I am sure that he will come to after he gets to know our arrival. A. pick us up B. give us up C. call us in D. call us for 查看更多



                                                                                              Dec. 24, 1848

Dear Johnston,

Your request for eighty dollars, I do not think it best to satisfy now. At the various times when I have helped you a little, you have said to me, “We can get along very well again,” but in a very short time I find you in the same difficulty again. Now this can only happen by some fault in your behavior. What that fault is, I think I know. You are not lazy, and still you are an idler(游手好闲). I doubt whether since I saw you, you have done a good whole day’s work, in any other day. You do not very much dislike to work, and still you do not work much, merely because it does not seem to you that you could get much for it.

This habit of uselessly wasting time is the whole difficulty; it is vastly important to you, and still more so to your children, that you should break this habit. It is more important to them, because they have longer to live, and can keep out of an idle habit before they are in it, easier than they can get out after they are in.

You are now in need of some ready money; and what I suggest is, that you shall go to work hard, for somebody who will give you money for it.

Let father and your boys take charge of your things at home-prepare for a crop, and make the crop, and you go to work for the best money wages, or to pay back any debt you owe. And to secure you a fair reward for your labor, I now promise you that for every dollar you will, between this and the first of May, get for your own labor, I will then give you one other dollar. By this, if you hire yourself at ten dollars a month, from me you will get ten more, making twenty dollars a month for your work.

Now if you will do this, you will soon be out of debt, and what is better, you will have a habit that will keep you from getting in debt again. But if I should now clear you out, next year you will be just as deep in as ever. You say you would almost give your place in Heaven for $ 70 or $80. Then you value your place in Heaven cheaply, for I am sure you can with the offer I make you get the seventy or eighty dollars for four or five months’ work. You say if I furnish you the money you will deed(抵押) me the land, and if you don’t pay the money back, you will deliver possession-Nonsense! If you can’t now live with the land, how will you then live without it? You have always been kind to me, and I do not now mean to be unkind to you. On the contrary, if you will but follow my advice, you will find it worth more than eight time eighty dollars to you.


Your brother

A. Lincoln

1.Abraham Lincoln wrote the letter to Johnston mainly to ________.

A.show his concern for him

B.recommend him to save money

C.decline his request and motivate him

D.introduce him a new job

2.What’s the problem with Johnston, according to Lincoln?

A.He was very lazy.

B.He wasted time a lot.

C.He couldn’t get much from work.

D.He disliked working.

3.In the letter Lincoln suggested that Johnston should ________.

A.keep himself from getting into trouble

B.go to work hard for somebody

C.manage well the things at home

D.keep the children out of the idle habit

4.If Johnston got one dollar for his work, Lincoln promised to _________.

A.reward him with labor

B.pay off his debt

C.hire him at 10 dollars a month

D.give him another dollar

5.In order to get 80 dollars from Lincoln, Johnston promised to ________.

A.take away his place in Heaven

B.deed Lincoln the land

C.live without the land

D.do good work every day



If you are planning to study in the United States, you need to consider several factors. Everyone has different opinions about where is the best place to live in. Also, the best places to live in are not always home to the best schools. Finally, many schools specialize in different areas of study. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, for example, is a great school for computer science and technology-related fields of study. However, if you want to study oceanography(海洋学), your interests may be better served by attending school in a place that is on a coastline or near the ocean.

Now I am sure that you know which schools are considered the best in the country. So I will tell you about which states I believe are the best to live in.

California is a nice state. Northern California specifically has very good weather. Los Angeles in southern California is another story, though. Life in LA is full of excitement and fast, and sometimes dangerous. As for me, I enjoyed the time I spent in Massachusetts, Virginia and Maryland and these states have a lot of history and culture. The weather is not as perfect as Northern California, but it is still quite nice. My favorite area of America is the Mid-west. Middle America, I think, is home to the true American sense of values. In addition, there are many good universities there.

Also, you need to think about your likes and dislikes and then research the various states. You like sunshine and hate snow? Then you probably won’t like the Midwest or even the Northeast. Open space, nature and peace? Then you probably should stay away from America’s large cities. Are you interested in government? Then Washington D. C. is the only place for you. Whatever you decide, put some thought into it. The place you live in could be the difference between a great study-abroad experience and a state of great suffering on earth.

1.What, according to the author, should be considered first if you want to study in the USA?

A.The climate     B. The scenery

C. The study condition     D. The living condition

2.What is California like?

A.California is the best place to live in.

B. California is the worst place to live in.

C. California is a state with the largest city.

D. California is a state with different climates.

3. If you study in Middle America, you can probably _______.

A.find the best universities

B. feel the real character of the nation

C. meet the most famous professors there

D. face more difficulties

4. What can we conclude from the text?

A.All American famous universities lie in nice places.

B. Los Angeles is the most dangerous city in the USA.

C. Washington D.C. is the political centre of the USA.

D. It is always raining in the Midwest of the USA.



Modern Manners
Philip Howard answers your questions on contemporary etiquette (礼仪)
Philip Howard,
When my friend and I (two ladies of a certain age) go out to have a meal, she always leaves an extremely large tip. At times, the tip will equal the amount of one of the main dishes—sometimes it comes to about 30 per cent of the bill. I feel 15—20 per cent is adequate for services offered and depending on the type of restaurant. At a cafe I would like to leave 15 per cent or a bit more depending on the service and etc. A larger tip would be appropriate if we are in a big city or a nicer place. My friend says “Well, I am sure they are not driving a Mercedes (奔驰汽车).” Well, neither am I, and how does she know? Who is correct and how can I make changes? I might add I do truly feel tipping should be based on good service, and also if you frequent a place and know the staff a larger tip is OK. I would never hesitate to tip a waitperson. I always leave to the higher side. 
Barbara Bade
Barbara Bade,
Americans are more generous tippers than the British. I suspect that 10 per cent for a tip is about normal in the UK. Tipping is a strange survival in our age of supposed equality and minimum wages. Your friend has a generous nature and deep purse. I do not see why you cannot let her tip whatever she wants, and do your own thing. I agree that a tip should be a reward for good service and general good feeling. If the service is rotten and the meal a disaster, we should withhold a tip and explain why we are doing so. Few of us have the chutzpah (厚颜) to do this. Sensible restaurants have a box for tips, so that they are shared out among the staff, including those in the kitchens whom we do not see. (I trust that the management does not receive the money as extra profit.) I look forward to the day when waiters and other servants are paid a good enough living wage, so that they do not have to depend on the generosity of strangers to survive. To wait at table is just as honorable a way to earn a living in this wicked world. If you are pleased with the meal and cheerful service, you should tip as handsomely as your purse affords. I don’t suppose that your waiter / waitress is driving a Mercedes, even in the States. 
Philip Howard
60. We can learn from the first letter that Barbara prefers ___________.
A. changing her own ideas on how to tip waiters
B. leaving a bigger tip to the familiar waitpersons
C. eating at a café rather than in a nice restaurant
D. saving as much money as possible for herself
61. It can be inferred that Barbara’s friend tips waiters heavily ________.
A. to show that she is well off                              B. because they are thought to be poorly paid
C. to show that she is generous                          D. because they have offered her full service
62. Besides quality of service, Philip regards __________ as principles of tipping.
A. taste of food and amount of one’s money
B. taste of food and the number of servants
C. generosity of strangers and the number of servants
D. amount of one’s money and generosity of strangers


My parents have decided to take me to Britain for a visit. I am
excited, _________(希望) to make good use of this opportunity. Firstly,           【小题1】_____________
I will talk to native speakers as m         as I can to improve my spoken    
English. Secondly, there are many attractions that _________(使感兴趣) me a lot,   【小题3】 ______________
among ________ are Big Ben, Tower of London, British Museum, etc. I can’t     
wait to visit ________. Besides, football, which is popular in England, is         【小题5】______________
my f       sport. I have been dreaming of watching a live football            
match there and now the dream will come t        . My pen friend Alice     
lives in London and we have __________(安排) to meet at the weekend. Both of   
us are ___________ forward to the meeting. I am sure I will have a good            【小题9】______________
t         whatever I do.                                              


One day while shopping in a small town in southern California, it was my misfortune to be approached by a clerk.He seemed most unfriendly and not at all concerned about my intended purchase.I bought nothing, and marched angrily out of the store.
On the outside was a dark-skinned young man in his early twenties.His expressive brown eyes met and held mine, and in the next instant a beautiful, bright smile covered his face.I gave in immediately.The power of that broad smile dissolved all bitterness within me, and I felt the muscles in my own face happily responding.
"Beautiful day, isn't it?" I remarked, passing.Then I turned back."I really owe you a debt of thanks," I said softly.
His smile deepened, but he made no attempt to answer.A Mexican woman and two men were standing nearby.The woman stepped forward and volunteered, "Sir, but he doesn't speak English.Do you want me to tell him something?" In that moment I felt transformed.The young man's smile had made a big person of me.My friendliness and good will toward all mankind stand ten feet tall.
“Yes,” my reply was enthusiastic and sincere, “tell him I said, ‘Thank you!’”
“Thank you?” The woman seemed slightly puzzled.
I gave her arm a friendly pat as I turned to leave."Just tell him that," I insisted."He'll understand.I am sure!"
Oh, what a smile can do! Although I have never seen that young man again, I shall never forget the lesson he taught me that morning.From that day on, I became smile-conscious, and I practice the art diligently anywhere and everywhere, with everybody.n
【小题1】Why did the author leave the store angrily?

A.He couldn't buy what he wanted.
B.The clerk treated him unkindly.
C.The clerk didn't speak English.
D.The store's goods were too dear.
【小题2】By saying "I felt the muscles in my own face happily responding"(in Para. 2), the author means _       _.
A.he smiled back at the young manB.he did not want to smile
C.he would thank the young manD.he was still in a bad mood
【小题3】.The author asked the woman to say "Thank you!" to the young man because the young man        .
A.had helped the author beforeB.taught the author how to smile
C.taught the author a valuable lessonD.was a kind employee of the store
【小题4】.In the passage, the author seems to suggest that we should __  ___.
A.be generous to strangersB.practice smiling every day
C.help people in troubleD.smile at other people

