A. fire B. hotness C. heat D. stoves 查看更多



     People know the dangers of fires. It's good for a family to learn how to prepare for a fire. Here are some
     Put a smoke alarm in the house. Smoke from a fire causes the alarm to go off. The alarm makes a loud
sound. The sound tells everyone to leave the house at once.
      Make escape (逃脱) plan. They should know all the ways out of the house. If there is a fire, everyone
follows the plan to get out. Part of the plan is to check all the windows to make sure they can be opened
     Buy fire extinguishers(灭火器) in the house. Everyone in the family should know how to use them.
     Practice for a fire. They do fire practice because they teach children about fire safety. Ever yone in the
family should know the following fire rules:
     * Don't open a hot door! The fire can grow more quickly if you open the door.
     * Stay close to the floor! Smoke can be more dangerous than the fire. The best air is near the floor
because smoke rises.
     * What will you do if your hair or clothes start to burn? First, Stop! Don't run! The fire burns faster
because of more air. Drop! Fall to the floor. Then roll! Turning over and over will make the fire go out. Put
a blanket(毯子) around you to keep air away from the fire that may still be on you. 
     There are many possible causes for fires. A wise family is ready all the time. If there is a fire, don't forget
to call 119 for help.
1. The writer advises people to do the following to prepare for a fire except that _____.
A. they prepare for a fire  
B. they make escape plans
C. they buy fire extinguishers  
D. they use electrical cookers
2. What are the right steps you should take when your hair or clothes catch fire?
A. Stop, run, roll.
B. Stop, drop, roll  
C. Run, drop, roll
D. Roll, drop, stop
3. What is the best title for this passage?
A. The Dangers of a Fire
B. The Causes of a Fire
C. Learn to Use a Fire Extinguishers
D. Be Ready For a Fire


   In England a woman fell down a stair. Panic followed—178 persons lost their lives. In Michigan a woman fell ill. There was a call for water. Someone thought it meant fire---71 were killed. In Oklahoma an old man’s hair caught fire---36 died.

   What should you do to be out of danger?

   1. As you sit in any crowd, pick out an exit(出口) which is not the one where most persons enter and plan to use if necessary.

   2. If a rush stairs, do not get into it . Stay still. Let it pass. Then go to the exit you have chosen.

   3. Do not cry out. Speak quietly. Act calmly.

   4.Do not stop for your hat and coat unless they are at hand.

   5. If there is smoke, crouch. The best air is about three feet above the floor.

   6. When you are outside the building, stay out. Many dead would be alive if they had not returned for something.

   7. When you get out, move far from the door so that others can get out.

56. The first paragraph tells us that over two hundred people lost their lives because of_________.

A. a fire  B. a call for water  C. falling downstairs  D. panic 

57. If you are in a crowd when panic stars, you should ________.

A. run with the others.        B. call for help as loudly as you can.

C. hurry at once to an exit.      D. stay still until the crowd has passed.

58. What should you do once out of a place where there is panic?

A. stay outside.                 B. go back for your wallet.

C. return to ask people not to run.   D. stand near the exit. 

59. When you are safe outside a burning building , stay away from the door so that _______.

A. the smoke can get out.       B. you will not get burned

C. others may leave.         D. others may enter.            


 How to be Prepared

Electricity, water, gas and telephone may not be working after an earthquake. The police and fire department are likely to be tied up. You should be prepared to take care of yourself for at least three days, preferably for a week.

   This list can also be applied to other disasters, such as floods or wildfires.

   1. food and water (a gallon a day per person)

   2. a first aid kit

   3. a fire extinguisher suitable for all types of fires

   4. flashlights, a portable radio extra batteries

   5. blankets, clothes, shoes and money (ATMs may not work)

   6. baby and pet food

   It’s also a good idea to decide beforehand how and where your family will reunite if separated during a quake and to conduct in-home practice drills.

                      During an Earthquake

   If you are indoors, stay there. Get under and hold onto a desk or table, or stand against an interior wall. Stay away from exterior walls, glass, heavy furniture, and stay away from windows and outside walls and do not use the elevator.

   If you are outside, get into the open, stay into the open, stay away from buildings, power lines or anything else that could fall on you.

   If you are driving, move the car out of traffic and stop, avoid parking under or on bridges or overpasses, Try to get clear of trees, light posts, signs and power lines.

   If you are in a crowded public place, avoid panicking and do not rush for the exit. Stay low and cover your head and neck with your hands and arms.

                    After an Earthquake

   If the phone is working, only use it in case of emergency. Likewise, avoid driving if possible to keep the streets clear for emergency vehicles.

   Be aware that items may fall out of cupboards or closets when the door is opened, and also that chimneys can be weakened and fall with touch. Check for cracks and damage to the roof and foundation of your home.

   Listen to the radio for important information and instructions. Remember that aftershocks, sometimes large enough to cause damage in their own right, generally follow large quakes.

   If you leave home, leave a message telling friends and family your location.

1.Which of the following items is unnecessary to prepare before an earthquake?

A. Batteries   B. Cash    C. Medicine    D. Credit card 

2.When an earthquake comes,you should ______. 

A. hide yourself in the kitchen

B. rush for the exit immediately

C. stay away from heavy objects

D. call the police right away 

3.When an earthquake is over,you should______. 

A. drive a car to take your family to the safe place

B. check the security of your home

C. call your relatives to tell them you are safe

D. clear up the mess as soon as possible.

4.Which of the following sentences is true according to the passage? 

A. You’d better make it clear how and where your family will reunite if separated during a quake after the quake happens. 

B. If you are indoors, get into the open. 

C. If you are in a crowded public place, avoid panicking and do rush for the exit. 

D. If the phone still works, only use it when necessary. 

5.What does the underlined word “aftershock ” mean? 

A. A less serious quake following a large earthquake in the same area.

B. A further reaction following the shock of a deeply disturbing thing.

C. A mess one has to deal with after a terrible thing.

D. An instruction the government gives to solve problems. 



  Escaping a fire is a serious matter, knowing what to do during a fire can save a life. It is important to know the way you can use and show them to everyone in the family, such as stairs and lire escapes, but not lifts. From the lower floors of building, escape through windows is possible. Learn tile best way of leaving by window with the least chance of serious injury.

  The second floor window is usually not very high from the ground. A person of average height, hanging by the fingertips will have a drop of about 6 feet to the ground. It is about the height of an average man. Of course, it is safer to jump a short way than to stay in a burning building.

  Windows are also very useful when you are waiting for help. Be sure to keep the door closed before opening the window. Otherwise, smoke and fire may be drawn into the room. Keep your head low at the window to be sure you get enough fresh air rather than smoke that may have leaked into the room.

  On a second or third floor, the best windows for escape are those which open onto a roof. From the roof a person can drop to the ground more safely. Dropping onto the cement might end in injury. Bushes and grass can help to break a fall.

(1) Which of the following people seldom use when trying to escape a fire?

[  ]

C.Fire escapes.

(2) How far from the ground is the second floor window?

[  ]

A.About 12 feet.

B.About 3 feet.

C.Nearly 10 feet.

D.About theheight of an average man.

(3) According to the passage, windows are_______ of escaping a fire.

[  ]

A.the only way

B.the best way

C.safer than any other ways

D.one of the many possible ways

(4) The writer tells us that________.

[  ]

A.breathing in smoke might be harmful

B.smoke will enter the room by an open window

C.fresh air can't reach the second floor

D.to keep your head low will help you escape a fire

(5) If you are on the ground floor when a fire break out, you'd better drop________.

[  ]

A.directly onto the ground

B.first onto a roof and then onto the cement

C.first onto a roof and then onto bushes or grass

D.onto the cement rather than bushes or grass


  More than one hundred got saved from the fire _____ helicopter.

  A. in   B. with  C. by   D. from

