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1.He is           (遭受)from a bad cold.

2.The sea is very            (平静)

3.The general             (命令) that all the soldiers should fight bravely.

4.The story is            (基础于) on facts.

5.I am ______(喜爱)of playing the piano.

6.The plane flew at an _______(高度) of 3,0000 feet.

7.They _______ (营救)a boy from drowning.

8.This morning we had a slight _______ (地震).

9.It’s love that makes the world ________(和平).

10.“I’m sure we’ll find it,” he said _________(充满希望地).



单词拼写 根据所给首字母或中文写出单词(共10小题;每小题0.5分,满分5分)

71.  Your v___________ is too small; you need to learn more words.

72. 2010 Shanghai World Expo needs a good many v________ to do the work for free.

73. The word “not” are p          differently in the UK and the USA.

74. Both Pompeii and Loulan became lost c__________ about 2,000 years ago.

75.The old couple have decided to a________ a boy and a girl from Yushu though they have three daughters and two sons of their own .  Zxxk

76.He has a good sense of __________________ (方向).

77. Red is the          ____ (象征) of revolution (革命)

78. ________ ( 不幸地),he got injured in the football match.

79. It is a pity that so many buildings were ___________(毁坏) in the big fire.

80.Your performance in the driving test didn’t reach the required _______ (标准)----- in

other words , you failed [来源:]



1. We all hope those who are___________( 遭受) from this disaster will be safe.
2.  I am glad to accept your kind __________ (邀请)。
3.  We should have a positive __________( 态度) towards life.
4.  We congratulated him __________( 真诚地) on his success.
5.  Price and _________( 质量) are the two chief considerations for most of consumers.
6.  The civilization of _________( 古老的) Greece is famous in the world.
7.  He is quite __________( 熟悉) with this country because he has been here for ten years.
8.  I burst into _________( 笑声) when my brother walked in wearing his funny clothes.
9.  The plane caused a __________( 革命) in our way of traveling.
10.  The only step between dream and __________( 现实) is action!


单词拼写:根据汉语提示, 写出正确的单词。
1. He went to that restaurant _____ (频繁).
2. They _____ (说服) her into giving up that unreasonable plan.
3. In a certain areas, _____ (闪电) can be very dangerous.
4. Go _____ (一直地) down the road and then turn left.
5. On my way home, I went to the post office to pick up many _____ (包裹)
6. The general _____ (命令) the soldiers that they not march towards the valley.
7. Judging by his _____, he must be a southerner. (口音)
8. Although he was far away from home, he was still _____ (挂念) about her safety.
9. There are a great many _____ (德国人) in the square.
10. As a top student, he is always asking a _____ (一系列) of questions.


1. We all hope those who are_______(遭受) from this disaster will be safe.
2. I am glad to accept your kind ________(邀请).
3. We should have a positive ________(态度) towards life.
4. We congratulated him ________(真诚地) on his success.
5. Price and _______(质量) are the two chief considerations for most of consumers.
6. The civilization of _______(古老的) Greece is famous in the world.
7. He is quite ________(熟悉) with this country because he has been here for ten years.
8. I burst into _______(笑声) when my brother walked in wearing his funny clothes.
9. The plane caused a ________(革命) in our way of traveling.
10. The only step between dream and _______(现实) is action!

