I was so busy for the exam that I couldn’t help the room. A. preparing, clean B. prepare, clean C. preparing, cleaning D. prepare, cleaning 查看更多



I had been rather proud of myself when my friends and family got the ticket,whether it was for speeding,parking or stop sign violations (违反).It was something that happened to others. But last Friday I joined the club.

I was asked to do a new project last week. On Friday morning on my way to work,I suddenly remembered that I had spent the past six weeks without considering that I had a week’s vacation planned during that time. I was very disappointed with myself for not remembering it. The fact  is that I was not paying enough attention to my driving and I did not come to a complete stop at the stop sign in front of a school. I was so distracted (思想不集中的)that I didn’t even notice I had a policeman on my tail with his lights flashing. Finally I looked in my mirror and caught on.

The policeman was rude and took my papers. Fortunately,I had everything up to date and since I had never had a ticket before,there was nothing for him to do but write me a ticket. While I was sitting there in the seat of “shame”,I felt bad. If I had been that distracted and a child had run onto the road,perhaps I would have not reacted as well as I could have. It was a wake-up call.

People at work asked me if I tried to talk my way out of it. Frankly,it never occurred to me. I felt guilty. Now I no longer have a clean driving record. Please be careful out there,as a moment’s distraction can lead to tragedy.

1.What is this passage mainly about?

A.The writer’s most unforgettable experience.

B.How the writer got her first ticket.

C.An accident caused by the writer.

D.Why the writer is always so careful.

2.We can infer that the underlined part “the club” in Paragraph 1 here refers to ________.

A.people who are crazy about driving cars

B.a club for drivers without much experience

C.people who get tickets for breaking traffic rules

D.a club for people to talk about their driving stories

3.What made the writer unable to focus on her driving?

A.Planning how to spend the vacation.

B.Thinking of the forgotten vacation.

C.Thinking about her work.

D.Missing her children.

4.From the experience,the writer has probably learnt ________.

A.what is really important to her

B.how to deal with policemen

C.to enjoy the small things in life

D.to be much more careful


How do apology languages work? Have you ever tried to apologize, only to be refused? It may be that you were offering a partial apology in a “language” , that was foreign to your listener.The five languages of apology include:
Apology Language 1: “I am sorry.”
List the hurtful effects of your action.Not “I am sorry if …”, but “I am sorry that…”.You might ask if they want to add any points that you have not recognized.
Apology Language 2:“I was wrong.”
Name your mistake and accept fault.Note that it is easier to say “You are right” than “ I am wrong”, but the latter carries more weight.
Apology Language 3: “ What can I do to make it right?”
How are you now? How shall I make amends(弥补) to you? How can I restore your confidence that I love you— even though I was so hurtful to you?
Apology Language 4: “I’ll try not to do that again.”
Engage in problem-solving.Don’t make excuses for yourself such as, “Well, my day was just so…” Instead, offer what you will change to prevent yourself from putting them in the same bad situation again.
Apology Language 5: “Will you please forgive me?”
Be patient in seeking forgiveness.They may need some time or greater clarification of your input from Apology Languages 1-4.
Finally, your apology may not be accepted, but at least you know that you have been faithful in offering a sincere olive branch of peace.
【小题1】The passage mainly talks about___________

A.5 tips for apologies that workB.5 ways of refusing apologies
C.the function of apology languagesD.the importance of apology languages
【小题2】According to Paragraph 1, your apology may be refused mainly because________
A.your listeners can’t understand your dialect.
B.your listeners can’t hear what you said clearly.
C.your apology is not sincere.
D.your apology is not expressed well enough.
【小题3】When offering an apology, which of the following does the author prefer?
A.“You are right”B.“I am sorry if …”
C.“I was wrong.”D.“Well, my day was just so…”
【小题4】In the last paragraph, the author tells us even if your apology may not be accepted, at
least ___________.
A.It’s your fault any moreB.your mind will be at peace
C.your friend will make peace with you D.your apology is true to your heart


The Pecan Thief

When I was six years old, I was visiting my grandfather's farm in Kansas. Grandpa had sent me into the   36  to gather pecans for us to enjoy later.

Pecan picking was really   37  work and my little basket was only half full. I wasn't about to   38  Grandpa down. Just then something caught my   39  . A large brown squirrel was a few feet away.  I watched as he picked up a pecan, hurried to a tree and   40  in a large hole in the trunk. A moment later the squirrel   41  out and climbed down to the ground to pick up another nut. Once again, he took the pecan back to his hiding place.

Not so   42  anymore, I thought. I dashed over to the tree and looked into the hole. It was   43  with pecans! Golden pecans were right there for taking. This was my   44 . Handful by handful, I scooped all of those pecans into my basket. Now it was full! I was so   45  of myself. I couldn't wait to show Grandpa all the pecans.   46 , I ran back and shouted, “Look at all the pecans!” He looked into the basket and said, “Well, well, how did you find so many ? ” I told him how I'd   47  the squirrel and taken the pecans from his hiding place.

Grandpa congratulated me on how smart I'd been in observing the squirrel and his habits. Then he did something that   48  me. He handed the basket back to me and put his arm gently   49  my shoulders.

“That squirrel worked very hard to gather his winter   50  of food, ” he said. “Now that all of his pecans are gone, don't you think that little squirrel will   51  the cold winter? ”

“I didn't think about that,” I said.

“I know, ” Grandpa said. “But a good man should never take   52  of someone else's hard work.”

Suddenly I felt a bit   53 . The image of the starving squirrel wouldn't   54  my mind. There was only one thing I could do. I carried the basket back to the tree and poured all the nuts into the hole.

I didn't eat any pecans that night, but I had something much more filling—the   55  of knowing I had done just the right thing.

1.                A.woods         B.rooms          C.holes D.roads


2.                A.dirty           B.hard           C.light D.easy


3.                A.settle          B.let             C.have D.keep


4.                A.sweater        B.basket          C.hand D.eye


5.                A.joined          B.lived           C.disappeared   D.discovered


6.                A.held           B.jumped         C.stood D.found


7.                A.secret          B.strange         C.anxious   D.patient


8.                A.filled           B.covered        C.rebuilt   D.decorated


9.                A.time           B.choice          C.achievement   D.chance


10.               A.afraid          B.ashamed        C.proud D.careful


11.               A.Otherwise      B.However       C.Therefore D.Besides


12.               A.followed        B.driven         C.protected  D.caught


13.               A.annoyed        B.satisfied        C.delighted  D.surprised


14.               A.off            B.beside         C.around    D.over


15.               A.cost           B.supply         C.support   D.preparation


16.               A.escape         B.spend          C.flee  D.survive


17.               A.place          B.notice          C.charge    D.advantage


18.               A.unconfident     B.guilty          C.embarrassed   D.nervous


19.               A.leave          B.open          C.cross D.occupy


20.               A.inspiration      B.expectation     C.satisfaction D.impression




It was the golden season. I could see the yellow leaves falling with the cool wind. For others, it is a/an       season, while for me, it is an annoying season. Tired from preparing for Postgraduate Entrance Examination, I decided to have a       along the Yanjiang Road in my university.

  “Autumn is a lonely season and life is       . The days in this season always get me down ”, I was in deep thought when the sound of a guitar       into my ears, like a stream flowing from the mountains. I was so surprised that I ran to see what it was. A young girl, sitting on the lawn, was       in playing her guitar. The music was so attractive that I listened quietly.

   Lost in the music, I did not realize that I had been standing for so long. But my _  __ did not seem to disturb her. Leaves were still falling. Every day when I passed by the lawn, I would see her playing her guitar. During the rest of the days in the season, life became interesting and I could  _ _  the courses carefully. Though we did not know each other, I thought we were always good friends.

   Autumn was nearly over. One day, when I was listening  _ _ , the sound suddenly stopped. To my astonishment, the girl came       to me.

  “You must like the music,” she said.

  “Yes, you play very well. Why did you stop?” I asked.

   Suddenly, a __ _ expression appeared on her face and I could feel something unusual.

    “I came here just to have a rest because I failed in the college entrance examination. I felt very disappointed. And it was your listening every day _ _ encouraged me,” she said, “and I have to go tomorrow.”

  “__ __, it was your playing that gave me a meaningful autumn and helped me believe that I have the ability to pass the Postgraduate Entrance Examination.” I answered, “I think it was God who gave us the chance to know each other and we should be good friends

   She smiled and I smiled.

   Since then, I have never seen her again. I no longer passed by that __ _. Only thick leaves were _     behind. But I will always remember the __ _ of the girl. It was her appearance that helped me passed the Postgraduate Entrance Examination.

   We may encounter many people in our lives. Some are like a shooting star, but      so much light that they guide you in the correct _   ; some are like _  in you, they are always with you, but do not understand you. Just as a famous saying, many people     in your life, but only true friends leave footprints.

   I shall always __ __ the autumn, the girl and the sound of her guitar. I know she will always be my best friend.

1.A. irrigation B. harvest  C. rainfall D. adventure

2.A. walk   B. nap C. rest D. glance

3.A. stressful B. aimless C. uninteresting D. desperate

4.A. flowed  B. floated C. flew D. fled

5.A. devoted  B. addicted C. engaged D. absorbed

6.A. exposure B. movement C. existence D. enthusiasm

7.A. get over B. take over C. pull over D. go over

8.A. casually B. devotedly C. roughly D. thoroughly

9.A. along B. down C. over D. back

10.A. strange B. happy C. special D. sad

11.A. when B. which C. that D. what

12.A. In consequence B. In reality C. In addition D. In detail

13.A. mountain B. stream C. road D. lawn

14.A. left B. thrown C. fallen D. piled

15.A. figure B. face C. hair D. eyes

16.A.give away B. give up C. give in D. give off

17.A. direction B. destination C. position  D. situation

18.A. clothes B. shadows C. footprints D. wrists

19.A. broke B. stepped C. approached D. participated

20.A. remind B. review C. remain D. recall



He met her at a party.She was so outstanding,with many boys around her,while he was so normal, with nobody paying attention to him.

At the end of the party,he invited her to have coffee with him.She was surprised,but due to being polite,she agreed.

They sat in a nice coffee shop.He was too nervous to say anything,and she felt uncomfortable,thinking,“Please let me go home.”

Suddenly he asked the waiter,“Would you please give me some salt? I'd like to put it in my coffee.”

Everybody stared at him——so strange! His face turned red,but,still,he put the salt in his coffee and drank it.

She asked him curiously,“Why do you have this hobby?”

He replied,“When I was a little boy,I was living near the sea.I liked playing in the sea, and I could feel the taste of the sea, just like the taste of the salty coffee.Now every time I have the salty coffee.I always think of my childhood.I miss my hometown so much.I miss my parents who are still living there.”

While saying that tears filled his eyes.She was deeply touched.That's his true feeling,from the bottom of his heart.A man who can tell out his homesickness, he must be a man who loves home, cares about home, and has responsibility of home.

Then she also started to speak,about her faraway hometown,her childhood, her family.That was a really nice talk,also a beautiful beginning of their story.

They continued to date.She found that actually he was a man who meets all her demands;he was kind-hearted, warm and careful.He was such a good person but she almost missed him!

Thanks to his salty coffee! Then the story was just like every beautiful love story,the princess married the prince, then they were living a happy life…And, every time she made coffee for him,she put some salt in the coffee.

After 40 years, he passed away,leaving her a letter which said,“My dearest,please forgive my whole life lie.This was the only lie I said to you—the salty coffee.

“Remember the first time we dated? I was so nervous at that time.Actually I wanted some sugar, but I said salt.It was hard for me to change so I just went ahead.

“I tried to tell you the truth many times in my life, but I was too afraid to do that, as I have promised not to lie to you for anything.

“Now I'm dying, I'm afraid of nothing so I tell you the truth:I don't like the salty coffee.What a strange bad taste! But I have had the salty coffee for my whole life!

“Since I knew you, I never feel sorry for anything I do for you.Having you with me is my biggest happiness for my whole life.If I can live for a second time,I still want to know you and have you for my whole life,even though I have to drink the salty coffee again.”

Her tears made the letter totally wet.

Someday,someone asked her,“What's the taste of salty coffee?”“It's sweet,”she replied.

After ordering some salt to put into the coffee, the young man must have felt    

A.touched     B.satisfied    C.disappointed    D.embarrassed

Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A.Salt coffee is more delicious and sweeter than sugar coffee.

B.The man ordered the salt coffee in order to create a chance to date with the girl.

C.The man had to have salty coffee all his life to keep his word.

D.The woman hardly believed the man's explanation at their first date.

From the passage we can see that the man is        

A.caring and kind-hearted      B.shy and sly

C.dishonest but responsible     D.warm and understanding

It is implied in the passage that the woman _____ when reading the letter left by her husband.

 A.was cheated by his husband's behavior    B.was touched by his husband's white lie

 C.felt sorry to know the truth too late       D.felt angry about his dishonesty

