We greatly a your timely help. 查看更多




1.Alice’s not accustomed to making speeches publicly; it’s so _____(令人尴尬的).

2.You ought to be ashamed of your foolish _____(行为).

3.Your timely help is greatly _____(欣赏,感激) when we were in real trouble.

4.We shouldn’t put off the _____(仪式,典礼) the students are looking forward to.

5._____(受惊吓的) children were heading for their mothers.

6.The _____(意义) for senior students of doing a part-time job means more than money and experience.

7.She is not my friend, only a nodding _____(相识的人).

8.He _____(目击,作证) to having seen that man break into the house.

9.By doing well at school, Little Tom hoped to win his parents’ _____(赞许,批准).

10.What the English teacher said _____(确信,信服) me that I was mistaken.




The ____________ (夫妇) are newly married.

He has a large __________(搜集) of books which are written in English.

This movie is ___________ (打算) for adults, not for children.

Some people think clowns are only funny for children.________(实际上) they can help people forget their problems , at least for a short moment.

Chinese people and Westerners have a different sense of _________ (幽默).

The beer tastes a little __________ (苦).

We greatly __________ (感激) your timely help.

Has he had any experience of __________ (管理) large projects ?

During that period of time they made three important __________ (发现).

He tapped his foot ___________ (轻轻地) on the floor.



1.Two-thirds of the people _______(幸存)the earthquake.

2.We d_______ the Christmas tree with glass balls.

3.We found further scientific _______(证据)for the theory.

4.When he heard the good news, he b_______ into laughter.

5.She was _______(接纳)as a member of the club.

6.The red lamp is often used as a danger s_______.

7.We greatly ________(感激)your timely help.

8.You will have to work hard if you are to s________.

9.How can the athletes enjoy _______(竞争)in the Winter Olympics?

10.The products are nice. In a________, the price is low.


