A. such little B. so little C. so few D. such few 查看更多



  A few days ago I asked my sons’ governess(女家庭教师)Julia to come into my study. “Be seated, Julia, ”I said, “Let’s settle our accounts. I guess you most likely need some money, but maybe you’re too polite to mention it. Now then, we agreed on thirty dollars a month...”
  “No, thirty. I made a note of it. I always pay our governess thirty. Well, um, you’ve been here two months, so...”
  “Two months and five days.”
  “Exactly two months. I made a special note of it. That means you have sixty dollars coming to you. Take off nine Sundays... you know you didn’t work with Tom on Sundays, you only took walks. And three holidays... ”Julia was biting her finger nail nervously, her face red, but - not a word.
  “Three holidays, therefore take off twelve dollars. Four days Tom was sick and there were no lessons, as you were occupied only with Dick. Three days you had a toothache and my wife gave you permission not to work after lunch. Twelve and seven - nineteen. Take nineteen off ... that leaves. hmm.... forty one dollars. Correct?”
  Julia’s left eye reddened with tears welling up. Her chin trembled; she coughed nervously and blew her nose, but - still not a word.
  “Around New Year’s Day you broke a teacup and a saucer; take off two dollars. The cup cost more, it was a treasure of the family, but- forget it. When didn’t I take a loss! Then, due to your neglect (疏忽), Tom climbed a tree and tore his jacket; take away ten. Also due to your carelessness the maid stole Dick’s shoes. You ought to watch everything! You get paid for it. So, that means five more dollars off. The tenth of January I gave ten dollars.”
  “You didn’t. ”sobbed Julia.
  “But I made a note of it.”
  “Well... if you say so.”
  “Take twenty seven from forty one -that leaves fourteen.”
  Both her eyes were filled with tears. Beads of sweat stood on the thin pretty little nose. Poor girl!
  “Only once was I given any money,” she whispered, her voice trembling, “and that was by your wife. Three dollars, nothing more.”
  “Really? You see now, and I didn’t know that! Take three from fourteen.. leaves eleven. Here’s your money, my dear. Three, three, three, one and one. Here it is !”
  I handed her eleven dollars. She took them and pocketed them.
  “Merci (法语: 谢谢),”she whispered.
  I jumped to my feet and started pacing the room. I was overcome with anger. “For what, this - ‘merci’?” I asked.
  “For the money. ”
  “But you know I’ve cheated you - robbed you ! I have actually stolen from you ! Why this‘merci’?”
  “In my other places they didn’t give me anything at all.”
  “They didn’t give you anything? No wonder! I played a little joke on you, a cruel lesson, just to teach you... I m going to give you all the eighty dollars! Here they are in the envelope all ready for you... Is it really possible to be so spineless (懦弱)?Why didn’t you protest? Why were you silent? Is it possible in this world to be without teeth and claws(爪)―to be such a fool?”
  Embarrassed, she smiled. And I could read her expression,“It is possible.”
  I asked her pardon for the cruel lesson and, to her great surprise, gave her the eighty dollars. She murmured her little“merci”several times and went out. I looked after her and thought,“How easy it is to crush the weak in this world !”

  63.While talking to Julia, the wrier expected from her ________.
  A. a protest             B. gratitude
  C. obedience           D. an explanation
  64.What shocked the writer was Julia’s ________.
  A. nervousness in front of her boss
  B. acceptance of injustice
  C. shyness when talking about money
  D. reluctance to express herself
  65.The writer said, “Is it possible in this world to be without teeth and claws?” He was actually telling the governess ________.
  A. to be more aggressive
  B. to be more careful in her work
  C. to protect her right
  D. to live independently
  66.At the end of the story, the writer said,“ How easy it is to crush the weak in this world!”to show ________.
  A. his understanding of Julia’s anxiety
  B. his worry about Julia’s future
  C. his concern on the living condition of working - class people
  D. his sympathy for the mental state of those exploited
  67.From the story, we can tell that Julia’s employer was ________.
  A. greedy but honest
  B. ill - tempered but warm - hearted
  C. strict but forgiving
  D. none of the above


Little Mark is only 6, but he has an IQ of 200, a genius among geniuses. But his intelligence comes at a cost. His parents must keep him intellectually simulated(启发)while making sure he is like any other little boy.
Mark has been attracted by the way how the world works since he was a baby. When he was 3, Mark was reading fluently, mostly self-taught. His parents haven't been able to keep him away from books since.
"I tried many times to stop him reading. We worry about his crazy fond of reading because he constantly wants to read every-thing whatever it is.”
A psychologist at the Centre for gifted children tested Mark and gave him an IQ of 200. The average child of Mark's age has an IQ of 100. At 200, Mark is a genius-even compared with other child geniuses.
"With children like Mark you can tell that's a bright child as soon as they walk in. They just have this sort of intensity, and maybe they're not so good at communicating with people," the psychologist said. "He will never fit perfectly into a class where he's with children of his age.”But Mark's mother worries about the "socially isolated" labels. "Nobody wants their child to grow up with that image. I want him to communicate with others freely, but not to be frustrated academically, so it's really hard to find a balance," she says.
Helen Dudeney from the Talented and Gifted Children Association says Mark is one in a million with such a high IQ. She points out that geniuses are still rare and difficult for the public education system to handle. "The lack of coping comes because teachers aren't trained in teaching gifted children," says Dudeney.
Helen believes it's also extremely important for them to be recognized and supported in their talents. Mark's parents are trying to figure out how best to help Mark. At the moment, there are few options. Mark finds first year work boring and simple, but he must learn to complete the work. His mother says, "We just want to be happy. Just to have a happy childhood and want to go to school every day.”
【小题1】By saying "But his intelligence comes at a cost. ",the author means that        

A.Mark must pay for his intelligence at a high price
B.Mark's intelligence brings him negative effects at the same time
C.Mark's intelligence results from his parents
D.Mark's parents make Mark clever at all costs
【小题2】Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?      
A.Mark's parents are very satisfied with his love for reading.
B.Mark began to teach himself reading at the age of 3.
C.Many child geniuses are not good at communicating with others.
D.It is hard for parents to bring up a genius.
【小题3】If there are 6. 6 billion people in the world, the number of geniuses with an IQ of 200 will be
A.about 4,400B.about 5,500C.about 6,600D.about 7,700
【小题4】What would be the best title for the passage?        
A.A genius' craziness for books
B.The life of the genius' parents
C.The burden of being gifted
D.The characteristics of Mark


Little Mark is only 6, but he has an IQ of 200, a genius among geniuses. But his intelligence comes at a cost. His parents must keep him intellectually simulated(启发)while making sure he is like any other little boy.
Mark has been attracted by the way how the world works since he was a baby. When he was 3, Mark was reading fluently, mostly self-taught. His parents haven't been able to keep him away from books since.
"I tried many times to stop him reading. We worry about his crazy fond of reading because he constantly wants to read every-thing whatever it is.”
A psychologist at the Centre for gifted children tested Mark and gave him an IQ of 200. The average child of Mark's age has an IQ of 100. At 200, Mark is a genius-even compared with other child geniuses.
"With children like Mark you can tell that's a bright child as soon as they walk in. They just have this sort of intensity, and maybe they're not so good at communicating with people," the psychologist said. "He will never fit perfectly into a class where he's with children of his age.”But Mark's mother worries about the "socially isolated" labels. "Nobody wants their child to grow up with that image. I want him to communicate with others freely, but not to be frustrated academically, so it's really hard to find a balance," she says.
Helen Dudeney from the Talented and Gifted Children Association says Mark is one in a million with such a high IQ. She points out that geniuses are still rare and difficult for the public education system to handle. "The lack of coping comes because teachers aren't trained in teaching gifted children," says Dudeney.
Helen believes it's also extremely important for them to be recognized and supported in their talents. Mark's parents are trying to figure out how best to help Mark. At the moment, there are few options. Mark finds first year work boring and simple, but he must learn to complete the work. His mother says, "We just want to be happy. Just to have a happy childhood and want to go to school every day.”
【小题1】By saying "But his intelligence comes at a cost. ",the author means that        

A.Mark must pay for his intelligence at a high price
B.Mark's intelligence brings him negative effects at the same time
C.Mark's intelligence results from his parents
D.Mark's parents make Mark clever at all costs
【小题2】Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?      
A.Mark's parents are very satisfied with his love for reading.
B.Mark began to teach himself reading at the age of 3.
C.Many child geniuses are not good at communicating with others.
D.It is hard for parents to bring up a genius.
【小题3】If there are 6. 6 billion people in the world, the number of geniuses with an IQ of 200 will be
A.about 4,400B.about 5,500C.about 6,600D.about 7,700
【小题4】What would be the best title for the passage?        
A.A genius' craziness for books
B.The life of the genius' parents
C.The burden of being gifted
D.The characteristics of Mark


Taste is such a subjective matter that we don’t usually conduct preference tests for food.The most you can say about anyone’s preference is that it’s one person’s opinion.But because the two big cola companies-Coca-Cola and Pepsi Cola-are marketed so aggressively, we’ve wondered how big a role taste preference actually plays in brand loyalty.We set up a taste test that challenged people who identified themselves as either Coca-cola or Pepsi fans: Find your brand in a blind tasting.
We invited staff volunteers who had a strong liking for either Coca-Cola Classic or Pepsi, Diet Coke, or Diet Pepsi.These were people who thought they’d have no trouble telling their brand from the other brand.
We eventually located 19 regular cola drinkers and 27 diet cola drinkers.Then we fed them with four unidentified samples of cola one at a time, regular colas for the one group, diet versions for the other.We asked them to tell us whether each sample was Coke or Pepsi; then we analyzed the records statistically to compare the participants’ choices with what mere guesswork could have accomplished.
Getting all four samples right was a tough test, but not too tough, we thought, for people who believed they could recognize their brand.In the end, only 7 out of 19 regular cola drinkers correctly identified their brand of choice in all four trials.The diet-cola drinkers did a little worse-only 7 out of 27 identified all four samples correctly.
Both groups did better than chance would predict, but nearly half the participants in each group made the wrong choice two or more times.Two people got all four samples wrong.Overall, half the participants did about as well on the last round of tasting as on the first, so tiredness, or taste burnout, was not a factor.Our preference test results suggest that only a few Pepsi participants and Coke fans may really be able to tell their favorite brand by taste and price.
41.According to the passage the preference test was conducted in order to ________.
A.show that a person’s opinion about taste is mere guesswork
B.compare the ability of the participants in choosing their drinks
C.find out the role taste preference plays in a person’s drinking
D.reveal which cola is more to the liking of the drinkers
42.The statistics recorded in the preference tests show that________.
A.there is not much difference in taste between Coca-Cola and Pepsi
B.few people had trouble telling Coca-Cola from Pepsi
C.people’s tastes differ from one another
D.Coca-Cola and Pepsi are people’s two most favorite drinks
43.It is implied in the first paragraph that________.
A.the competition between the two colas is very strong
B.blind tasting is necessary for identifying fans
C.the purpose of taste test is to promote the sale of colas
D.the improvement of quality is the chief concern of the two cola companies
44.The underlined word “burnout” here refers to the state of________.
A.being seriously burnt in the skin           
B.being badly damaged by fire  
C.being unable to burn for lack of fuel     
D.being unable to function because of too much use
45.The author’s purpose in writing this passage is to________.
A.emphasize that taste and price are closely related to each other
B.recommend that blind tasting be introduced in the quality control of colas
C.show that taste preference is highly subjective
D.argue that taste testing is an important marketing strategy


A well-dressed man entered a famous jewelry shop. He explained that he wished to buy a pearl for his wife’s birthday. The price didn’t matter, since business had been very good for him that year. After examining a nice black one that costs $5, 000, he paid for the pearl in cash, shook hands with the jeweler, and left.
A few days later the man returned and said that his wife liked the pearl so much that she wanted another one just like it. It had to be exactly the same size and quality as she wanted a pair of earrings made. "Can you give me any advice on how to get such a pearl?" said the man. The jeweler regretfully replied, "I would say it’s exactly impossible to find one exactly like that pearl."
The rich man insisted that the jeweler advertise in the newspapers, offering $25,000 for the matching pearl. Many people answered the advertisement but nobody had a pearl that was just right.
Just when the jeweler had given up hope, a little old lady came into his store. To his great surprise, she pulled the perfect pearl from her purse." “I don’t like to part with it." she said sadly, I got it from my mother, and, my mother got it from her’s. But I really need the money.
The jeweler was quickly to pay her before she changed her mind .Then he called the rich man’s hotel to tell him the good news .The man, however, was nowhere to be found. The jeweler immediately realized the whole thing.
【小题1】Actually, the man wanted to buy another pearl for _____.

A.himselfB.his wifeC.no oneD.his mother
【小题2】He paid $5,000 for the black pearl without bargaining because______.
A.he wanted to make the jeweler believe him
B.he was very rich.
C.his business had been successful
D.he was anxious to get it
【小题3】He told the jeweler to get him another pearl that must be______.
A.exactly the same quality as the black one
B.exactly the same size as the black one.
C.exactly the same as the black one
D.exactly worth $25,000
【小题4】The jeweler couldn’t find the man anywhere because ______.
A.he happened to be out
B.he died suddenly
C.he wouldn’t show up until the jeweler called him a second time
D.he got $20,000 by cheating and had run away with the money

