23.I would rather home alone, but he would rather I . A. to go; didn’t B. go; not go C. going; will not D. go; didn’t 查看更多



I walked alongside my father, clutching his right hand.All my clothes were new: the black shoes, the green school uniform, and the red cap.They did not make me happy, however, as tins was the day I was to be thrown into school for the first time.I tried in vain lo convince him that I did nothing wrong all the way, but it didn't help.

When we.arrived at the sate we could see the courtyard, vast and full of boys and girls.I hesitated and clung to his hand, but he gently pushed me from him."Be a man, "he said."today you truly begin your life.You will find me waiting for you when it's time to leave."

I took a few steps.Then the faces of the boys and girls came into view.I did not know a single one of them, and none of them knew me.I felt I was a stranger who had lost his way.But then some boys began to glance at me in curiosity, and one of them came over and asked, " Who brought you? "

    "My father," I whispered.

    ''My father's dead, " he said simply.

I did not know what to say.The gate was now closed.Some of the children burst into tears.The bell rang.A lady came along, followed by a group of men.The men began soiling us into ranks.We were formed into an intricate pattern in the great courtyard surrounded by high buildings.

Well, it seemed that my misgivings had had no basis.From the first moments I made many friends and fell in love with many girls.I had never imagined school would have this rich variety of experiences.

We played all sorts, of games.In the music room we sang our first songs.We also had our first introduction to language.We saw a globe of Earth, which revolved and showed the various continents and countries.We started lean-line numbers, and we were told the story of the Creator of the universe.We ate delicious food, took a little nap, and woke up to go on with friendship and love, playing and learning.

Our path, however, was not totally sweet and unclouded.We had to be observant and patient.It was not all a matter of playing and fooling around. Rivalries could bring about pain and hatred or give rise to fighting.And while the lady would sometimes smile, she would often yell and scold.Even more frequently

she would resort to physical punishment.

The bell rang, announcing the passing of the day and the end of work.The children rushed toward the gate, which was opened again.I said goodbye to friends and sweethearts and passed through the gate.I looked around but found no trace of my father, who had promised to be there.I stepped aside to wait.

1.The writer hesitated and clung to his father's hand when they got to the school gate because ____.

    A.he loved his father and didn't want to leave his father

    B.he had thought attending school meant being punished

    C.he was afraid of the punishment given by teachers

    D.he did not want to leave his mother and his rather alone at home

2.What happened to him first during his first day at school?

    A.He was moved to tears by a sad story told by a girl.

    B.He together without other students was grouped.

    C.He learnt music and other courses and had a good time.

    D.He got punished by die woman teacher because of his impatience.

3.Which of the following subjects did he not probably have?

    A.Cooking.      B.Math.         C.Music.        D.Geography.

4.From the last but one paragraph we can learn that ______.

    A.they got on well with one another all the time

    B.they had a good time at school without being scolded

    C.their teacher was more kind to them than strict with them             

    D.more often than not they experienced physical punishment

5.The writer stepped aside after he got out of the school gate because           .

    A.he was polite to let other students go before him 

    B.he left something behind in his classroom         

    C.he wanted to say goodbye to his teacher

    D.his father has promised to wait for him



Read and choose(阅读理解): 阅读理解:

    I can never remember feeling good about myself From the time I was a little child I always felt nobody liked me my parents, my brothers, my sister, nobody I never had any friends, someone I could tell everything to I tried to make friends, but nobody seemed to care for me

    I also had a lot of problems with my height Until grade nine I was a head taller than everybody else My classmates always called me names like Pole or Long-legs I felt the others were laughing at me

    Things weren’t much better at home The only way I could deal with my problems when I was a little child was to cry a lot My mother didn’t quite understand my feelings and the crying annoyed her and made her nervous

    Nobody in the family ever made an effort to understand me or even to talk to me My family isn’t what you’d call warm There’s never any expression of love I’m sixteen and I can’t remember my mother or father ever kissing us

    Things started getting really bad in high school I changed schools In the old school even though I didn’t have any friends I still had classmates to go out with; in the new school I had no one

    At that age everybody’s in groups I felt out of it I tried, but I couldn’t get along with the others I didn’t like them I thought something was wrong with me They thought I was strange

1Which of the following would be the best title(标题) for the passage?

[  ]

   AMy School Life

   BWhat’s Wrong With me

   CMy Miserable(悲惨的)Childhood

   DWhat I think About Friends

2The writer’s classmates made fun of his ____

[  ]

   Ahead Bnames Cgrade Dheight

3Which of the following is true?

[  ]

   AThe writer did not think he had a sweet home

   BThe writer was not able to remember his parents’kisses

   CThe parents loved all their children but the writer

   DThe parents often kept the house rather cold

4Things began to turn worse in high school after the writer ____

[  ]

   Alost all his old friends

   Bwas thought to be strange

   Cfound something wrong with himself

   Dmoved to a new school

5The writer felt lonely ____

[  ]

   Abecause he always lived alone

   Bsince he changed school

   Cbecause he had no brother or sister

   Dbecause he had no one to talk to


I’m a Chinese student studying in Canada. I have been a boarder(寄宿生) with the Carsons for more than a year and a half.

  The Carsons live in their own house, which has four bedrooms including the one in the basement(底层) which I live in. Judy does all the work in the house and Andrew is responsible for the work in the garden. When they go out in they evening, they often ask me to look after their children.

  Judy’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morris, lived in another city. Judy was their only child and naturally they doted on(溺爱)Judy’s children. They often sent the children presents.

  Last April Mr. Morris died. Now that Mrs. Morris was quite alone, I expected that Judy would want her to come and live with them. One day, Margaret, Judy’s daughter, told me grandma was coming to live with them and her daddy and mummy would want my room back. The news didn’t surprise me and the next day I went to Judy and asked her about it. I said I couldn’t think of living in their basement room any longer if it was needed for Mrs. Morris. Judy seemed surprised at first. Then she told me there was no deed for me to move, for they hadn’t yet come to any decision about her mother coming to live with them. “Naturally I’m worried about my mother. She has been in poor health.” She smiled sadly and added. “To be honest, Andrew and my mother have never got on well. We’ll wait a bit and see what happens. Perhaps Mohter will be all right living herself, or perhaps they will both change their minds.”

  That was six months ago. During this time I’ve heard that Mrs. Morris has had two illnesses and that her health has got worse. A nursing home(护理室)was mentioned once but Mrs. Morris refused to go there. So up to now she’s still living alone and I’m still living in the basement room.

1. What is the relationship between the speaker and the Carsons?

  A. He is a brother of Andrew Carson.

  B. He is a close friend of the Carsons.

  C. He is a student of Judy Carson.

  D. He is a student who pays to live and have meals at the Carsons’ house.

2. Why did the speaker expect Mrs. Morris to come to live with her daughter?

  A. Because Mr. Morris was dead.

  B. Because Mrs. Morris suffered from illness.

  C. Because Mrs. Morris lived all by herself.

  D. Because of all the reasons mentioned in A, B and C.

3. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

  A. Mrs. Morris loved her grandchildren very much.

  B. Judy had no brothers or sisters to look after her mother.

  C. The Carsons once suggested that Mrs. Morris go to live in a nursing home.

  D. Mrs. Morris was coming to live with the Carsons, so they asked the speaker to move.

4. Why didn’t Mrs. Morris come to live with her daughter’s family?

  A. Because she did not want to leave her own house.

  B. Because she was in rather poor health and could not come.

  C. Because she did not have a good relationship with her son-in-law.

  D. Because the speaker lived there and there was no other room for her to live in.

5. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

  A. Family relationship in Canada. B. The Boarder in Canada. 

C. Nursing Homes in Canada.         D. The children in Canada.


I’m a Chinese student studying in Canada. I have been a boarder(寄宿生) with the Carsons for more than a year and a half.

  The Carsons live in their own house, which has four bedrooms including the one in the basement(底层) which I live in. Judy does all the work in the house and Andrew is responsible for the work in the garden. When they go out in they evening, they often ask me to look after their children.

  Judy’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morris, lived in another city. Judy was their only child and naturally they doted on(溺爱)Judy’s children. They often sent the children presents.

  Last April Mr. Morris died. Now that Mrs. Morris was quite alone, I expected that Judy would want her to come and live with them. One day, Margaret, Judy’s daughter, told me grandma was coming to live with them and her daddy and mummy would want my room back. The news didn’t surprise me and the next day I went to Judy and asked her about it. I said I couldn’t think of living in their basement room any longer if it was needed for Mrs. Morris. Judy seemed surprised at first. Then she told me there was no deed for me to move, for they hadn’t yet come to any decision about her mother coming to live with them. “Naturally I’m worried about my mother. She has been in poor health.” She smiled sadly and added. “To be honest, Andrew and my mother have never got on well. We’ll wait a bit and see what happens. Perhaps Mohter will be all right living herself, or perhaps they will both change their minds.”

  That was six months ago. During this time I’ve heard that Mrs. Morris has had two illnesses and that her health has got worse. A nursing home(护理室)was mentioned once but Mrs. Morris refused to go there. So up to now she’s still living alone and I’m still living in the basement room.

1. What is the relationship between the speaker and the Carsons?

  A. He is a brother of Andrew Carson.

  B. He is a close friend of the Carsons.

  C. He is a student of Judy Carson.

  D. He is a student who pays to live and have meals at the Carsons’ house.

2. Why did the speaker expect Mrs. Morris to come to live with her daughter?

  A. Because Mr. Morris was dead.

  B. Because Mrs. Morris suffered from illness.

  C. Because Mrs. Morris lived all by herself.

  D. Because of all the reasons mentioned in A, B and C.

3. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

  A. Mrs. Morris loved her grandchildren very much.

  B. Judy had no brothers or sisters to look after her mother.

  C. The Carsons once suggested that Mrs. Morris go to live in a nursing home.

  D. Mrs. Morris was coming to live with the Carsons, so they asked the speaker to move.

4. Why didn’t Mrs. Morris come to live with her daughter’s family?

  A. Because she did not want to leave her own house.

  B. Because she was in rather poor health and could not come.

  C. Because she did not have a good relationship with her son-in-law.

  D. Because the speaker lived there and there was no other room for her to live in.

5. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

  A. Family relationship in Canada. B. The Boarder in Canada. 

C. Nursing Homes in Canada. D. The children in Canada.



  He lost his arms in an accident that claimed his father's life-who was the main source of support for the family.Since then, he has had to depend on the arms of his younger brother.For the sake of taking care of him, his younger brother became his shadow, never leaving him alone for years.Except for writing with his toes, he was completely unable to do anything in his life.

  One late night, he suffered from diarrhea(腹泻)and had to wake up his younger brother.His younger brother accompanied him into the toilet and then went back the dorm to wait.But being so tired, his younger brother fell asleep, leaving him on the toilet for two hours till the teacher on duty discovered him.As the two brothers grew up together, they had their share of problems and they would often quarrel.Then one day, his younger brother wanted to live separate from him, living his own life, as many normal people do.So he was heart-broken and didn't know what to do.

  A similar misfortune happened to a girl, too.One night her mother, who suffered from chronic mental illness, disappeared.So her father went out looking for her mother, leaving her alone at home.She tried to prepare meals for her parents, only to overturn(弄翻)the kerosene light on the stove, resulting in a fire which took her hands away.

  Though her elder sister who was studying in another city, showed her willingness to take care of her, she was determined to be completely independent.At school, she always studied hard.Most of all she learned to be self-dependent.Once she wrote the following in her composition:"I am lucky.Though I lost my arms, I still have legs; I am lucky.Though my wings are broken, my heart can still fly."

  One day, the boy and the girl were both invited to appear on a television interview program.The boy told the TV host about his uncertain future at being left on his own, whereas the girl was full of enthusiasm for her life.They both were asked to write something on a piece of paper with their toes.The boy wrote:My younger brother's arms are my arms;while the girl wrote:Broken wings, flying heart.

  They had both endured the same misfortune, but their different attitudes determined the nature of their lives.It is true that life is unpredictable.Disasters can strike at any time.How you handle misfortune when confronted with it actually is the true test of your character.If you choose only to complain and escape from the misfortune, it will always follow you wherever you go.But if you decide to be strong, the hardship will turn out to be a fortune on which new hopes will arise.


In the first paragraph, what happened in the accident?

[  ]


The boy wasn't badly injured.


The boy's father escaped being hurt.


The boy's father was killed.


The boy's younger brother was slightly wounded.


The girl refused her elder sister's help, because ________.

[  ]


she was lucky and still had two legs


she wanted to be self-dependent rather than rely on others


she didn't want to move to another city


she enjoyed living separate from others


When the girl wrote the words:Broken wings, flying heart, she really meant ________.

[  ]


though she lost arms, she still had legs


her elder sister's willingness to take care of her could help her fly with wings


if one had wings, his or her heart could fly


faced with the misfortune, you should be strong, and you'll make it


The passage mainly tells us ________.

[  ]


a story about a couple who lost their arms


about the misfortune of two persons


that the different attitude towards one's misfortune determines one's future


that the elder sister is kinder than the younger brother

