A. want B. hope C. have D. decide 查看更多



Have you ever had to decide whether to go shopping or stay home and watch TV on a weekend? Now you   36  do both at the same time. Home shopping television networks have become a   37  for many people to shop without   38        having to leave their homes.

Some shoppers are   39  of department stores and supermarkets —  40 

the crowds, waiting in long lines, and sometimes having slight   41  of finding anything they want to buy. They’d rather sit quietly at home in front of the TV set and   42  a friendly announcer describe a product  43  a model shows it. And they can   44  around the clock, buying something  45  by making a phone call.

Department stores and even mail-under companies are   46  to join in the success of home shopping. Large department stores are busy   47  their own TV channels to encourage TV shopping in the future.   48  can ask questions about products and place   49  , all through their TV sets.

Will shopping by television   50  take the place of shopping in stores? Some industry managers think so.   51  many people find shopping at a   52  store a great enjoyment. And for many shoppers, it is still important to   53  or try on dresses they want to buy. That’s   54  specialists say that in the future, home shopping will   55  together with store shopping but will never entirely replace it.




































































A.putting up

B.making up

C.setting up

D.looking up



















































Have you ever had to decide whether to go shopping or stay home and watch TV on a weekend? Now you  1  do both at the same time. Home shopping television networks(网络) have become a  2  for many people to shop without  3  having to leave their homes.

Some shoppers are  4 of department stores and supermarkets— 5  the crowds, waiting in long lines, and sometimes   6 of finding anything they want to buy. They’d rather sit quietly at home in front of the TV set and  7  a friendly announcer describe a product   8  a model shows it. And they can   9  around the clock, buying something   10  by making a phone call.

Department stores and even mail-under companies are   11 to join in the success of home shopping. Large department stores are busy  12 their own TV channels(频道)to encourage TV shopping in the future.  13 can ask questions about products and place  14  , all through their TV sets.

Will shopping by television   15 take the place of shopping in stores? Some industry managers think so.  316  many people find shopping at a   17  store a great enjoyment. And for many shoppers, it is still important to   18  or try on dresses they want to buy. That’s   19  specialists say that in the future, home shopping will   20  together with store shopping but will never entirely replace(取代) it.

1.A.must                  B.should              C.shall              D.can

2.A.programme             B.way               C.reason             D.purpose

3.A.ever                   B.never              C.still                D.once

4.A.proud                 B.fond                C.tired              D.careful

5.A.fighting                B.striking             C.treating            D.stopping

6.A.sense                  B.doubt              C.hope              D.feeling

7.A.see                   B.watch              C.let                D.notice

8.A.until                   B.since               C.if                 D.while

9.A.shop                   B.wait               C.turn             D.deliver

10.A.suitably              B.cheaply             C.simply             D.hardly

11.A.nervous              B.lucky              C.equal              D.eager

12.A.putting up            B.making up          C.setting up          D.looking up

13.A.Guests               B.Assistants        C.Managers          D.Customers

14.A.orders               B.goods              C.books             D.answers

15.A.lastly                 B.finally              C.especially          D.fortunately

16.A.Then                B.Yet                C.However           D.Therefore

17.A.general               B.popular            C.real               D.true

18.A.design                B.make              C.wear              D.touch

19.A.how                 B.why              C.what              D.when

20.A.exist                 B.practise            C.follow             D.appear


Have you ever had to decide whether to go shopping or stay home and watch TV on a weekend? Now you can do both at the same time. Home shopping television networks have become a __1__ for many people to shop without having to leave their homes.

Some shoppers are tired of department stores and supermarkets — __2__ the crowds, waiting in long lines, and sometimes having slight __3__ of finding anything they want to buy. They’d rather sit quietly at home in front of the TV set and watch a friendly announcer describe a product __4__ a model shows it. And they can shop __5__ the clock, buying something __6__ by making a phone call.

Department stores and even mail-order companies are __7__ to join in the success of home shopping. Large department stores are busy setting up their own TV channels to encourage TV shopping in the future. Customers can ask questions about products and place __8__ all through their TV sets.

Will shopping by television finally take the place of shopping in stores ? Some industry managers think so. __9__ many people find shopping at a __10__ store a great enjoyment. And for many shoppers, it is still important to __11__ or try on dresses they want to buy. That’s why specialists say that in the future, home shopping will __12__ together with store shopping but will never entirely replace it.

1. A. programme      B. way      C. reason     D. purpose

2. A. fighting        B. striking      C. treating      D. stopping

3. A. sense         B. doubt      C. hope     D. feeling

4. A. until         B. since        C. if       D. while

5. A. by            B. around    C. about     D. to

6. A. suitably        B. cheaply       C. simply     D. hardly

7. A. nervous        B. lucky        C. equal     D. eager

8. A. orders        B. goods       C. books     D. answers

9. A. Then           B. Yet        C. However    D. Therefore

10.   A. general         B. popular      C. real      D. true

11.   A. design        B. make        C. wear     D. touch

12.   A. exist         B. practice      C. follow     D. appear



Have you ever been talking to somebody at the party? Do you focus entirely on the person you are speaking with or does your attention keep jumping around the room to all the other people there? Generally speaking, if the person is someone you really want to talk to you will focus on them. Most other people will only get about half of your attention.

You may think that this is OK, because if you don’t really want to talk to them then what does it matter if you don’t give them your full attention? Consider two things. First, you may just not realize the importance of that conversation. If you are at a networking meeting and you hope to meet the CEO of Company X but you end up talking to someone who has a low-level job at a different company, then you may let your attention wander as you speak to him. But maybe you don’t realize that this person has already met the CEO and could introduce you. Do you think he will do that if he feels you don’t really care about speaking to him? This doesn’t mean you need to spend the entire time talking to him. Five or ten minutes of real attentive conversation can be worth 30 minutes to an hour of partial attention interaction.

Second, whether you want to speak to someone changes based on the situation. You love your spouse(配偶), but if he or she tries to talk to you while you are watching something you like on TV, where is your attention going? Make your own decision, but if you want them to feel valued, give them your 100% attention. “The nice thing is that in many cases you can give them your attention for a few minutes and then return to what you were doing. You miss very little, they feel valued, and all is good.”

68. Generally speaking you would like to focus on someone______.

A. who is friendly to you                     B. who is active at the party

C. who you want to talk to                  D. who you are speaking with

69. If your spouse wants to talk to you when you are busy you should _______.

A. go on with what you are doing

B. stop doing anything immediately

C. decide according to the situation

D. stop to talk to him or her at once

70. What would be the best title for this passage?

A. Be Always Friendly to Others at the Party

B. Improve Your Communication by Paying Attention

C. It Is Important for You to Be Active at the Party

D. Your Spouse Should Be Respected Any Time


When a tornado touched down in a small town nearby, many families were left completely destroyed. Afterward all the local newspapers carried many human-interest stories featuring some of the families who suffered the hardest.
One Sunday, a particular picture especially touched me. A young woman stood in front of an entirely shattered mobile home, a depressed expression twisting her features. A young boy, seven or eight years old, stood at her side, eyes downcast. Clutching  (紧握)  at her skirt was a tiny girl who stared into the camera, eyes wide with confusion and fear.
The article that went with the picture gave the clothing sizes of each family member. With growing interest, I noticed that their sizes closely matched ours. This would be a good opportunity to teach my children to help those less fortunate than themselves. I taped the picture of the young family to our refrigerator, explaining their difficulty to my seven-year-old twins, Brad and Brett, and to three- year-old Meghan.
“ We have so much. And these poor people now have nothing,” I said.“We’ll share what we have with them.”
I brought three large boxes down from the room upstairs and placed them on the living room floor. Meghan watched seriously, as the boys and I filled one of the boxes with canned goods and foods.
While I sorted through our clothes, I encouraged the boys to go through their toys and donate some of their less favorite things. Meghan watched quietly as the boys piled up discarded toys and games.
“I’ll help you find something for the little girl when I’m done with this,” I said.
The boys placed the toys they had chosen to donate into one of the boxes while I filled the third box with clothes. Meghan walked up with Lucy, her worn, faded, much-loved rag doll hugged tightly to her chest. She paused in front of the box that held the toys, pressed her round little face into Lucy’s flat, painted-on-face, gave her a final kiss, then laid her gently on top of the other toys.
“Oh, Honey,” I said.“You don’t have to give Lucy. You love her so much.”
Meghan nodded seriously, eyes glistening with held-back tears. ‘”Lucy makes me happy, Mommy. Maybe she’ll make that other little girl happy, too.”
Swallowing hard, I stared at Meghan for a long moment, wondering how I could teach the boys the lesson she had just taught me. For I suddenly realized that anyone can give their cast-offs away. True generosity is giving that which you value most.
Honest benevolence  (善行)  is a three-year-old offering a valuable, though shabby, doll to a little girl she doesn’t know with the hope that it will bring this child as much pleasure as it brought her. I, who had wanted to teach, had been taught.
The boys had watched, open-mouthed, as their baby sister placed her favorite doll in the box. Without a word, Brad rose and went to his room. He came back carrying one of his favorite action figures. He hesitated briefly, clutching the toy, then looked over at Meghan and placed it in the box next to Lucy.
A slow smile spread across Brett’s face. Then he jumped up, eyes twinkling as he ran to fetch some of his prized Matchbox cars.
Astonished, I realized that the boys had also recognized what little Meghan’s gesture meant. Swallowing back tears, I pulled all three of them into my arms.
Taking the cue from my little one, I removed my old jacket from the box of clothes. I replaced it with the new hunter green jacket that I had found on sale last week. I hoped the young woman in the picture would love it as much as I did.
It’s easy to give that which we don’t want any more, but harder to let go of things we cherish, isn’t it? However, the true spirit of giving is to give with your heart..
【小题1】Why does the author give a detailed description of a particular picture in the Sunday newspaper?

A.To create an atmosphere of fear and depression brought by the tornado.
B.To appeal to unconcerned people to donate for the poor families.
C.To show the helplessness and hopelessness of the family mentioned in the paper.
D.To stress what touched her and made her decide to help the hopeless family.
【小题2】Why did Brad and Brett also donate their favorite things finally?
A.They were encouraged to donate some valuable things by the mother.
B.Meghan’s decision inspired them to donate their favorite things.
C.They also wanted to show generosity by giving away their valuable things.
D.Meghan’s gesture reminded them to replace their favorite things with new ones.
【小题3】By “ swallowing hard”, the writer means that   _   _ .
A.she was deeply puzzled by what the little girl did
B.she had trouble persuading Meghan not to give away Lucy
C.she was greatly moved by Meghan’s unexpected decision
D.she was uncertain what consequences Meghan’s action would bring about
【小题4】It is suggested in the sentence “the true spirit of giving is to give with your heart” that ______.
A.sincere donation means offering help to others whole-heartedly
B.true giving means giving others what you treasure most
C.true generosity means helping others at the cost of your own benefit
D.honest benevolence means devoting yourself to the career of donation
【小题5】What’s the best title for this passage?
A.The Greatest LoveB.A Beautiful Heart
C.True GenerosityD.A Precious Gift

