A. what time is it B. what is the time C. what time it is D. what was the time 查看更多



What is the purpose of the World Games? What's the difference between the World Games and the Olympic Games?

_50 _the Olympic Games, the World Games have a rather _51_ history.In 1981, the first World Games were held in Santa Clara.Since then, in the year following the Olympics, some of the world's best athletes _52_ in their common search for _53_ at the world Games.

There are usually 25 to 35 _54_ at the World Games, The events at the World Games are not part of the Olympics or ones were part of the Olympic Games.Many events at the World Games _55_ as Olympic events, like weightlifting and badminton.They got their start as events at the World Games _56_ being moved into the Olympics.Just like the Olympics, the World Games also have _57_ competitions.These competitions get the sport the chance to be seen and the chance to become medal events.

The World Games are _58_ tied to the Olympic Games because the International Olympic Committee is the sponsor of the International World Games Association.The International Olympic Committee has decided that the number of Olympic participants is _59_ 10,500.The new policy means that no World Games competitions will be _60_ the Olympics any time soon.   

This year, the World Games were held in Taiwan.Some events, like softball, _61_ be Olympic sports but were dropped and now are _62_ for the World Games.The World Games look like a perfect supplement and _63_ ground for future Olympic Games.So next time you get a chance to watch the World Games, you may want to pay attention as it could be the future, or maybe even _64_.

A.As for            B.But for        C.Because of    D.Compared with

A.early            B.young          C.long           D.ancient

A.unite           B.lie           C.result         D.participate

A.fame            B.excellence    C.wealth         D.knowledge

A.games            B.sports        C.events       D.matches

A.end up           B.start on      C.break off     D.come up

A.after             B.since          C.before          D.unless

A.international      B.intense          C.fair            D.exhibition

A.loosely           B.somewhat      C.closely              D.partly

A.amounted to     B.limited to      C.added to      D.reduced to

A.moved into            B.engaged in      C.held in        D.established in

A.had to                B.seemed to      C.happened to   D.used to

A.good                 B.available       C.helpful        D.convenient

A.competing     B.playing         C.training         D.camping

A.focus           B.truth           C.hope           D.history


“What is the most important thing you’ve done in your life?”The question was put to me during a presentation I gave to a group of lawyers.
The answer came to me in an instant. It’s not the one I gave, because the situation was not right. As a lawyer in the entertainment industry, I knew the audience wanted to hear some amusing stories about my work with well-known people. but here’s the true answer:
The most important thing I’ve ever done occurred on October 8,1990. I began the day playing tennis with an old friend I hadn’t seen for a while. Between points we talked about what had been happening in each other’s lives. He and his wife had just had a baby boy, who was keeping them up at night.
While we were playing, a car came screaming up the road toward the courts. It was my friend’s father, who shouted to my friend that his baby had stopped breathing and was being rushed to the hospital. In a flash my friend was in the car and gone, disappearing in a cloud of dust.
For a moment I just stood there, paralyzed(呆若木鸡). Then I tried to figure out what I should do. Follow my friend to the hospital? There was nothing I could accomplish there, I convinced myself. My friend’s son was in the care of doctors and nurses, and nothing I could do or say would affect the outcome. Be there for moral support? Well, maybe. But my friend and his wife both had large families, and I knew they’d be surrounded by relatives who would provide more than enough comfort and support, whatever happened. All I could do at the hospital, I decided, was to get in the way. Also, I had planned a full day with my family, who were waiting for me to get home. So I decided to head back to my house and check in my friend later.
As I started my car, I realized that my friend had left his truck and keys at the courts. I now faced another problem. I couldn’t leave the keys in the truck. So I decided to go to the hospital and give him the keys.
When I arrived, I was directed to a room where my friend and his wife were waiting. As I had thought, the room was filled with family members silently watching my friend comfort his wife. I went in and stood by the door, trying to decide what to do next. Soon a doctor appeared. He approached my friend and his wife, and in a quiet voice told them that their son had died.
For a long time the two held each other and cried, unaware of the rest of us standing around in pained silence. After they had calmed themselves, the doctor suggested they spend a few moments with their son.
My friend and his wife stood up and walked past their families. When they reached the door, my friend saw me standing in the corner. He came over and hugged me and started to cry. My friend’s wife hugged me, too, and said , “Thanks for being here.”
For the rest of that morning, I sat in the emergency room of that hospital and watched my friend and his wife hold the body of their infant son, and say goodbye.
It’s the most important thing I have ever done.
The experience taught me two lessons.
First: The most important thing I’ve ever done happened when I was completely helpless. None of the things I had learned in university, in three years of law school or in six years of legal practice were of any use in that situation. Something terrible was happening to people I cared about, and I was powerless to change the outcome. All I could do was standing by and watching it happen. And yet it was critical that I do just that--- just be there when someone needed me.
Second: The most important thing I’ve done almost didn’t happen because of things I had learned in classroom and professional life. Law school taught me how to take a set of facts, break them down and organized them. These skills are critical for lawyers. When people come to us for help, they’re often stressed out and depend on a lawyer to think logically. But while learning to think, I almost forget how to feel. Today I have no doubt that I should have leapt into my car without hesitation and followed my friend to the hospital.
From that one experience I learned that the most important thing in life isn’t the money you make, the status you attain or the honors you achieve. The most important thing in life is the kids team you coach or the poem you write----or the time when youre just somebodys friend.
【小题1】When he was asked about the most important thing he had done in life at a presentation, the author __________.
A felt it was not an interesting question           
B. thought for a while and spoke his mind
C. gave an answer from a lawyer’s point of view   
D. didn’t give the real answer
【小题2】When he saw his friend rush to the hospital, the author could not decide whether to follow mainly because he thought _________.

A.He had to stay with his familyB.His friend did not need his help.
C.He would not be of much helpD.the baby would be in the doctor’s care
【小题3】What can we infer from the author’s description of the scene at the hospital?
A.He found out that he was in the way.
B.He would have felt guilty if he had not been there.
C.He regretted that he went too later.
D.His friend would have felt better if he had not been there.
【小题4】Which of the following is conveyed in this story?
A.Family and relatives can not take the place of friends.
B.More people are a great comfort when one is in trouble.
C.It is best to be here when someone needs you.
D.You can certainly help a friend if you want to.
【小题5】The author learned from his own experience that_______.
A.what is taught in school is usually of no use.
B.a lawyer cannot learn much in classrooms
C.a lawyer should know people’s feeling first
D.he needs to be able to feel as well as think logically
【小题6】The underlined sentence in the last paragraph suggests that the author_______.
A.is fond of writing poems
B.is going to coach the kid’s team
C.is determined to make friends with everybody
D.is fully aware of the importance of being helpful to those in need


What is the purpose of the World Games? What's the difference between the World Games and the Olympic Games?

_1_the Olympic Games, the World Games have a rather _2_ history.In 1981, the first World Games were held in Santa Clara.Since then, in the year following the Olympics, some of the world's best athletes _3_ in their common search for _4_ at the world Games.

There are usually 25 to 35 _5_ at the World Games, The events at the World Games are not part of the Olympics or ones were part of the Olympic Games.Many events at the World Games _6_ as Olympic events, like weightlifting and badminton.They got their start as events at the World Games 7_ being moved into the Olympics.Just like the Olympics, the World Games also have _8_ competitions.These competitions get the sport the chance to be seen and the chance to become medal events.

The World Games are _9_ tied to the Olympic Games because the International Olympic Committee is the sponsor of the International World Games Association.The International Olympic Committee has decided that the number of Olympic participants is _10_ 10,500.The new policy means that no World Games competitions will be _11_ the Olympics any time soon.   

This year, the World Games were held in Taiwan.Some events, like softball, _12_ be Olympic sports but were dropped and now are _13_ for the World Games.The World Games look like a perfect supplement and _14_ ground for future Olympic Games.So next time you get a chance to watch the World Games, you may want to pay attention as it could be the future, or maybe even _15_.

1.A.As for             B.But for               C.Because of       D.Compared with

2.A.early             B.young                 C.long               D.ancient

3.A.unite           B.lie            C.result                D.participate

4.A.fame             B.excellence       C.wealth           D.knowledge

5.A.games             B.sports           C.events            D.matches

6.A.end up            B.start on           C.break off         D.come up

7.A.after              B.since              C.before             D.unless

8.A.international        B.intense              C.fair                D.exhibition

9.A.loosely            B.somewhat         C.closely           D.partly

10.A.amounted to      B.limited to           C.added to         D.reduced to

11.A.moved into       B.engaged in          C.held in            D.established in

12.A.had to         B.seemed to          C.happened to      D.used to

13.A.good          B.available           C.helpful            D.convenient

14.A.competing       B.playing             C.training             D.camping

15.A.focus           B.truth               C.hope               D.history


It is often necessary to release a fish, that is , set it free after catching, because it is too small, or you just don’t want to take it home to eat. In some cases, releasing fish is a good measure that will help keep fish variety and build their population size. The Department of Game and Inland Fisheries (DGIF) encourages fishermen who practice catch-and-release fishing to use a few simple skills when doing so. The advice provided below will help make sure that the fish you release will survive  to bite again another day.

—When catching a fish, play it quickly and keep the fish in the water as much as possible.

  Don’t’ use a net in landing the fish and release it quickly to prevent it from dying.

—Hold the fish gently. Do not put your fingers in its eyes. Don’t wipe the scales (鱼鳞) off the fish because it might cause it to develop a disease and reduce its chance of survival.

—Remove your hook (鱼钩) quickly. If the hook is too deep or hooked in the stomach, cut the line and leave the hook in. The hook left inside will cause no serious problem to the fish.

—Take good care of the fish by moving it gently in water . Release the fish when it begins to struggle and is able to swim.

—Do not hold fish in a bucket or some other containers and later decide to release it. If you are going to release a fish, do so right away.

With a little care and by following the suggestions given above, you can give the released fish a better chance of survival.

People sometimes set a fish free after catching it because they _________   

   A. don’t want it to die                B. hope it will grow quickly

   C. don’t want to have it as food         D. want to practice their fishing skills

Which of the following will probably make a fish ill?

   A. Taking the hook off it.             B. Removing its scales.

   C. Touching its eves                 D. Holding it in your hand.

A proper way to release a fish is to _________.

   A .move it in water till it can swim          B. take the hook out of its stomach

   C. keep it in a bucket for some time         D. let it struggle a little in your hand

What is the purpose of the text?

   A. To show how to enjoy fishing.          B. To persuade people to fish less often.

   C. To encourage people to set fish free.     D. To give advice on how to release fish.  


It is impossible not to make a mistake at some points in your life. We may as well accept that some thing will go wrong and we will be to blame. It is therefore sensible to work out some strategies for apologizing, and the best way to apologize is by letter. This way you can take care over every work you write— which you can’t do if you say sorry to someone in person.

We all say or do something that we wish we hadn’t said or done. You may say something that accidentally hurts someone, or you may provide a service which doesn’t come up to the standards that a client or customer expected.

You may feel that it was a genuine mistake which couldn’t be avoided. Rather than dwell on the mistake, you should quickly try to remedy(修补)the problem. An effective letter of apology is an important part of that process.

For the contents of the letter, just remember TABS—Timing, Action, Brevity, Sincerity.

The timing of a letter of apology is essential—it must be sent as soon as possible. Any delay in our sending the letter will only compound(add to) the problem. In this case “Better late than never” is not the best motto! The longer you wait before you wait before writing a letter of apology, the more it will seem that you have been coerced(被迫)into writing it.

Although it is important to recognize what has gone before, it is also essential to detail the action you plan to take to rectify whatever it was you did wrong. Research has shown that some indication that you have thought about what future action you plan to take is always well received.

A letter of apology should be brief and the word “sorry” should appear no more than twice. Indicate that you are aware using it a second time—“once again, I am so sorry for…” or “as I said earlier, I am really sorry about…”. Finally, the tone of the letter has to be sincere. In fact, the combination of all the above factors will help in this respect.

And don’t think that letters are out of date in the email—oriented 21st century. An apology email can be worse than no apology at all!

72.What kind of advice does the text suggest about apologizing?

A.It’s a good idea to write a letter of apology as soon as something has gone wrong.    

B.It’s a good idea to send several emails to apologize.

C.Write a long letter apologizing several times to make your point.

D.Wait to see how they react to your letter before planning to do anything.

73.What kind of things do you NOT apologize for?

A.A service that is not as good as it should be.

B.Genuine mistakes.

C.Car accidents.

D.Causing offence or hurt.

74.The underlined expression “Rather than dwell on the mistake” in the third paragraph means you _____.

A.should not waste time worrying about what happened.

B.should consider the problem

C.should forget about what happened.

D.should analyse who was at fault.

75.How can timing compound problems?

A.If you write immediately, they will be suspicious.

B.If you leave it for a few days, they will know it is your idea to write.

C.Waiting for a few days before you write will show your sincerity.

D.Waiting too long will make it worse because they won’t believe you mean it.

