A. an B. a C. the D. one 查看更多




The United States is one of the few countries in the world that has an official day on which fathers are honored by their children.On the third Sunday in June, fathers all across the United States are given presents, treated to dinner or otherwise made to feel special.

However, the idea for creating a day for children to honor their fathers began in Spokane, Washington.A woman by the name of Sonora Smart Dodd thought of the idea for Father’s Day while listening to a Mother’s Day sermon(布道)in 1909.Having been raised by her father, Henry Jackson Smart, after her mother died, Sonora wanted her father to know how special he was to her.It was her father that made all the parental sacrifices and was, in the eyes of his daughter, a selfless and loving man.Sonora’s father was born in June, so she chose to hold the first Father’s Day celebration in Spokane, Washington on the 19th of June, 1910.

In 1924 President Calvin Coolidge declared the third Sunday in June as Father’s Day.Roses are the Father’s Day flowers: red to be worn for a living father and white if the father has died.

When children can’t visit their fathers or take them out to dinner, they send a greeting card.Traditionally, fathers prefer greeting cards that are not too sentimental(感伤的).Most greeting cards are too special so fathers laugh when they open them.Some give heartfelt thanks for being there whenever the child needed Dad.

64.The United States is special in Father’s Day because ______.

      A.many people celebrate the day           B.only America celebrates the day

      C.America makes it an official day  D.all men are honored in America

65.At first, Father’s Day was fixed on June 19th because ______.

      A.Sonora honored her father on her father’s birthday

      B.Sonora’s birthday was June 19

      C.it was decided by the president at that time

      D.her mother died on June 19

66.How many years had passed before Father’s Day became an official day since the father’s day was celebrated?

      A.4          B.10      C.14        D.24

67.According to the passage, on Father’s Day,  ______.

      A.people will wear the same flowers to honor their fathers

      B.only daughters wear red flowers to honor their fathers

      C.children must go home to honor their fathers

      D.fathers are often honored in different ways

68.According to the passage, we can infer that Henry Jackson Smart ______.

      A.was very kind to anyone       B.did a lot for his daughter

      C.was the first father honored in 1924     D.always help others by giving money


One of the most popular new online games is Second Life.These games are also called MMOs for short.But unlike other MMOs, Second Life is not about winning or losing.Second Life is technically a computer game.But people involved in it do not consider it a game, because the players Create everything.Second Life is more for socializing and creating communities.
Users of Second Life are called residents.To take part, they must create an electronic image of themselves.Some look like humans, while others look like animals.Inside the Second Life world, residents build homes, run business, buy and sell things, work, play, and attend school.They even have relationships and get married.
Second Life was created in 2003 by Linden Lab in San Francisco, California.Linden Lab controls the website where the ever—changing world is being created.There are now about one million people around the world who are active in Second Life.The number has grown quickly since the beginning of the year when there were about one hundred thousand users.
The average age of people involved with Second Life is about thirty.However, Linden Lab recently created Teen Second Life for young users.Second Life has its own economy and its own money called Linden dollars.Millions of dollars are made and spent each month in Second Life.Users can enter Second Life for free.But they must pay for a membership if they want to own land or buy and sell goods and services.
Lately, several major companies have become involved with Second Life.They want to be part of the growing business world that exists within the made—up reality.The car maker Toyota, music producer Sony BMG, and even Reuters news agency are among businesses now existing within Second Life.
68.The best title for the passage may be    .
A.Popular Computer Games                     B.Users of Second Life
C.Business within Second Life                 D.A Million People Get a Second Life
69.According to the passage, Second Life refers to a new online game    .
A.about winning or losing
B.in which players can create everything
C.mostly for children
D.designed for only one player role
70.We can see from the passage that the users of the Second Life    .
A.can’t create the electronic images
B.become humans and animals
C.don’t work or play
D.can even get married
71.It can be inferred from the passage that    .
A.these major companies want to become the players inside the Second Life world
B.these major companies: want to make profits from Second Life
C.we can’t believe in the made—up reality inside the Second Life world
D.these major companies show no interest in Second Life


The Andrew Romay Immigrant Support Program (ISP) at the International Center provides a welcoming place for immigrants where they can build the skills they need to fully participate in the professional and social life of their new country.
About the Program
The Andrew Romay Immigrant Support Program (ISP) at the International Center provides an integrated (综合的) set of educational, cultural, and professional activities at ICNY to help immigrants:
●improve their English
●develop the networks they need to achieve their goals and fully participate in American life
●find a welcoming "home away from home"
Participants have access to a wide-range of programming, including:
●more than 40 weekly classes in English language and American culture
●practical and career-skills workshops
●opportunities to explore New York City and the nearby area through trips and tours
ISP is particularly focused on helping newly arrived immigrants at a critical point in their lives.Recent arrivals in financial need receive one-year scholarships and low-cost meals.ISP is funded by Andrew Romay and a sum of money from the Open Society Institute.
If you are interested in applying for ISP, please fill out our online application or contact ISP Program Manager, Elaine Roberts at (212) 255-9555 or at eroberts@intlcenterorg.
Resources for Current ISP Members
●Intermediate level: Introduction to Writing & Interviewing Skills on Wednesday, from
11 am-l2:l0pm.
●High Intermediate/Advanced: Tips for Success at Work and Beyond on Tuesday, from 2-3:25pm.
●Advanced: Career Skills Workshop on Wednesday, from 6-8pm.Sign-up required.
●For all levels: Interviewing Skills Workshop on Saturday, from 11 am. - 2 pm. Sign-up required.
To see a list of upcoming events, visit our News & Events page.
If you would like helpful resources on topics such as ESOL, healthcare, housing, or finding a job, please visit our Member Resources page.
65.The main purpose of ISP is to ____.
A.help new immigrants set up a home away from home
B.equip new immigrants with the skills needed
C.provide support for new immigrants in financial need
D.help old immigrants at a critical point
66.You can become a member of ISP by ____.
A.visiting News & Events page       B.surfing Member Resources page
C.contacting Andrew               D.contacting Elaine
67.Which class best suits Tracy, who hopes to improve her interviewing skills but is busy on weekdays?
A.Intermediate level.              B.High Intermediate/Advanced.
C.Advanced.                D.For all levels.


One day my teacher said, “ Life is a game of chess, and the other player is time.” From that moment, I knew I had to enjoy my life.Do not waste time, because, you know, time will not come back.You cannot buy it.It is one of those things in life that you must really, really value.
When you see an opportunity, take it.You might not get it back.Never let an opportunity pass.And if it is too hard, remember that in the middle of every difficulty lies an opportunity.
Remember, you cannot choose how you' re going to die, or when.You can only decide how you' re going to live.Study as if you were going to live forever; live as if you were going to die tomorrow.Don' t just think of the present, but also think of your future.Your future is yet another chapter in your life and another way to live it.
Every single living thing has a purpose in life."The purpose of life is a life of purpose," said Robert Byme.
Learn to use time wisely, take opportunities, and enjoy life.We can discover the meaning of life in three different ways: (1) by doing a deed; (2) by experiencing a value; (3) by suffering.Life.
58.The underlined part suggests that___________.
A.if life is a game of chess, time is also a game of chess
B.if life is a game of chess, both you and time are the players
C.if life is one player in a game of chess, time is the other player
D.if time is a game of chess, both life and you are the players
59.According to the author, what can you decide?
A.How you die.                      B.When you die.
C.How you live.                     D.When you succeed.
60.This article is most probably from__________.
A.an explanation of time in the universe
B.an essay about time and life
C.an argument that time is the most important thing in life
D.a description of an important class



One day my teacher said, “ Life is a game of chess, and the other player is time.” From that moment, I knew I had to enjoy my life.Do not waste time, because, you know, time will not come back.You cannot buy it.It is one of those things in life that you must really, really value.

When you see an opportunity, take it.You might not get it back.Never let an opportunity pass.And if it is too hard, remember that in the middle of every difficulty lies an opportunity.

Remember, you cannot choose how you' re going to die, or when.You can only decide how you' re going to live.Study as if you were going to live forever; live as if you were going to die tomorrow.Don' t just think of the present, but also think of your future.Your future is yet another chapter in your life and another way to live it.

Every single living thing has a purpose in life."The purpose of life is a life of purpose," said Robert Byme.

Learn to use time wisely, take opportunities, and enjoy life.We can discover the meaning of life in three different ways: (1) by doing a deed; (2) by experiencing a value; (3) by suffering.Life.

58.The underlined part suggests that___________.

A.if life is a game of chess, time is also a game of chess

B.if life is a game of chess, both you and time are the players

C.if life is one player in a game of chess, time is the other player

D.if time is a game of chess, both life and you are the players

59.According to the author, what can you decide?

A.How you die.                      B.When you die.

C.How you live.                     D.When you succeed.

60.This article is most probably from__________.

A.an explanation of time in the universe

B.an essay about time and life

C.an argument that time is the most important thing in life

D.a description of an important class


