It can be inferred from the passage that . A. people are used to living in the tents B. people feel wet and cold in the tents C. people in the earthquake-hit areas are suffering a lot D. some students are clearing the rubble 查看更多





From the first paragraph, we can see that ________.

[  ]


the group happened to see a family of chimps wake up


it must be a tiring job to follow and watch chimp families


chimps are friendly to humans


chimps of a family are used to sleeping separately


Which of the following don’t Jane’s discoveries about chimps include?

[  ]


Chimps usually live peacefully with other animals.


Chimps eat meat as well as fruit and nuts.


Chimps have a social system.


Chimps have their body language to communicate with each other.


From what Jane says, it can be inferred that ________.

[  ]


Jane thinks it right for humans to protect chimps in cages


Jane feels it right to let chimps live in their own environment


Jane likes to watch chimps in cages


Jane thinks it dangerous to use chimps for entertainment


The purpose of the author’s writing this passage is to ________.

[  ]


tell us something about the living habits of chimps


tell us some mistakes common people make about chimps


tell us the great achievements Jane won in her chimp observations


call on human beings to care for chimps


The author writes this passage in a ________ attitude.

[  ]










While still in its early stages, welfare reform has already been judged a great success in many states—at least in getting people off welfare.It's estimated that more than 2 million people have left the rolls since 1994.
In the past four years, welfare rolls in Athens Country have been cut in half.But 70 percent of the people who left in the past two years took jobs that paid less than $6 an hour.T'he result: The Athens County poverty rate still remains at more than 30 percent—twice the national average,
For advocates(代言人) for the poor, that's an indication much more needs to be done.
"More people are getting jobs, but it's not making their lives any better," says Kathy Lairn, a policy analyst at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities in Washington.
A center analysis of US Census data nationwide found that between 1995 and 1996, a greater percentage of single, female-headed households were earning money on their own, but that average income for these households actually went down.
But for many, the fact that poor people are able to support themselves almost as well without government aid as they did with it is in itself a huge victory.
"Welfare was a poison.It was a toxin(毒素) that was poisoning the family," says Robert Rector, a welfare-reform policy analyst."The reform in changing the moral climate in low-income communities.It's beginning to rebuild the work ethic, which is much more important."
Mr.Rector and others argued that once "the habit of dependency is cracked," then the country can make other policy changes aimed at improving living standards.
【小题1】Why don't people enjoy their better lives when they get jobs?

A.Because they are used to relying on welfare to make livings.
B.Because the cost of living is higher than before.
C.Because many families are below average income.
D.Because their wages are very low.
【小题2】From the passage we know that the reconstruction of___ is the core of the reform.
A.government aids ethic
C.welfare funds
D.moral awareness
【小题3】From the example of the Athens County, we know great efforts should be done for the poor to ___.
A.improve their living standards help them be employed get them off welfare increase their wage
【小题4】From the passage, it can be inferred that the author ___. completely certain about the success of welfare reform
B.thinks that welfare reform has done little good for the poor
C.insists welfare reform has increased the government's burden
D.considers welfare reform fundamentally successful


While still in its early stages, welfare reform has already been judged a great success in many states—at least in getting people off welfare.It's estimated that more than 2 million people have left the rolls since 1994.

In the past four years, welfare rolls in Athens Country have been cut in half.But 70 percent of the people who left in the past two years took jobs that paid less than $6 an hour.T'he result: The Athens County poverty rate still remains at more than 30 percent—twice the national average,

    For advocates(代言人) for the poor, that's an indication much more needs to be done.

    "More people are getting jobs, but it's not making their lives any better," says Kathy Lairn, a policy analyst at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities in Washington.

A center analysis of US Census data nationwide found that between 1995 and 1996, a greater percentage of single, female-headed households were earning money on their own, but that average income for these households actually went down.

But for many, the fact that poor people are able to support themselves almost as well without government aid as they did with it is in itself a huge victory.

"Welfare was a poison.It was a toxin(毒素) that was poisoning the family," says Robert Rector, a welfare-reform policy analyst."The reform in changing the moral climate in low-income communities.It's beginning to rebuild the work ethic, which is much more important."

Mr.Rector and others argued that once "the habit of dependency is cracked," then the country can make other policy changes aimed at improving living standards.

1.Why don't people enjoy their better lives when they get jobs?

    A.Because they are used to relying on welfare to make livings.

    B.Because the cost of living is higher than before.

    C.Because many families are below average income.

    D.Because their wages are very low.

2.From the passage we know that the reconstruction of___ is the core of the reform.

    A.government aids ethic

    C.welfare funds

    D.moral awareness

3.From the example of the Athens County, we know great efforts should be done for the poor to ___.

    A.improve their living standards help them be employed get them off welfare increase their wage

4.From the passage, it can be inferred that the author ___. completely certain about the success of welfare reform

    B.thinks that welfare reform has done little good for the poor

    C.insists welfare reform has increased the government's burden

    D.considers welfare reform fundamentally successful



  While still in its early stages, welfare reform has already been judged a great success in many states-at least in getting people off welfare.It's estimated that more than 2 million people have left the rolls since 1994.

  In the past four years, welfare rolls in Athens Country have been cut in half.But 70 percent of the people who left in the past two years took jobs that paid less than $6 an hour.T'he result:The Athens County poverty rate still remains at more than 30 percent-twice the national average,

  For advocates(代言人) for the poor, that's an indication much more needs to be done.

  "More people are getting jobs, but it's not making their lives any better," says Kathy Lairn, a policy analyst at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities in Washington.

  A center analysis of US Census data nationwide found that between 1995 and 1996, a greater percentage of single, female-headed households were earning money on their own, but that average income for these households actually went down.

  But for many, the fact that poor people are able to support themselves almost as well without government aid as they did with it is in itself a huge victory.

  "Welfare was a poison.It was a toxin(毒素) that was poisoning the family," says Robert Rector, a welfare-reform policy analyst."The reform in changing the moral climate in low-income communities.It's beginning to rebuild the work ethic, which is much more important."

  Mr.Rector and others argued that once "the habit of dependency is cracked," then the country can make other policy changes aimed at improving living standards.


Why don't people enjoy their better lives when they get jobs?

[  ]


Because they are used to relying on welfare to make livings.


Because the cost of living is higher than before.


Because many families are below average income.


Because their wages are very low.


From the passage we know that the reconstruction of ________ is the core of the reform.

[  ]


government aids


work ethic


welfare funds


moral awareness


From the example of the Athens County, we know great efforts should be done for the poor to ________.

[  ]


improve their living standards


to help them be employed


to get them off welfare


to increase their wage


From the passage, it can be inferred that the author ________.

[  ]


is completely certain about the success of welfare reform


thinks that welfare reform has done little good for the poor


insists welfare reform has increased the government's burden


considers welfare reform fundamentally successful



  The anger of PETA has now been turned on KFC, the fried-chicken chain. After two years of failed talks aimed at forcing KFC to introduce more humane(人道的) practices into the raising and killing of chickens, PETA announced last week that it would start a worldwide “Kentucky Fried Cruelty” movement .

  PETA wants KFC to kill its chickens using gas rather than cutting their throats, to increase their living space and to provide resting-place for the birds. “KFC has got a lot from chickens but treated them badly, leaving us no choice but to turn up the hest.” said Bruce Friedrich, PETA's director. “McDonald's, Burger King and Wendy's did some-thing under the pressure; KFC would do well to follow their lead.”

  The PETA movement intends to catch the attention of anyone who has ever had close dealings with a chicken. “Chickens are intersting animals,” the moverment's press release (新闻稿) begins, “ and are thought to be at least as clever as dogs or cats. ” Mr. Friedrich of PETA insists that social relations among chickens are more developed than those among cats, and are nearly as developed as those among dogs. “When Jesus(耶稣) was looking for a way to express god's love for man, he used the example of a hen's love for her young.” he said.

1.PETA might be ________.

[  ]

A.people watching over restaurants

B.people who raise chickens

C.people demanding animal rights

D.people who believe in Jesus

2.It can be inferred from the passage that ________.

[  ]

A.some other organisations have given in to PETA

B.killing chickens makes PETA very angry

C.PETA insists chickens be protected instead of being killed

D.KFC treats chickens as cruelly as dogs and cats

3.PETA tries to win the public's support by ________.

[  ]

A.turning up the heat the example used by Jesus

C.holding two-year talks with KFC

D.exciting people's pity on the bird

