We were reading the lights were out. A. as B. when C. while D. until 查看更多




We were reading _______ the lights were out.

A. as          B. when        C. while         D. until



We were reading _______ the lights were out.

A. as          B. when        C. while         D. until


     There was room for all of us, and sleeping bags kept the night chill away.We would listen to the
sound of the river, and hear the coyotes(丛林狼) howling along the hills not far away.
      Those were the cool summer nights of the mid nineties in Southern Alberta, Canada, when the fou
r children were young and we would lie on the trampoline(蹦床) in the backyard late at night, for the
sun would not set till late in July and August.We would look at the stars up above.It was a simple
painting of little white dots on a black canvas, but we would never grow tired of looking at it.As our
eyes surveyed that starry wonder we would see streaks of lights as meteors(流星) hit the atmosphere
and burn up, or we would follow the meteors'steady path across the sky till it would also disappear.
      These were the times when I would tell the stories of my own childhood and teach the kids life's
lessons that have been remembered to this day.I chuckle, as I recall the time when we heard a coyote
not far away, that I started a story about a bear sneaking (溜)up to the trampoline.The closer the bear
came (in the story )the closer the kids snuggled up to mom and I, until suddenly I let out this big daddy
growl and grabbed all the kids.They would startle and jump up and then all laugh, "Daddy, you scared
     Now the children are in their mid and late teens, but they fondly remember the starry nights on that
trampoline.Recently my oldest daughter on her wedding day sang a song for her parents, entitled I'll
always be your little girl.She wrote the music and words;it included a memory of those starry nights.
     I have learned as a parent that one of the greatest gifts we can give our children as they are growing
up is the time to tell them stories, or if telling stories is not that simple, perhaps read them a story.They
can read their own books and it will benefit them greatly academically, but telling or reading them a story
will create an inseparable bond(联系) with pleasant memories such as those late summer nights in the
starry sky.

1. The best title for this text should be ________.
A. An Important Lesson
B. A Father's Frightening Story
C. Memories of Starry Nights
D. A Parent's Story

2. What's the importance of telling or reading stories to children?
A. It can teach them much knowledge while they are listening to stories.
B. It will improve their listening abilities as well as their understanding abilities.
C. It will help them remember their happy moments in past days.
D. It can build up good links between parents and their children.

3. In this story, the writer compares the night sky to ________.
A. a black canvas with little white dots
B. little white dots
C. streaks of lights
D. the satellites'path

4. How did the writer feel when he was telling  the story on the dark night?
A. Frightened.  
B. Happy.
C. Sad.  
D. Worried.

