A. take B. use C. spend D. waste 查看更多



A.Help the people around you smile.

       B.Appreciate life's perfect moments.

       C.Become addicted to constant self- improvement.

       D.Celebrate your existence.

       E.Live and breathe the truth.

       F.Spend time with positive people.


Some Habits of Super Positive People

Life is full of positive experiences.Notice them.Notice the sun warming your skin, the small child learning to walk, and the smiling faces around you.Smell the rain, and feel the wind.Live your life to the fullest potential by enjoying the beauty of these experiences, and letting them inspire you to be the most positive version of YOU.  

Living a positive life is all about creating positive habits to help you focus on what truly matters. This is the secret of super positive people.Here are some simple ideas to help you follow in their footsteps.


Life's too wonderful to waste time with people who don't treat you right.So surround yourself with people who make you happy and make you smile.People who help you up when you're down.People who would never take advantage of you.People who genuinely care.They are the ones worth keeping in your life.Everyone else is just passing through.


     Your life isn't perfect, but it does have perfect moments.Don't let the little things get you down.You've got plenty of reasons to look up at the sky and say, "Thank you, I will do my best to make this a great day." So slow down and pause for a moment to stand in awe of(敬畏) the fact that you are alive, and that you have the ability to rediscover life as the miracle it has always been.


It doesn't have to be January 1st to give yourself a chance to make good use of your life.Every day is a new day to learn, grow, develop your strengths, heal yourself from past regrets, and move forward.Every day gives you a chance to reinvent yourself, to adjust who you are, and build on the lessons you have learned.It is never too late to change things that are not working in your life.Using today wisely will always help you create a more positive tomorrow.


       It's the most positive, stress-free way to live, because the truth always reveals itself eventually anyway.So don't aim to be impressive, aim to be true.Those who are true are truly impressive.Being true means having integrity; and integrity is doing the right thing even when you know nobody is watching.


Today, give someone one of your smiles.It might be the only sunshine they see all day.Sometimes just a single genuine smile or praise can lift a person's spirits to new heights.At the right time, a kind word from a stranger, or unexpected encouragement from a friend, can make all the difference in the world.Kindness is free, but it's priceless.And as you know, what goes around comes around.


A Way of Life for Students

  The Internet is a way of life for US college students, with research showing them to be one of the most connected groups.

  A recent study by Harris Interactive and 360 youth found that 93 percent of American college students visit the Internet, and this market is expected to grow from 15.2 million in 2003 to 16.4 million in 2007.

  That is slow but it could be the result of the already high number of college Internet users.

  About 88 percent of American college students own a computer, and more than half have broadband (宽带) connections. Furthermore, 67 percent own cell phones and 36 percent use their mobile devices to visit the Inter net.

  Study findings are that 42 percent go online mainly to communicate socially, and 72 percent of college students check e-mails at least once a day, with 66 percent using at least two e-mail addresses.

  The most popular online social activity is forwarding messages to friends or family, with 37 percent of college students saying they do so.

  The study looked beyond the Internet surfing (冲浪) habits and into the buying habits of this group, and found them responsible for more than US $ 210 billion in sales last year alone.

  College students have learned how to spend their money, with 93 percent saying low prices were important when shopping.

  The study also showed that 65 percent make loan (贷款) payments; 41 percent of freshmen have a credit card; and 79 percent of seniors have a credit card.

  A significant number of charges on those credit cards are likely to be for entertainment and leisure expenses.

(1) College students in the US, as this passage shows, ________.

[  ]

A. don't have to learn their lessons in their classrooms

B.spend too much time visiting the Internet

C.lead an exciting life by using the Internet

D.waste too much time visiting the Internet

(2) From the fourth paragraph we can find that in the US ________.

[  ]

A.most college students are from rich families

B.college students can have a computer from their colleges

C.cell phones will take the place of computers in colleges

D.mobile phones make Internet life easy for college students

(3) To communicate with friends, more than half of the college students use ________.

[  ]


(4) By using the Internet, college students in the US can do the following except ________.

[  ]

A.reading newspapers
B.chatting with friends
C.buying goods
D.going swimming

(5) The underlined word "charges" in the last paragraph means ________.

[  ]

A.cost for goods or services

B.work given as a duty

C.sudden attack at high speed

D.money in small unit


A Way of Life for Students

  The Internet is a way of life for US college students, with research showing them to be one of the most connected groups.

  A recent study by Harris Interactive and 360 Youth found that 93 per cent of American college students visit the Internet, and this market is expected to grow from 15.2 million in 2003 to 16.4 million in 2007. That is slow but could be the result of the already high number of college Internet users.

  About 88 per cent of American college students own a computer and more than half broadband(宽带)connections. Furthermore, 67 per cent own cell phones and 36 per cent use their mobile devices to visit the Internet. Study findings are that 42 per cent go online mainly to communicate socially, and 72 per cent of college students check emails at least once a day, with 66 per cent using at least two email addresses.

  The most popular online social activity is forwarding messages to friends or family, with 37 per cent of college students saying they do so. The study also looked beyond the Internet surfing(冲浪)habits and into the buying habits of this group, and found them responsible for more than US $ 210 billion in sales last year alone.

  College students have learned how to spend their money, with 93 per cent saying low prices were important when shopping.

  The study also showed that 65 per cent make loan(货款)payments, 41 per cent of freshmen have a credit card; and 79 per cent of seniors have a credit card. A significant number of charges on these credit cards are likely to be for entertainment and leisure expenses.

(1) College students in the US, as this passage shows, ________.

[  ]

A.waste much time visiting the Internet

B.lead an exciting life by using the Internet

C.don't have to learn their lessons in their classrooms

D.spend too much time visiting the Internet

(2) We can find from the third paragraph, that in the US__________.

[  ]

A.most college students are from rich families

B.cell phones will take the place of computers in colleges

C.mobile phones make Internet life easy for college students

D.college students can have a computer from their colleges

(3) To communicate with friends, nearly half of the college students use____

[  ]



C.text messages on mobile phones



The Internet is a way of life for US college students, with research showing them to be one of the most connected groups.

       A recent study by Harris Interactive and 360 Youth found that 93 percent of American college students visit the Internet, and this market is expected to grow from 15.2 million in 2003 to 16.4 million in2007.

       That is slow but could be the result of the already high number of college Internet users.

About 88 percent of American college students own a computer, and more than half have broadband connections. Furthermore, 76 percent own cell phones and 36 percent use their mobile devices to visit the Internet.

       Study findings are that 42 percent go online mainly to communicate socially, and 72 percent of college students check emails at least once a day, with 66 percent using at least two email addresses.

       The most popular online social activity is forwarding messages to friends or family, with 37 per cent of college students saying they do so.

       The study also looked beyond the Internet surfing habits and into the buying habits of this group, and found them responsible for more than US$210 billion in sales last year alone.

       College students have learned how to spend their money, with 93 per cent saying low prices were important when shopping.

       The study also showed that 65 percent make loan payments, 41 percent of freshmen have a credit card; and 79 percent of seniors have a credit card.

       A significant number of charges on those credit cards are likely to be for entertainment and leisure expenses.

1.College students in the US, as this passage shows,         .

       A.don’t have to learn their lessons in their classroom

       B.spend too much time visiting the Internet

       C.lead an exciting life by visiting the Internet

       D.waste much time visiting the Internet

2.From the fourth paragraph we can find that in the US          .

       A.most college students are from rich families

       B.college students can have a computer from their college

       C.cell phones will take the place of computers in college

       D.mobile phones make Internet life easy for college students

3.To communicate with friends, nearly half of the college students use           .

       A.letters               B.e-mails            C.telephones       D.telegraphs

4.By using the Internet, college students in the US can do the following except        .

       A.reading newspapers                   B.chatting with friends

       C.buying goods                        D.going swimming


Life in space will certainly take some getting used toBut the space station has been designed to keep the astronauts as comfortable as possible—the modules() are roomybrightand kept at a constant 70 degrees Fahrenheit.It’s important the crew members are comfortable because they’ll be busy aboard the station.In a typical workdaycrew members will spend 14 hours working and exercising,1.5 hours preparing and eating mealsand 8.5 hours sleeping.Here are some other fun facts about life aboard the station


Come mealtimeastronauts will have a special dining kitchen.Space food just keeps getting better—and more like food we enjoy here on Earth.In early space missionsastronauts could eat only freeze?dried food that didn’t require any preparation.But the space station is equipped with watermicrowave ovensand refrigeratorsallowing the folks on board to eat more “normal” types of foodincluding fruitvegetablesand ice cream!


Each crew member has a private room.With no gravitythey’ll need to tie themselves to their bedsor they will float awayThat might sound like a strange way to sleepbut astronauts from past space missions report that sleeping in space is actually pretty great!


You might not think itbut exercise is even more important on the station than it is on Earth.There is not much gravity in space.Astronauts don’t stand upsit down or walk in spaceso their muscles and bones don’t have to work much—and this muscle and bone loss can be dangerous back on Earth.To fight thisastronauts on the station will exercise on bikesrowing machinesand other equipment about two hours every day.


Astronauts will have to wear special space suits while traveling aboard the US.shuttle or Russian rockets.But once they’re safe inside the space stationcrew members can wear regular clothing.Of coursea specially designedpressurized space suit is required for space walks.It has to withstand(经受住) flying pieces and protect the astronauts from dramatic temperature changes.It can range from 120 degrees below Fahrenheit in the shadow of the station to 250 degrees in the hot sun.

Personal Cleanliness

Simple tasks like brushing your teeth can be challenging in a weightless environment.A little water doesn’t flow in a stream—it suspends in a bubbleAstronauts will use a freshwater hose(软管) to take showersshampooand wash off—then a second vacuum hose to suction() off the dirty water.And how do you go to the bathroom in spaceWith a special “air toilet” that uses flowing air instead of water to dispose of waste.

1.The facts about life in space are all mentioned EXCEPT ________.

Aclothing? Bentertainment

Csleep? Dexercise

2.What can be learned from the paragraph “Clothing”

AThe temperature is quite different in different places in space.

BAstronauts must wear special space suits all the time in space.

CAstronauts can wear regular clothing for space walks now.

DAstronauts wear pressurized space suits just to keep warm.

3.Why is exercise more important in space than on earth?

AIt can make astronauts feel relaxed in space.

BIt can help astronauts spend their spare time happily.

CAstronauts’ lives are more important in space than on earth.

DIt can prevent astronauts from causing muscle and bone loss.

4.What do we know about space food from the text?

AAstronauts could eat apples in space in the past.

BAstronauts eat only fruitvegetables and ice cream now.

CFresh food isn’t available to astronauts in space.

DSpace food is getting better now than before.


