of the land in my hometown covered with trees and grass. A. Two-fifths; is B. Two-fifth; are C. Two-fifth; is D. Two-fifths; are 查看更多




. ____ of the land in my hometown ____ covered with trees and grass.    

A. Two-fifths; is   B. Two-fifth; are   C. Two-fifth; is     D. Two-fifths; are          



____ of the land in my hometown ____ covered with trees and grass.

 A. Two-fifths; is   B. Two-fifth; are   C. Two-fifth; is     D. Two-fifths; are



. ____ of the land in my hometown ____ covered with trees and grass.    

A. Two-fifths; is   B. Two-fifth; are   C. Two-fifth; is     D. Two-fifths; are          


____ of the land in my hometown ____ covered with trees and grass.

 A. Two-fifths; is   B. Two-fifth; are   C. Two-fifth; is     D. Two-fifths; are


 ____ of the land in my hometown ____ covered with trees and grass.
  A. Two-fifths ; is    B. Two-fifth ; are     C. Two-fifth ; is     D. Two-fifths ; are

