. ever

C. success

C. before

C. cloud

C. unsatisfied

C. loved

C. movement

C. Experiencing

C. anger

C. talk

C. less

C. reminded

C. refuse

D. flexible

D. friends

D. disappeared

D. hand out

D. race

D. active

D. teacher

D. never

D. disaster

D. after

D. wind

D. comfortable

D. began

D. size

D. Devoting

D. sadness

D. show

D. better

D. requested

D. stop




















