32. A.at night B.at noon C.in the morning D.in the daytime 查看更多



Do you find getting up in the morning so difficult that it's painful? This might be called laziness, but Dr.Kleitman has a new explanation.He has proved that everyone has a daily energy cycle.

       During the hours when you labor through your work you may say that you're “hot”.That's true.The time of day when you feel most energetic is when your cycle of body temperature is at its peak(高峰).For some people the peak comes before noon.For others it comes in the afternoon or evening.No one has discovered why this is so, but it leads to such familiar monologues ( 自言自语 ) as: “Get up, John! You'll be late for work again!” The possible explanation to the trouble is that John is at his temperature-and- energy peak in the evening.Much family quarrelling ends when husbands and wives realize what these energy cycles mean, and which cycle each member of the family has.

       You can't change your energy cycle, but you can learn to make your life fit it better.Habit can help, Dr.Kleitman believes.Maybe you're sleepy in the evening but feel you must stay up late anyway.Counteract (对抗) your cycle to some extent by habitually staying up later than you want to.If your energy is low in the morning but you have an important job to do early in the day, rise before your usual hour.This won't change your cycle, but you'll get up steam (鼓起干劲) and work better at your low point.

       Get off to a slow start which saves your energy.Get up with a leisurely yawn and stretch.Sit on the edge of the bed a minute before putting your feet on the floor.Avoid the troublesome search for clean clothes by laying them out the night before.Whenever possible, do routine work in the afternoon and save tasks requiring more energy or concentration for your sharper hours.

1.If a person finds getting up early a problem, most probably________.

       A.he is a lazy person

       B.he refuses to follow his own energy cycle

       C.he is not sure when his energy is low

       D.he is at his peak in the afternoon or evening

2.Which of the following may lead to family quarrels according to the passage?

       A.Unawareness of energy cycles.

       B.Familiar monologues.

       C.A change in a family member's energy cycle.

       D.Attempts to control the energy cycle of other family members.

3.If one wants to work more efficiently at his low point in the morning, he should________.

       A.change his energy cycle                  B.overcome his laziness

       C.get up earlier than usual                   D.go to bed earlier

4.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

       A.Getting off to work with a minimum effort helps save one's energy.

       B.Dr.Kleitman explains why people reach their peaks at different hours of day.

       C.Habits help a person adapt to his own energy cycle.

       D.Children have energy cycles, too.



Bicycle tour and race

  A bike tour and race will be held on August 26 and 27(Sat.&Sun.)At 5∶30 am, the riders will leave Tian'anmen Square and ride the first 35 kilometres as a training leg.

  Then the next 55 kilometre leg, from Yanjiao to Jixian, will be the first competitive(竞争性的)part of the tour.The riders and their bikes will then be taken front Jixian to Changli.

  The second racing leg of the tour will be from Changli to the seaside of Nandaihe, covering a distance of 20 kilometres.Saturday night includes the stay at Nandaihe and supper.Sunday morning is free for play at the seaside.At noon all the people and their bikes will be taken back to Beijing.

  Cost:200 yuan


Brazilian footballers

  The Brazilian Football Club will paly Beijing Guo'an Team at the Workers Stadium on August 26.The club has four national team players.Also coming is 1994 US World Cup star Ronario who has promised to play for at least 45 minutes.

  Ticket prices:150 yuan

  Time/Date:4∶30 pm, August 26(Sat.)


Rock climbing

  The Third National Rock Climbing Competition will be held on August 26-27 at the Huairou Mountain-climbing Training Base.More than 10 team from Beijing, Wuhan, Dalian, Jilin and other places will take part in it.A Japanese team will give an exhibition climbing.Free for spectators(观众).

  Take a long-distance bus from Dongzhimen to Huairou.

  Time/Dates:9-12 am, August 26 and 27

  Telephone:7143177,7144850, Wang Zhenghua


The main purpose of announcing the above events is to give information about ________.

[  ]


visiting teams


famous players


things to do for the weekend


prices to pay for the sports events


The underlined word“leg”in“Bicycle tour and race”probably means ________.

[  ]






part of the training


part of the tour


What is special about the rock climbing competition?

[  ]


a foreign team takes part in it.


You can watch it without paying.


You don't have to be a sportsman to take part.


The bus trip to the place of the competition is free.


If you want to find something to do for Saturday afternoon, which telephone number will you call?

[  ]











  Our house was directly across the street from the clinic entrance of John Hopkins Hospital in BaltimoreWe lived downstairs and rented the upstairs rooms to out-patients at the clinic

  One summer evening as I was fixing supper, there was a knock at the doorI opened it to see a truly awful looking manno taller than my eight-year-old sonI thought as I stared at the shriveled(皱缩的)bodyBut the shocking thing was his facetwisted from swelling

  He told me he'd been hunting for a room since noon but with no success"I guess it's my face, but my doctor says with a few more treatments…”

  I told him we would find him a bedWhen I had finished the dishes, he told me he fished for a living to support his daughter, her five children, and her husband, who was hopelessly disabled from a back injuryHe didn't tell it by way of complaint; in fact, every other sentence began with a thanks to God for a blessingHe was grateful that no pain accompanied his disease, which was apparently a form of skin cancer

  The next morning before he left for his bus, he asked if he could come back and stay the next time he had a treatmentI told him he was welcome to come again

  In the years he came to stay overnight with us, there was never a time that he did not bring us fish or oysters or vegetables from his garden

  When I received these little gifts, I often thought of a comment our next-door neighbor made after he left that first morning"Did you keep that awful looking man last night? I turned him awayYou can lose roomers by accommodating such people!"

  Maybe we did lose roomers once or twiceBut oh! If only they could have known him, perhaps their illnesses would have been easier to bearI know our family always will be grateful to have known him; from him we learned what it was to accept the bad without complaint and the good with gratitude


The first time I met the man, ________

[  ]


I felt pity for his look


he frightened my kid


he was looking for a place to stay overnight


he was in need of something to eat


The next-door neighbor refused the man because ________

[  ]


the man didn't bring him gifts


the man was poor


he had no spare room


he might lose roomers


Which of the following is NOT true about the man?

[  ]


He developed skin cancer


God helped him to get over his disease


He fished to support a large family


He didn't complain about his sufferings


What attitude did the man have toward life?

[  ]










What might be the best title of the passage?

[  ]


Accept good and bad with gratitude


Give others a hand


Never judge a book by its cover


Be the architect of life




  Bicycle tour and race

  A bike tour and race will be held on August 26 and 27(Sat.& Sum.).At 5:30am, the riders will leave Tian'anmen Square and ride the first 35 kilometers as a training leg.Then the next 55 kilometer leg, from Yanjiao to Jixian, will be the first competitive(竞争性的)part of the tour.The riders and their bikes will then be taken from Jixian to Changli.

  The second racing leg of the tour will be from Changli to the seaside of Nandaibe, covering a distance of 20 kilometers.Saturday night includes the stay at Nandaihe and supper.Sunday morning is free for play at the seaside.At noon all the people and their bikes will be taken back to Beijing.

  Cost:200 Yuan Telephone:4675027

  Brazilian footballers

  The Brazilian Football Club will play Beijing Guo'an Team at the Workers Stadium on August 26.The club has four national team players.Also coming is 1994 US World Cup star Romario ho has promised to play for at least 45 minutes.

  Ticket prices:60,100,150 Yuan

  Time/Date:4:30 pm, August 26(Sat.)Telephone:5012372

  Rock climbing

  The Third National Rock Climbing Competition will be held on August 26-27 at the Huairou Mountain-climbing Training Base.More than 10 teams from Beijing, Wuhan, Dalian, Jilin and other places will take part in it.A Japanese team will give an exhibition climbing.Free for spectators(观众).

  Take a long-distance bus from Dongzhimen to Huairou.

  Time/Dates:9-12 am, August 26 and 27

  Telephone:7143177, 7144850, Wang Zhenghua


The main purpose of announcing the above events is to give information about ________

[  ]


visiting teams


famous players


things to do for the weekend


prices to pay for the sports events


If you take part in the bike tour, you will ride for _________

[  ]


35 kilometres


55 kilometres


75 kilometres


110 kilometres


the underlined word "leg" in "Bicycle tour and race" probably means __________

[  ]






part of the training


part of the tour


If you want to find something to do for Saturday afternoon, which telephone number will you call?

[  ]










Most of us seem to reach our peak of alertness (警觉) around noon. Soon after that, alertness declines, and sleepiness may set in by mid-afternoon.

Your short-term memory is best during the morning—in fact, about 15 percent more efficient than at any other time of day. So, students, take notice: when you are faced with a morning exam, it really does pay to review your notes right before the test is given.

However, long-term memory is different. Afternoon is the best time for learning materials that you want to recall days, weeks or months later. Politicians, business executives or others who must learn speeches would be smart to do their memorizing during that time of day. You should try to do most of your studying in the afternoon, rather than late at night. Many students believe they memorize better while burning the midnight oil because their short-term recall is better during the early hours of the morning than in the afternoon. But short-term memory won’t help them much several days later, when they face the exam.

By contrast, we tend to do best on tasks related to the process of knowing, understanding, and learning numbers during the morning hours.

What about sports? During afternoon and early evening, you’re able to react the quickest to an outside stimulus—like a baseball speeding toward you. Studies have also shown that late in the day, when your body temperature is peaking, you will consider PE easier and less tiring—whether it actually is or not. That means you are more likely to work harder during a late afternoon or early evening workout, and therefore benefit more from it.  

In fact, all of your senses—taste, sight, hearing, touch and smell—may be at their keenest during late afternoon and early evening. That could be why dinner usually tastes better to us than breakfast.

While all of us follow the same general pattern of ups and downs, the exact timing varies from person to person. It all depends on how your “biological” day is structured. Each of us can increase our knowledge about our individual rhythms. Learn how to listen to the inner beats of your body; let them set the pace of your day. You will live a healthier and happier life.

1.What does the underlined “it really does pay” mean?

A.It will cost a lot.                         B.It requires price.

C.It is very painful.                        D.It is worthwhile.

2.If there is an English exam two weeks later, you should go over English ____________ for days before that.

A.in the afternoon                        B.in the late evening

C.in the early morning                     D.right before the exam

3.From the passage, it can be inferred that ______________.

A.we eat more food at noon

B.we feel most tired if we exercise in the evening

C.it is a good choice to study math in the morning

D.we feel most sleepy before noon

4.Which would be the best title for the passage?

A.What’s Your Best Time of the Day for Different Tasks

B.How to Live a Healthier and Happier Life

C.How to Study Efficiently

D.How to Keep Your Best State of Learning


