Want it. When I was at school. I was just the wrong age! 69. 查看更多



Every day,the news of the world reaches people by over 300 million copies of daily papers,over 400 million radio sets,and over 150 million television sets. Additional news is  1 by motion(动作) pictures,in theatres and cinemas all over the world. As more people learn what the important events of the day are, 2 still only care for the events of their own household. Nearly four hundred years ago the English writer John Donne said,“No man is an island.”This  3 is more appropriate(恰当的)today than it was  4 Donne lived. In short,wherever he lives,a man  5 to some society;and we are becoming more and more aware(清楚的) that ? 6 happens in one particular society affects,somehow,the life of mankind.?

Newspapers have been published in the  7 world for about four hundred years. Most of the newspapers  8 today are read in Europe and North America. However,  9 they may be read in all parts of the world, 10 to the new inventions that are changing the techniques of newspaper  11 .?

Electronics and automation(自动化) have made it  12 to produce pictures and texts far more quickly than before. Photographic(照相的) copying doesn't  13 to use type(铅字) and printing machines.And fewer specialists(专家), 14 type?setters,are needed to produce a paper? or magazine by the  15 method. Therefore,the publishing of newspapers and magazines can  16 more money. Besides,photocopies can be sent over great  17 now by means of ?television channels and satellites such as Telstar. Thus(因此), 18 can be brought to the public more quickly than before.?

Machines that prepare printed texts for photocopies are being used a great deal today. Film,  19   light and small,can be sent rapidly to other places and used to print copies of the text  20 they are needed. Film pictures can also be projected(投影) easily on a movie or television screen.?

1.A. taken     B. shown     C. seen     D. known

2.A. fewer     B. higher    C. lower     D. less?

3.A. study     B. argument   C. knowledge   D. idea?

4.A. that    B. while     C. when     D. then?

5.A. moves    B. goes     C. belongs     D. comes?

6.A. it      B. whatever   C. something   D. anything?

7.A. common   B. modern    C. ordinary   D. usual?

8.A. bought   B. printed     C. found     D. discovered?

9.A. fast    B. suddenly   C. immediately   D. soon?

10.A. has    B. brings    C. thanks    D. imagines?

11.A. delivering B. making    C. selling     D. publishing

12.A. clear   B. possible   C. bright    D. successful?

13.A. want     B. need     C. like     D. hope?

14.A. including B. besides     C. such as     D. except?

15.A. advanced   B. easy     C. unusual     D. suitable?

16.A. make     B. earn     C. save     D. get?

17.A. places   B. distances    C. cities    D. villages

18.A. pictures   B. newspapers    C. letters     D. words?

19.A. becoming   B. feeling     C. turning     D. being?

20.A. where   B. there     C. which     D. because of



Like a scene out of a reality show or a Disney movie, Southgate, Mich., teenager Ashley Qualls' moment has arrived.

She may not have an MBA, a high-school diploma, or even a driver's license yet, but Asheley Qualls already has an influential website (www. Whateverlife.Com). The 17-year-old girl has been building her online business for two years.

In December 2004, Qualls borrowed $8 from her mother to buy the Whateverlife.com. domain name (域名). She intended to use the website as a way to share her design for My Space pages with her friends.

But in the incontrollable, fast-moving world of cyberspace, others began noticing Qualls' site even though she never has spent a penny on advertising.

When  it  comes  to  web  traffic, Whateverlife.com .currently ranks No. 825 out of 20.3 million websites, drawing 2.4 million visitors worldwide during the last 30 days. Qualls said that on average, 72% of her site's audience made a return visit.

Whateverlife.com earned a million dollars in revenue last year and is on track to do the same this year.

“I'm stubborn and I'm independent,” she said from her office in the basement of her house. “I like the feeling that it's my company, and I want to have the say-so (主张) in everything.”

But don't mistake Qualls for another smart but spoiled teenager. She is growing up fast but owns talent for life and business that elude many girls of her age.

The task of running a million-dollar company isn't without its sacrifices(牺牲) and challenges for a teenager. Qualls dropped out of Lincoln Park High School after her sophomore year to work fulltime on Whateverlife.com, a decision that she said shocked her family, friends and teachers. She now is studying to get her degree in graphic design.

1. Many people noticed Qualls' site because ________.

A. it was set up by a 17-year-old girl

B. Qualls shares her design with her friends

C. Qualls has been building her online business

D. the world cyberspace develops fast and uncontrollable

2. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the text?

A. Qualls' Website Whateverlife .com. No. 825 in 20.3 million websites.

B. About 2.4 million visitors worldwide visit her

website every month.

C. Most of her audience have visited her website at least twice.

D. Qualls has the right to decide everything in her company.

3. The underlined word “elude” in the 8th paragraph means ________.

A. avoid B. embarrass

C. exceed D. encourage



It was two days after the seventh Harry Potter book came out. I was halfway through   36  it, and I certainly didn’t want to be   37  .But the phone kept ringing, so I   38   it.

     Patty from my church said, “Rachel, we are   39   at the soup kitchen (施粥所) at the Methodist church this afternoon and need   40   right now. Are you   41   ?”

    I wanted to have an entire day to read the book,   42  my mouth answered, “Sue, I will be there at 5:15.”

    When I   43   , other volunteers were already at work. I glanced through the door and saw people already lining up outside.

    At 5:30, the   44    began to move. A family with two kids in wheelchairs came through first. The mother and father each carried two plates and   45 a wheelchair.

     Then two older men came over. “No watermelon,” one said.

     “Are you kidding?” I asked   46  . “You don’t want watermelon?”

     He grinned (咧着嘴笑). “I am kidding. Give me one of those.”

     A family of five came through the line. The son   47   his plate for watermelon and bread. “Is that all you want?” I asked. He nodded. “I’m not  48  .”

     Five minutes later, he was back. “Can I have some more? I’m only hungry for watermelon.” I   49  and served him another slice (片).

   One   50  came through holding hands and smiling at each other. “We have been married 49 years, and I love her like I did when we just got married!” the man told me   51  .

     Although the people    52    food, they gave me more than I gave them. They told me about their   53  —how one’s daughter was getting married, and another’s son was learning to read.

     I kept watching them eating, happy or sad, talking excitedly with friends or eating   54    in the corner, each with a story to tell.

     Although I love to read Harry Potter, I’m still   55  I went to the soup kitchen that afternoon.

36. A. writing          B. reading         C. publishing       D. buying

37. A. fired        B. hurt        C. disturbed        D. protected

38. A. used        B. ignored         C. answered        D. replaced

39. A. helping       B. relaxing         C. watching        D. playing

40. A. cooks       B. fans       C. friends         D. volunteers

41. A. busy        B. sure        C. free        D. awake

42. A. and      B. so             C. though         D. but

43. A. returned      B. left         C. stopped         D. arrived

44. A. group        B. line         C. car            D. wheelchair

45. A. pushed       B. roe         C. brought         D. took

46. A. angrily       B. doubtfully       C. excitedly        D. anxiously

47. A. gave up      B. broke up        C. covered up      D. held up

48. A. fine         B. hot        C. sick         D. hungry  

49. A. apologized    B. shouted         C. laughed         D. sighed

50. A. man         B. child       C. couple      D. team

51. A. eagerly       B. happily         C. bravely         D. calmly

52. A. sold         B. accepted        C. borrowed       D. saved

53. A. families  B. jobs        C. dreams         D. plans

54. A. lightly       B. freely          C. alone       D. well

55. A. worried      B. ashamed        C. tired        D. glad


—— There are ten minutes left for school. What shall we do?

——Oh, dear. There are always not any taxis when you want _____.

A. it       B. one      C. that      D. any



  Every day,the news of the world reaches people by over 300 million copies of daily papers,over 400 million radio sets,and over 150 million television sets. Additional news is  1 by motion(动作) pictures,in theatres and cinemas all over the world. As more people learn what the important events of the day are, 2 still only care for the events of their own household. Nearly four hundred years ago the English writer John Donne said,“No man is an island.”This  3 is more appropriate(恰当的)today than it was  4 Donne lived. In short,wherever he lives,a man  5 to some society;and we are becoming more and more aware(清楚的) that ? 6 happens in one particular society affects,somehow,the life of mankind.?

Newspapers have been published in the  7 world for about four hundred years. Most of the newspapers  8 today are read in Europe and North America. However,  9 they may be read in all parts of the world, 10 to the new inventions that are changing the techniques of newspaper  11 .?

Electronics and automation(自动化) have made it  12 to produce pictures and texts far more quickly than before. Photographic(照相的) copying doesn't  13 to use type(铅字) and printing machines.And fewer specialists(专家), 14 type?setters,are needed to produce a paper or magazine by the  15 method. Therefore,the publishing of newspapers and magazines can  16 more money. Besides,photocopies can be sent over great  17 now by means of ?television channels and satellites such as Telstar. Thus(因此), 18 can be brought to the public more quickly than before.

Machines that prepare printed texts for photocopies are being used a great deal today. Film,  19   light and small,can be sent rapidly to other places and used to print copies of the text  20 they are needed. Film pictures can also be projected(投影) easily on a movie or television screen.?

1.A. taken         B. shown         C. seen       D. known

2.A. fewer         B. higher          C. lower          D. less?

3.A. study         B. argument    C. knowledge       D. idea?

4.A. that          B. while           C. when           D. then?

5.A. moves        B.  goes       C. belongs         D. comes?

6.A. it           B. whatever     C. something       D. anything?

7.A. common       B. modern         C. ordinary     D. usual?

8.A. bought       B. printed         C. found          D. discovered?

9.A. fast          B. suddenly     C. immediately      D. soon?

10.A. has         B. brings          C. thanks         D. imagines?

11.A. delivering    B. making         C. selling          D. publishing

12.A. clear       B. possible     C. bright          D. successful?

13.A. want         B. need       C. like         D. hope?

14.A. including    B. besides         C. such as         D. except?

15.A. advanced     B. easy       C. unusual         D. suitable?

16.A. make        B. earn        C. save       D. get?

17.A. places      B. distances       C. cities           D. villages

18.A. pictures       B. newspapers      C. letters          D. words?

19.A. becoming     B. feeling         C. turning         D. being?

20.A. where    B. there       C. which          D. because of

