He was honoured with an a (奖)for excellence in teaching. 77.His experience is u 查看更多



VII. 单词拼写(共10题,每题1分,共10分)

71. I’m sorry, but I didn’t mean to keep you waiting here for a long time.

Can you f______ (原谅)me?

72. The boy lifted the stone with all his  s_______(力量).

73. To succeed as an artist one must  c_________(结合) talent and discipline.

74. I didn’t mind. I_________(实际上), I was pleased.

75. They entered the area without p________(许可)

76. He was honoured with an  a______ (奖)for excellence in teaching.

77.His experience is u____________(难以置信的)

78.How the dinosaurs disappeared on the earth remains a p_______(谜)

79.If you have any problem with the words, you can c______(咨询) a dictionary.

80. In the end I lost my p______ (耐心)and shouted at her.

