It was snowing hard we had to stay at home and watch TV. A. that B. so C. but D. because 查看更多



A woman was walking her dog along a beach in New Zealand in late June when she saw something that looked like a white ball in the sand. It turned out to be a young Emperor penguin that was lost. At his age, he should have been close to Antarctic, swimming for fish and playing on the ice floes(冰川). But this penguin started swimming north and just kept going.

The penguin attracted a lot of attention in New Zealand. It has been 40 years since an Emperor penguin was last seen there. Researchers at the Department of Conservation were called in. They decided to watch the penguin closely, but not to disturb it in any way. Many New Zealanders came to Peka Peka Beach to look at the elegant penguin. They were careful to keep their dogs away from it so it wouldn’t be frightened.

The public nicknamed the animal Happy Feet. Researchers started to notice that Happy Feet didn’t seem well. It turns out that he had been eating the sand from the beach, likely thinking it was snow.

The public raised more than 11,000 pounds for an operation to get the sand out of his stomach. The operation was a success, and Happy Feet was taken to a zoo in Wellington, NZ. A group of experts met to decide how to help Happy Feet return to the wild.

Last Sunday, they put him on a boat called the Tangaroa, in a specially built ice-filled box and took him out into the Southern Ocean, southeast of New Zealand. There, they released him into the ocean, which is his natural habitat. He took one last look at his human helpers and then dived into the ocean.

“Emperor penguins spend their first five years at sea,” said Peter Simpson of New Zealand’s Department of Conservation. “ What happens now is up to the penguin.”

Happy Feet was fitted with a satellite transmitter(发射机)so they can monitor his progress using the Internet. So far, the trackers shows that he swam northeast for a little while before getting his bearings and heading south.

1.Where is the young penguin supposed to appear?

A. On the sunny beach.????????? ????????????? B. Near the Antarctic.

C. Inside the hole in the ice.????? ????????????? D. In the depths of the ocean.

2.The public collected some money to______.

A. build a home for the penguin????????

B. get the sand out of the penguin’s belly

C. do some research on the penguin?????

D. return the penguin to his habitat

3.What does Peter Simpson mean by saying “ What happens now is up to the penguin.”?

A. The penguin needs no protection from human.

B. Human beings can do noting to help penguins.

C. No one knows what will happen to the penguins.

D. Whether the penguin can survive depends on himself.?



At 10 o’clock last Saturday night I came out from the  1.       

cinema.It was very much cold and the road was covered with snow. 2.      

SuddenlyI saw a woman fall down her bike. She couldn’t 3.     

get up. I ran to her at once and try to help her to sit up.   4.      

She said that her right leg was broken. I was worried about   5.       

when a young policeman came over. He called a taxi. I took  6.    

him to a hospital and telephoned her family about the matter.  7.       

As I saw the woman was good looked after, I said goodbye   8.     

to her.I felt happy I could help the woman but I also hope   9.      

she will be soon getting well on.                       10.        


Having said goodbye to his parents, Alvin, with his wife and one-year-old son, set off back home.  16 excited, Alvin and Clare talked and laughed happily. And even little Alax  17  from time to time. The family were   18  from trip.

   But about three hours later things began to   19  . It was starting to snow. Alvin sped up the car,   20 to arrive home before dark. But it was too dangerous to drive fast now. Because it was snowing more and more heavily. So Alvin had to   21 down. The snow on the   22 was getting deeper and deeper until it was hard to   23 on it. Their car slipped (滑落) off the way and got stuck in the deep snow   24 the engine refused to start again.

“The snow doesn’t seem to   25  . Shall we stay in the car waiting to be frozen to death or walk ahead through the snow?” Alvin asked. Clare said she  26  to walk. So they got out of the car with their son and began walking. But   27  was to come. Soon they lost their  28  and had to walk aimlessly on and on.

Night came. They were not afraid of the dark. But they were  29  that poor Alax would die of cold. However, their faith to keep Alax   30 made them filled with courage, warmth and strength. They  31 and rested in turn and then continued their walk. They had countless falls but each time true love encouraged them to rise to their   32  again.

One, two, three, …seven days passed. On the eighth day,   33  at last came from Alvin’s parents, the police and local people. But the young   34  had to have their feet cut off because of the bad frost-bites(冻伤). Fortunately, there was  35  seriously wrong with little Alax.

1.A.Still             B.Even             C.Yet          D.Ever

2.A.cried       B.jumped           C.smiled       D.sang

3.A.taking      B.having            C.enjoying            D.starting   B.change           C.come        D.finish

5.A.phoning          B.deciding          C.thinking        D.hoping

6.A.get             B.slow               C.go           D.look            B.highway            C.fields

8.A.walk           B.sit                C.stay         D.wait

9.A.and             B.but              C.or             D.for

10.A.fall            B.end            C.continue      D.melt

11.A.liked          B.preferred         C.decided           D.wished

12.A.better        B.something       C.nothing            D.worse

13.A.hope           B.luck             C.way  

14.A.certain       B.afraid           C.sorry          D.sure

15.A.happy       B.silent            C.alive            D.dead

16.A.slept           B.walked          C.watched        D.ate

17.A.heads       B.eyes             C.hands             D.feet

18.A.danger             C.luck  

19.A.husband     B.wife         C.couple  

20.A.everything    B.anything        C.something    D.nothing



It was getting dark and snow was coming down. Joe was driving home. He’d been unemployed since the factory closed. Most of his friends had left, but he stayed on. After all, he was born here.
Suddenly he saw a lady standing on the side of the road and pulled up. She was worried. No one had stopped to help her. Was he going to hurt her? He looked poor and hungry. Joe knew how she felt and said, “My name is Joe and I’m here to help you.” All she had was a flat tire, but for an old lady, that was bad enough. Joe changed the tire, but he got dirty and his hands were hurt. She wanted to pay Joe and said any amount would have been all right. Joe never thought twice about the money and there were plenty who had given him a hand in the past. He had lived his whole life that way. He told her that if she really wanted to pay him back, the next time she saw someone who needed help, she could give that person the assistance that they needed.
Later the lady went in a dingy-looking restaurant to grab a bite to eat. The cash register was like the telephone of an out-of-work actor----it didn’t ring much. The waitress, who was nearly eight months pregnant, brought a clean towel to her with a sweet smile. The old lady remembered Joe. After the waitress brought the change from a 100-dollar bill, she found the lady gone and something written on a piece of paper, “Someone once helped me out----the way I’m helping you. If you really want to pay me back, don’t let the chain of love end with you.”
That night the waitress gave her sleeping husband a soft kiss and whispered, “Everything’s going to be all right. I love you, Joe.”
【小题1】What do we know about Joe from this passage?

A.On his way home after work, he helped an old lady.
B.He had worked in a factory in his hometown before.
C.He would move away to fulfill his dream soon.
D.Though he was poor, he didn’t care about money at all.
【小题2】The saying “she wanted to pay Joe and said any amount would have been all right” in Paragraph 2 suggests that _____.
A.the old lady was very grateful to Joe’s timely aid
B.the old lady was much worried to be hurt by Joe
C.the old lady wanted to show off her fortune to Joe
D.the old lady’s car was very difficult to repair for Joe
【小题3】 Which of the following is TRUE according to Paragraph 3?
A.The restaurant was not only light but also clean.
B.The old lady did have a big meal in the small restaurant.
C.The waitress was more than eight months pregnant.
D.The old lady left the remaining money to the waitress.
【小题4】Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
A.Acts of luckB.A warm-hearted man
C.The chain of loveD.A generous lady


As darkness fell, hundreds of people in the Swiss village left their houses. They were looking   16 at the mountain top in the distance. It was covered with ice and snow beautiful but  17 .
The huge mountain is called Matterhorn. The mountain climbers had  18  the top,using the southern route(路线). But no one had ever  19  to try a winter climbing up the northern route. But now one man was daring(敢) to try the  20  route. He was Walter Bonatti, a great mountain climber from Italy.
For two days he had climbed. The village people had 21 him anxiously(担心地). Now they were waiting to see his  22  . If he planned to  23  the next day,he would light a green signal. A red light would mean that he gave up.
A tiny green light  24  high on the mountain side. Bonatti was not giving up!The people  25  .
The next day he  26  his way upward(向上). He was so lonely and so  27 !But he would not give up. Again that night he lit the  28  light.
In the morning, Bonatti  29  up. He could not see the top,but he knew he was 30 there. Though the climb was painful,he moved up.
Bonatti had spent months  31  for the climb. Was the training enough?  Did he have the strength and  32  to climb to the top? 
He was 33  at the top!News about his victory(胜利) was radioed to the world.
The trip  34 the northern route was hard. However,  He was warmly welcomed in the village. He had done the  “ 35 ,” and would be well remembered as a climber forever.

A.eastwardB.forward C.downD.up
A.Special B.dangerousC.attractiveD.small
A.swimB.passedC.reached D.rushed
A.allowedB.takenC.thought D.dared
A.difficultB.small C.sameD.easy
A.SurroundedB.terrifiedC.watched D.helped
A.take out B.go onC.give upD.throw away
A.AppearedB.showed C.disappeared D.ran
A.ContinuedB.started C.stopped D.led
A.sleepy B.excitedC.tiredD.happy
【小题14】 D.looked
A.alreadyB.almost C.extremelyD.surely

