The plan for the project at the meeting. 查看更多





People were asked to comment __28__ scenes from films like Pulp Fiction, TV series like Channel 4’s Brookside and cartoons like South Park. Leeds University concluded that people made a __29__between bad language used in programmes for adults, and those _30__ for children.

A. for

B. on

C. of

D. over

A. destination

B. difference

C. extinction

D. distinction

A. meant

B. provide

C. intend

D. supply


Advertisements need to attract and ___31__ the attention of the public. Some advertisements consist of pictures or the words of experts to show people how good the products are. Others try to create advertisements that people simply enjoy ___32___. As present-day advertisers often have large ____33___, a lot of money is spent on applying modern techniques of design to make these advertisements as _____34_____ attractive as possible.

Not all advertising is about selling products and services for a profit. Some contemporary advertisements mainly aim to make contributions to society. There are public advertisements ____35_____citizens to participate in improving their neighbourhood, protecting the environment, and helping other people. ___36___ the last decade, the government has worked hard at using advertisements to educate the public on fighting AIDS, saving water, helping the poor, giving up smoking, etc. These advertisements have helped to increase public knowledge, which has made our society a better place for everyone.

A. pay

B. make

C. receive

D. hold

A. looking

B. staring

C. looking at

D. staring at

A. budgets

B. gadgets

C. plans

D. profits

A. more visually

B. less visually

C. visually

D. visual

A. encourage

B. encouraged

C. to encourage

D. encouraging

A. From

C. By

D. Since

D. Over


Dear Editor,

I am writing to ????????___37___about the plan for a new airport. Many people have been  38 the idea from the start. However, the government is planning to go ahead with the building next year.

First, the government says that the airport will bring us industry and jobs.  39  , in my opinion, it will ruin the character of Tamford, a historic country town. Although the airport would bring tourists, I am not sure they would want to stay in a dirty, industrial town.

___40____ the government says, it is clear that the airport will also affect our health. Problems will increase even though the government has promised us a new hospital. Air pollution will get worse and this will be harmful to people, for example, it can cause cancer. Noise pollution will also have an ___41___ on the houses and schools near the airport.

I think other people should write to the government about this problem. We should do everything we can  42   this airport.

A. protect

B. protest

C. proposal

D. promote

A. disagree

B. for

C. in favour of

D. against

A. However

B. Therefore

C. Instead

D. Besides

A. Whatever

B. No matter which

C. Although

D. No matter

A. affect

B. influent

C. damage

D. effect

A. stop

B. to stop

C. stopping

D. stopped


 And a word of advice. To avoid getting confused about the British tipping system, you need to ____43____ your bill to see if a tip is included or not. If it isn’t, I suggest leaving 10% of the bill for the waiter or waitress --- ___44____ a bit more if the service is good. Talking of money --- it’s really easy to exchange traveller’s cheques at banks or hotels so I ___45___ you to get some of those before you come.

A. examine

B. check

C. test

D. look

A. even

B. just

C. yet

D. still

A. suggest

B. persuade

C. request

D. advise


Pushy parents and teachers who “hothouse” the under-5s risk causing damage to the children’s long term development, a leading education expert said.

       Lilian Katz, Professor of Education at the University of Illinois, said that four-year-olds engaged in reading and writing went on to perform worse academiclly than those engaged in imaginative learning. They scored higher in tests at the age of 5, but children whose first year at school was stimulating outstripped them four years later.

   The findings suggest that the government's structured approach to early years' learning could be storing up problems for children. They also raise serious questions about the plan for all children to be able to read by the age of 6.

   In many countries formal teaching does not start until children are 6 or 7 and have improved their social and manual skills. Children start learning to read and write at 6 in the United States. France and Germany , and at 7 in Finland and Sweden.

   Professor Katz said that in many schools the courses were "boring children to tears". Much academic teaching required children to learn by memorizing pieces of information out of context, she said. Teaching in reception class should instead allow children to develop their intellect by exploring their environments and asking questions.

   "Research suggests the benefits of formal academic insturction for four- and five-year-olds seem to be promising when they are tested early, but considerably less so in the long term. When these children are followed over a period of three or more years, those who had early experience in more intellectually engaging curricula were more likely to do well in school than their peers, who had received early academic instruction." She avocates teaching children through first-hand experience and play, in mixed-aged classes. This can include puppet shows, drawing or running a pretend shop in the classroom.

1.According to the passage, those who “hothouse” the under-5s would probably _________.

       A. prefer a lot of interaction and stimulation while teaching

       B. teach in a lively way to motivate kids’ interest

       C. push the kids to memorize pieces of information

       D. care about the kids’ physical development

2.What does the underlined word “ outstripped” in Paragraph 2 mean?

       A. did better than                                B. looked down upon

       C. caught up with                                      D. performed worse than

3.According to Lilian Katz, the government’s structured approach to early-years learning ______.

       A. is necessary for improving children’s reading and writing ability

       B. needs to be improved to develop children’s academicability

       C. will cause problems to children in their future learning

       D. has more advantages than disadvantages

4.The message the author wants to deliver through the passage is that formal teaching _______.

       A. can start at different times in different countries.

       B. should not be started too early

       C. is best carried out in Finland and Sweden

       D. should include teaching children social and manual skills

5.Which of the following is NOT the opinion of Lilian Katz?

       A. Children should be taught through first-hand experience.

       B. Learning in a mixed-age class is good for children.

       C. Running a shop can help children get good marks.

       D. Puppet shows and drawing are useful easy in teaching children.


1. 注重学习多,注重其它方面少, 如:社会活动,体育锻炼等;
2. 暑假中要参加一些公益活动,如:帮助小学生学习,帮老人做事,做志愿者等;
3. 大学生活的计划: 努力学习,生活自理,和老师同学相处好。
Before graduation, I feel an urge to talk about my regrets for the senior high school and the plan for my college goals.


63. The plan for a new airport have been scrapped __________ an extension to the old one. favour

B.out of favour favour of




DNA ( Deoxyribonucleic acid ) is one of the most important discoveries in science. DNA is the plan for the human being , as a blueprint is the plan for building. DNA makes a person look the way he does. A  person's  DNA. comes  from a mixing of his parents' DNA. That's why a child looks like his parents. But, besides controlling things such as height and hair color, DNA can also give people diseases , Scientists are now studying DNA to cure diseases.

In the seventies, scientists developed a process called recombinant (重新组合) or RDNA. Although it sounds difficult to understand, RDNA simply means taking DNA from one animal or plant and putting it into another. By doing so, scientists can create new beings. In so doing, scientists can better understand DNA, especially what parts of DNA do . After they understand DNA, scientists can begin to cure diseases. Often, the new being created will itself be the cure.

Besides curing diseases, RDNA research can also do other things. For example, scientists in Japan have already created “super-trees”. Trees help humans, because they take CO2, which poisons humans, from the air and turns it into oxygen, which lets humans breathe. “Super-trees” do this too, but do if much faster. As things such as cars and factories have already put much CO2 in the area, “super-trees” are badly needed.

Unfortunately, there is serious danger in RDNA research. Scientists want to create animals to cure old diseases, but these new animals may also create new diseases. It will be a serious problem if the animals escape from the science laboratory and into nature. As these animals are not natural, they may let loose many new powerful diseases.

As a result, RDNA research will create many solutions (解决方案), but it will also create many problems.

67. From the passage, we can know that a boy looks like his parents because________

A. he is son of his parents

B. his parents' DNA decides his appearance

C. he has received DNA from his father or his mother

D. scientists have put some of his parents' DNA into him

68. What does the underlined expression “let loose” probably mean?

A. let... go free       B. get rid of        C. absorb          D. survive

69. What is the best title for the passage?

The DNA Research in Japan 

B. A New Way of DNA Research in Japan

C. The Causes and Effects of DNA Research

D. The Advantages And Disadvantages of RDNA

70. The following statements are true about RDNA research EXCEPT_____.

A. the research has been stopped because the created animals carry virus

B. “super-trees” might be widely planted around the world

C. scientists have not completely understood DNA

D. RDNA research will benefit human beings a lot

