A. village B. seaside C. city D. park 查看更多



Do you love American country music? If you do, come to Nashville. It’s the home of American country music.

Nashville is the capital city of the state of Tennessee. Here you don’t have to go to the big auditoriums(音乐厅) to enjoy the country music. In the open air restaurants or on the streets, you can always hear the beautiful and sweet sounding folk music. All the singers are young and they play their guitars while they sing. The songs they sing are so touching(动人) that, if you listen attentively, you can feel they are singing with their souls rather than with their voices.

Shops selling music records and tapes can be found everywhere in Nashville. Many records are made by www..comfamous singers and they are sent to many countries all over the world.

The folk songs most of the singers sing come form the rural areas in the southern United States. The songs often describe those days to situations and the feeling of the country people. They often sing in praises of heroism(英雄) and true love.

1. From the passage we know Nashville is ________.

A. a village               B. a big city   C. a small town               D. a capital city

2. To enjoy the country music, you can go to ________.

A. the big auditoriums   B. the open air restaurants    C. the streets  D. All of the above

3. According to the passage which of the following statements is not true?

A. Shops that sell music records and tapes can be found everywhere in Nashville.

B. The folk songs can impress you deeply

C. Not all records are made by famous singers

D. The folk songs only sing in praises of heroism and true love.

4. The passage is mainly about ________.

A. Nashville  B. American young people   C. pop singers         D. the country music


At the foot of the mountain    .?

A.a village lie     B.lies a village?    C.does a village lie D.lying a village



At the foot of the mountain ______________.

A. a village lie     B. lies a village    C.does a village lie    D. lying a village



In our life, we have rarely expressed our gratitude to those who have lived with us these years. In fact, we do not have to   31  a special time to thank the ones   32  to us. If you have   33  anything about giving thanks, it should be this:   34  it now! Saying thanks is such a(n)   35  way to add happiness to the   36  .

Saying thanks not only brightens someone else’s world, but also brightens yours. If you are feeling   37  or unloved, try reaching out to others. It may be just the medicine that you   38  .

Of course, sometimes you cannot express gratitude   39  . In that case, do not fall into   40 — speak up the first time you have a   41  .

Once a young man, whose name was Mark Brian, was sent to a   42  of India. The villagers, he had been told before, did not have a   43  for “thank you”. But on arriving there, Mark Brian found that those villagers expressed their   44  in other ways. Instead of saying thanks, it is their custom to  45  every favor with a favor of their own, and every kindness with the   46  or more kindness. They did express their thanks.

I   47  if we had no words in our   48  for thank you”, would we do a better job of communicating our gratitude? And would we be more responsive (回应的), more   49  and more caring?

Thankfulness can be transferred (传递) among people all around us—including ourselves,   50  no one ever misunderstands a thankful heart.

31. A. cut down       B. give up         C. talk about     D. wait for

32. A. rudest         B. closest         C. similar       D. different

33. A. learned         B. offered         C. written          D. doubted

34. A. carry        B. change         C. give      D. accept

35. A. fair           B. strange       C. extra        D. easy

36. A. room       B. world        C. school     D. station

37. A. left out         B. helped out        C. called on     D. shown in

38. A. discover        B. need          C. invent       D. collect

39. A. carefully        B. finally          C. immediately    D. slowly

40. A. illness         B. anger          C. pleasure      D. silence

41. A. suggestion      B. condition         C. job         D. chance

42. A. village         B. hospital         C. city         D. ship

43. A. film        B. play           C. word      D. song

44. A. skill           B. gratitude       C. culture          D. attitude

45. A. return       B. mix           C. follow      D. check

46. A. public       B. same          C. secret      D. cheap

47. A. wonder        B. forget          C. promise       D. order

48. A. text           B. lesson         C. vocabulary     D. book

49. A. creative        B. clever          C. sensitive     D. beautiful

50. A. though        B. unless           C. if         D. because


   Whoever has made a voyage up the Hudson River must remember the Catskill Mountains. They are a branch of the great Appalachian family, and can be seen to the west rising up to a noble height and towering over the surrounding country, when the weather is fair and settled, they are clothed in blue and purple, and print their beautiful shapes on the clear evening sky, but sometimes when it is cloudless, gray steam gathers around the top of the mountains which, in the last rays of the setting sun, will shine and light up like a crown of glory (华丽的皇冠).

   At the foot of these mountains, a traveler may see light smoke going up from a village.

   In that village, and in one of the houses (which, to tell the exact truth, was sadly time-worn and weather-beaten), there lived many years ago, a simple, good-natured fellow by the name of Rip Van Winkle.

   Rip's great weakness was a natural dislike of all kinds of money-making labor. It could not be from lack of diligence (勤劳), for he could sit all day on a wet rock and fish without saying a word, even though he was not encouraged by a single bite. He would carry a gun on his shoulder for hours, walking through woods and fields to shoot a few birds or squirrels. He would never refuse to help a neighbor, even in the roughest work. The women of the village, too, used to employ him to do such little jobs as their less helpful husbands would not do for them. In a word, Rip was ready to attend to everybody's business but his own.

   If left to himself, he would have whistled ( 吹口哨) life away in perfect satisfaction; but his wife was always mad at him for his idleness 懒散). Morning, noon, and night, her tongue was endlessly going, so that he was forced to escape to the outside of the house -- the only side which, in truth, belongs to a henpecked husband.

68. Which of the following best describes the Catskill Mountains?

A. They are on the west of the Hudson River.

B. They are very high and beautiful in this area.

C. They can be seen from the Appalachian family.

D. They gather beautiful clouds in blue and purple.

69. The hero of the story is probably_____________.

A. hard-working and likes all kinds of work    B. idle and hates all kinds of jobs

C. simple, idle but very dutiful              D. gentle, helpful but a little idle

70. The underlined words "henpecked husband" in the last paragraph probably means a man who .

A. likes hunting  B. is afraid of hens C. loves his wife   D. is afraid of his wife

71. What would be the best title for the text?

A. Catskill Mountains. B. A Mountain Village. C. Rip Van Winkle. D. A Dutiful Husband.

