What does the man want to borrow from the woman? A. Money, a bike and an MP3 player. B. Money, a car and {007}an MP3 player. C. Money, a bike and some music tapes. 查看更多





1.Why does the man like his new room?

A.It's larger than the old one.

B.It's near his friends' flats.

C.It's close to the school.

2.Who is going to buy a gift for John?




3.How does the man feel about the woman?

A.She's careless with money.

B.She doesn't like money.

C.She is able to make money.

4.Where is Mr.Baker now?

A.In his house.

B.In a restaurant.

C.At the travel service.

5.What do you think of the woman?

A.She can't afford any dictionary.

B.She has a better dictionary.

C.She'll plan for a better dictionary.




6.How does the man feel?




7.What kind of accident is the man in?

A.Car accident.

B.Boat accident.

C.Train accident.


8.What may the two or three ringing come from?

A.Door bell.

B.Their imagination.

C.Neighbours' phone.

9.What is the man going to do?

A.Go out.

B.Continuing waiting.

C.Do some work.

10.What can we know about the man?

A.He doesn't want to tell the things about his work to others.

B.He is at work.

C.He always relaxes himself.


11.What are the two speakers talking about?

A.Computers in the future.

B.People's imagination.

C.Possible changes in the next 50 years.

12.What will be the greatest change according to the man?

A.The difference between humans and machines.

B.The difference between computers and human brains.

C.The difference between humans.

13.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The woman imagines the computer can recognize one's feelings.

B.The man imagines humans can come to life after they die.

C.The man imagines humans will live as long as they like to.


14.Why is the man late?

A.He forgot to look at his watch.

B.The maths teacher kept him in her office.

C.The maths class lasted longer than it should.

15.What do we know about the students?

A.They don't mind the man's being late.

B.They don't want to hurt the teacher.

C.They prefer to learn more maths.

16.What is the man most likely to do?

A.Talk to the maths teacher.

B.Remain silent about the problem.

C.Refuse to go to the maths teacher's classes.


17.What do we know about the history teacher?

A.He often lent books to his students.

B.He was kind and helpful.

C.He did a very good job.

18.How did the speaker go home?

A.By bus.

B.By bike.

C.On foot.

19.Why did the speaker go to a library on his way home?

A.To borrow a book.

B.To look for his book.

C.To do his homework.

20.What did the speaker buy in a shop?

A.A newspaper.

B.A magazine.

C.A book.



第一节 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C、三个选项中选出最佳选项.听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题.每段对话仅读一遍.

1.What is the man doing?

[  ]

A.Waiting for the train.

B.Having dinner.

C.Doing shopping.

2.Where is the woman?

[  ]

A.At the meeting-room.

B.In the office.

C.At home.

3.What’s wrong with Fang Hua?

[  ]

A.He has a toothache.

B.He feels well.

C.He has a headache.

4.What will the woman buy?

[  ]

A.An electric bike.

B.A motorbike.

C.A watch.

5.What kind of book does the girl want to borrow?

[  ]

A.A book about history.

B.A book about languages.

C.A book about maths.

  第二节 听下面5段对话或独白.每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项.听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间.每段对话或独白读两遍.


6.How many buildings were damaged by the planes?

[  ]



C.Quite a lot.

7.When did the terrible attack take place?

[  ]

A.On Friday.

B.On Sunday.

C.On Tuesday.


8.Why did the man get a new TV?

[  ]

A.TV is on sale.

B.His old TV doesn't work.

C.He loves big TV.

9.How much does the man pay for the new TV?

[  ]




10.What will the man probably do after the conversation?

[  ]

A.He will look for a cheaper television.

B.He will be eager to watch TV.

C.He will return the television to the store.


11.How does the man like his office?

[  ]

A.Big enough but crowded.

B.Big enough and very comfortable.

C.Neither big nor crowded.

12.What is the other office for?

[  ]

A.For store.

B.For dinner.

C.For parking.

13.Which floor is the bank on in the building?

[  ]

A.On the first floor.

B.On the second floor.

C.In the basement.


14.How do they know the gift shop?

[  ]

A.A friend told them about the shop.

B.They read an ad in the newspaper.

C.They happen to pass it.

15.What season is it now possibly?

[  ]




16.Why won’t they buy gold watch?

[  ]

A.The watch is not real gold.

B.Mother has got one.

C.It’s too expensive.

17.How much is the gift for Mother?

[  ]





18.Which of the following countries has NOT found the mad-cow disease yet?

[  ]




19.How did mad cow disease spread and cause cattle to die?

[  ]

A.By using MBM (meat-and-bone meal) with different plants.

B.By eating infected (感染的) MBM.

C.By importing foreign cattle.

20.Why did China stop the import of feed from the European Union?

[  ]

A.Because it's a great waste of money.

B.Because doing this can keep the disease from spreading in China.

C.Because we must use our own feed.

  第三节 听下面一段独白,每段独白读三遍,第一遍听短文大意,第二遍边听边写下所缺的词或者短语,第三遍检查.

  Computers will be used more and more in hospitals of tomorrow. For example, a doctor can talk to the computer and explain (1) ________. Then the computer will (2) ________ him what and why to do something. Not only do computers (3) ________ a patient’s health record, but also (4) ________ with the same illness. The possibility that these records will be (5) ________ by computers anytime (6) ________ will be turned into reality soon. The computer programs for (7) ________ whole texts about different illnesses (8) ________ to help medical workers greatly.

  (9)________ so that computers can save doctors a lot of work and time and (10) ________ in hospitals in the future.





1.Where does the woman want to go?

A.The post office

B.The National Library

C.The People’s Hospital

2.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The man wrote a song yesterday.

B.The woman knows how to play the guitar.

C.The woman is a singer of a band.

3.Why did the man go to Shenzhen?

A.For sightseeing

B.To visit his friends

C.On business

4.What does the woman suggest the man buy?

A.A purse

B.A dress

C.A pair of shoes

5.Who is using Bob’s car now?







6.What did Tom buy yesterday?

A.A second-hand Ford

B.A new Benz

C.A new Toyota

7.What does the man most probably do?

A.A driver

B.A teacher

C.A police man

8.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.Jane goes to work by bike every day.

B.The man doesn’t want Jane to buy a car.

C.The woman wants the man to buy a new Benz.


9.Where does the conversation take place?

A.In the sitting room

B.At the airport

C.On the phone

10.How many children survived the crash?




11.When did the plane crash?

A.When it was flying in the sky.

B.When it was landing at the airport

C.When it was taking off.


12.Where is Tom most probably now?

A.In the hospital

B.In the teacher’s office

C.In the classroom

13.How did Tom send the woman and her child to the hospital?

A.By car

B.By bus

C.By taxi

14.Why didn’t Tom go to school immediately after he sent the woman and her child to the hospital?

A.Because he had a blood test and donated some blood there.

B.Because he had to borrow some money for the woman.

C.Because he had to send the woman and her child back to their home.


15.What does the man’s mother want him to learn after graduating from school?




16.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The man follows whatever his mother tells him to do.

B.The man is sure that he will become a famous painter one day.

C.The man’s father allows the man to learn what he really likes.

17.What do we learn about the woman from the conversation?

A.She has a strong desire to be a singer.

B.She wants the man to follow his mother’s advice.

C.She is afraid that she will give up singing one day.


18.What is the speaker mainly talking about?

A.People’s common illnesses in the future.

B.Computers in the hospitals of tomorrow.

C.Computers in people’s everyday life.

19.What computer programs have already been developed?

A.Programs for checking a person’s health.

B.Programs for storing whole texts about different illnesses.

C.Programs for answering questions in human being’s voices.

20.What can we learn from the text?

A.There will be no nurses in the hospitals in the near future.

B.People won’t have as many illnesses as now in the future.

C.Scientists are working hard so that computers will work better for doctors.

