A. that B. how C. why D. if 查看更多



Why should you tour Spain with SpainExchange?
◇We design and personalize(个性化)your tour to fit your desires and needs.
◇We are Spain insiders: we are located in Spain and we know the country.
You get the tour you want. You do not have to follow a schedule, but we encourage you to make your own with our help. If you have a few cities in Spain that you want to visit or a specific theme for your tour that needs some fine-tuning(微调), we can do it for you. On the contrary, if you are not sure what’s here and need some extra help, we can help you. We can assist you in developing the tour that fits you and your students.
You get more for your money. Yes, it may cost you the same price as with the other companies—usually less—but you will receive more in return. With any other company you will be mixed with other groups. With SpainExchange, your tour is for and your students only: your group alone will be in your bus; your students will be housed in double rooms; they will have 2 paid meals per day, and your entrance fees will be on us.
Your students will have an educational experience they’ll never forget. The students will learn about world history, not just Spanish history, art history, archeology, Spanish culture, and much more. Many students have “fallen in love” with Spain and make plans for future studies here. And teachers are amazed at how much Spain has to offer. As one teacher said, “I can’t wait to come back and see the rest.”
Only a professional Spain insider that is flexible to design the tour that fits your group can provide all that for you. Just tell us what you want and enjoy the ride.
64.What is the advantage of SpainExchange over other touring companies?
A.It is designed for your personalized needs.
B.It is much cheaper than the tours from other companies.
C.It is organized by a Spanish-speaking agency.
D.It offers double rooms and 2 paid meals per day.
65.Who do you suppose this passage is written to?
A.School teachers.                                         B.College students.
C.Spain locals.                                              D.Exchange professors.
66.The passage is probably take from_______.
A.Wild “Burning” Journey Back To Spain
B.Spain Teaching School Tries Something New
C.A World of Novels: Picks For Best Foreign Fictions
D.Tour Brochure: Learning Beyond Classroom



       Why should you tour Spain with SpainExchange?

◇We design and personalize(个性化)your tour to fit your desires and needs.

◇We are Spain insiders: we are located in Spain and we know the country.

       You get the tour you want. You do not have to follow a schedule, but we encourage you to make your own with our help. If you have a few cities in Spain that you want to visit or a specific theme for your tour that needs some fine-tuning(微调), we can do it for you. On the contrary, if you are not sure what’s here and need some extra help, we can help you. We can assist you in developing the tour that fits you and your students.

       You get more for your money. Yes, it may cost you the same price as with the other companies—usually less—but you will receive more in return. With any other company you will be mixed with other groups. With SpainExchange, your tour is for and your students only: your group alone will be in your bus; your students will be housed in double rooms; they will have 2 paid meals per day, and your entrance fees will be on us.

       Your students will have an educational experience they’ll never forget. The students will learn about world history, not just Spanish history, art history, archeology, Spanish culture, and much more. Many students have “fallen in love” with Spain and make plans for future studies here. And teachers are amazed at how much Spain has to offer. As one teacher said, “I can’t wait to come back and see the rest.”

       Only a professional Spain insider that is flexible to design the tour that fits your group can provide all that for you. Just tell us what you want and enjoy the ride.

64.What is the advantage of SpainExchange over other touring companies?

       A.It is designed for your personalized needs.

       B.It is much cheaper than the tours from other companies.

       C.It is organized by a Spanish-speaking agency.

       D.It offers double rooms and 2 paid meals per day.

65.Who do you suppose this passage is written to?

       A.School teachers.                                         B.College students.

       C.Spain locals.                                              D.Exchange professors.

66.The passage is probably take from_______.

       A.Wild “Burning” Journey Back To Spain

       B.Spain Teaching School Tries Something New

       C.A World of Novels: Picks For Best Foreign Fictions

       D.Tour Brochure: Learning Beyond Classroom


A tourist comes out of the airport.There are a lot of taxis,but the tourist asks every taxi—driver his name.He takes the third taxi.It costs£5 from the airport to the hotel.“How much does it cost for the whole day?” the tourist asks.“£100”,says the taxi-driver.This is very expensive,the tourist accepts the price.

    The taxi—driver takes the tourist everywhere.He shows him all monuments and all the museums.In the evening they go back to the hotel.The tourist gives the taxi-driver£100 and says,“What about tomorrow?” The taxi-driver looks at the tourist.“Tomorrow? It’s another£ 100 tomorrow.”But the tourist says,“That’s OK.If that’s the price,that is the price.See you tomorrow.”The taxi—driver is very pleased.

    The next day the taxi-driver takes the tourist everywhere again.They visit all the museums and all the monuments again.And in the second evening they go back to the hotel.The tourist gives the taxi—driver another£100 and says,“I’m going home tomorrow.”The taxi-driver is sorry.He likes the tourist and,above all,£100 a day is good money.“So you are going home.Where do you come from?” he asks.

    “I come from New York.”

    “New York!” says the taxi-driver,“I have a sister in New York.Her name is Susannah.Do you know her?”

    “Of course 1 know her.She gave me£200 for you.”

The tourist is______   .

  A.an Englishman    B.a Frenchman    C.a Swedish D.an American

The tourist asks every taxi—driver his name because______    .

  A.he is afraid of being cheated      B.he wants to remember all of the taxi—drivers’names

  C.he knows of one of the taxi-drivers D.there is a friend of his among the taxi drivers

Why is the taxi-driver very pleased with the tourist?

  A.None but the tourist agrees to the price given without arguing with him.

  B.His sister knows the tourist.

  C.His sister has brought so much money to him.

  D.He wants to be the guide of the tourist.

We can conclude that ______  .

  A.the tourist will give the taxi-driver another£200

  B.the tourist makes fun of the taxi—driver

  C.the tourist will give the taxi—driver half of the sum

  D.the taxi-driver insists that the tourist should pay him another£200


A week ago, I had the great pleasure of reading an e-book, When Money Talks, Listen! By Rich Ezzo.It took only about an hour to read.

   When I first received a copy, I thought it was a Get Rich Quick type of publication.Nothing is wrong with Get Rich Quick, but my mind just doesn’t chase after dreams of wealth.I think that if God ever wants me to be rich, he knows where to find my purse.

   When I began reading When Money Talks, Listen!, I was overjoyed to find that Rich Ezzo isn’t money hungry either.He, too, is hungry far more important than money.

Since I love this e-book so much, why wait a week to write the review? Simple.I wanted to see if the effect it had on me was a keeper.After reading the last word of the e-book, I totally agreed with the subtitle which promised to forever change the way we thought about money.I had so many thoughts running around my mind that I had to install(安装) a stoplight to stop some while others made their way into the picture, then I yielded(让路) them as a few ones arrived in town.I had a mental traffic jam, which only goes to show how slow the traffic usually is

   It has been a week and the effect is the same.I truly do look at money differently and have even done a few things differently this week.This is an e-book you’ll want to read, I promise.I often recommend books to my daughter, and this is one that I didn’t just “suggest”---I left it open at the bottom of the computer and told each one, “Read it, you’ll love it.”

   I would never point someone in a direction I wouldn’t go myself.I urge you to visit the author’s website, Myster Money, and to download the e-book.You won’t regret it.

The author wrote this passage to _________ 

       A.strongly recommend an e-book.

     B.show the author's attitude to money.

     C.introduce the general idea of an e-book.

     D.point out Rich Ezzo isn't money hungry.

According to the passage, a Get Rich Quick type of publication ______.

       A.is what the author really cares for

       B.deals with how to make money

       C.is also an e-book written by Rich Ezzo

       D.is more popular than e-books

The author didn't write the review as soon as he finished reading the book because________.

     A.he was too excited to write anything

     B.he was not sure whether he did well

     C.he had to wait for Rich Ezzo's permission

     D.he wondered if the book would have long influence on him

By saying the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4, the author probably __________.

     A.shows that the book brought him many new thoughts

     B.shows how bad the traffic is in town

     C.describes the difficulty in understanding the book

     D.explains it's hard to change one's attitude to money

Which of the following is supported by the passage?

      A.The author had known Rich Ezzo before.

     B.The author hasn't dreamed of getting rich immediately.

     C.The author always prefers e-books to paper books.

     D.The author likes Get Rich Quick-type of publications.


“If there is one thing I’m sure about,it is that in a hundred years from now we will still be reading newspapers.It is not that newspapers are a necessity.Even now some people get most of their news from television or radio.Many buy a paper only on Saturday or Sunday.But for most people reading a newspaper has become a habit passed down from generation to generation.

    The nature of what is news may change.What basically makes news is what affects our lives—the big political stories, the coverage of the wars, earthquakes and other disasters,will continue much the same.I think there will be more coverage of scientific research,though.It’s already happening in areas that may directly affect our lives,like genetic (基因) engineering.In the future,I think there will be more coverage of scientific explanations of why we feel as we do—as we develop a better understanding of how the brain operates and what our feelings really are.

It’s quite possible that in the next century newspapers will be transmitted electronically from Fleet Street and printed out in our own home.In fact,I’m pretty sure that how it will happen in the future.You will probably be able to choose from a menu,making up your own newspaper by picking out the things you want to read——sports and international news,etc.

    I think people have got it wrong when they talk about competition between the different media(媒体).They actually feed off each other.Some people once foresaw that television would kill off newspapers, but that hasn’t happened.What is read on the printed page lasts longer than pictures on a screen or sound lost in the air.And as for the Internet,it’s never really pleasant to read something just on a screen.

What is the best title for the passage?

A.The Best Way to Get News            B.The Changes of Media

 C.Make Your Own Newspaper           D.The Future of Newspaper

What will probably be on in the newspaper made by yourself?

A.Sports and political news.          B.A menu of important news.

C.The most important news.          D.What you are interested in.

From the passage,we can infer ________.

A.newspapers will win the competition among the different media

B.newspapers will stay with us together with other media

C.television will take the place of newspaper

D.the writer believe some media will die out

The underlined phrase “feed off” in the last paragraph means _________

A.depend on    B.compete with     C.fight with    D.kill off

