There wasn't enough to prove he is guilty. A. economy B. evidence C. indicate D. demand 查看更多



“Never say die'' was my mother's motto.No matter how tough the life was, she always had   36  in the face of struggle and change
My mother , born in the late 1920s,   37  no education.Her mother, whom she loved dearly , died when she was 12 years old.Her father remarried,   38  he stepmother was   39  to her.As a result, my mother was always kept busy doing ail kinds of household   40  ,varying from feeding scores of tame birds to _41  her stepbrothers "Never say die" she   42 __say to herself.
After marrying my father , she  43  my grandparents as her own parents.It was a Lime when China was faced with a severe   44  of food and my family was no   45  .There was a   46  in my family that the best food went to the old and she was always the last to have her meal.At one time , there wasn't a grain left at home, and the whole family got into a_47   "Never say die" said my mother, as she often did in such cases- She, together with my elder sisters—one 8 years old and the other 11, went begging until the   48   picked up.My father was once 49_ to drinking.My mother, on the one hand , tried hard to   50  him to quit drinking; on the other hand, every time my father was heavily drunk; she would feed two thermos bottles of boiled water to him ,using the mouth-to-mouth way.
Poor as my family was my parents   51  to send my sisters to school, which was absolutely   52  in my home village then.Now my sisters have both retired as primary school teachers.Then my mother devoted herfelf entirely to  53 her grandchildren, among whom are now two university students, a soldier, an engineer, a bank c’erk and a civil servant.
Devoted to the family, she is deeply respected and loved by her children and grandchildren. Every year a family get-together takes place on her birthday when the whole family  54 being blessed with such a great mother. “Never say die” is a  55 gift she left for her off springs.

A.looking afterB.looking forC.looking intoD.looking up
A.bringing upB.raisingC.supportingD.feeding


Studying volcanoes is a demanding profession. Hazel Rymer frequently has to struggle through rainforests, climb to the top of mountains, then climb 200 metres into the crater of active volcanoes. But the 38-year-old volcanologist does her best to make it sound less alarming than it is. “Driving to work is more risky,” she insists. “And the deepest I go into the crater of a volcano is about 300 metres,” she adds, trying to make it all sound as ordinary as taking the dog for a walk.
Hazel has been studying volcanoes for a long time, so it’s not surprising she is used to the danger. Her interest in volcanoes began at school. A teacher gave her a book about Pompeii. “I remember reading about the eruption of Vesuvius and the destruction of the city,” she explains. “The thought of all those people just frozen in time had quite an effect on me and I am still excited by their dangerous beauty today.”
Nowadays, volcanoes are getting more and more unpredictable. There have been many changes in sea level caused by global warming and melting ice caps. These have resulted in some dormant volcanoes erupting, so studying them is more dangerous than ever before. Hazel says that although she doesn’t take any unnecessary risk she has had some frightening moments. Her worst experience was on the slopes of Mount Etna in Sicily, when she was slowly surrounded by lava. “I had a choice of walking ten hours to get around the lava flow or just walking across it,” she explains. She chose to pick a path across the cooler rocks in the lava stream. “I guess it was five metres. The flow was 1,000°C, so if you hesitated your boots would begin to melt. It was scary, but it really was a practical decision --- there wasn't time to do anything else.”
And what about the future? “I haven’t been to the volcanoes in Indonesia yet. And I would love to spend some time working in the Antarctic,” she says. “I would also like to know why quiet lava flows erupt from some volcanoes and why other volcanoes go bang.” In other words, Hazel Rymer won’t be exchanging her volcanoes for the relative safety of driving to work just yet.
【小题1】Hazel’s claim that “driving to work is more risky” than exploring volcanoes shows that ______.

A.people have exaggerated the dangers of volcanoes in the past
B.Hazel does not really understand the dangerous situations she puts herself in.
C.there are many bad drivers in the place where Hazel lives
D.Hazel is being modest and understating the dangers she faces
【小题2】When did Hazel first become interested in volcanoes?
A.When she was visiting Italy.
B.When she was at school.
C.When she was twenty.
D.When she saw Vesuvius.
【小题3】The underlined word “these” (in paragraph 3) refers to __________.
A.melting ice-caps B.volcanic eruptions
C.changes in sea level D.higher temperatures
【小题4】When Hazel was on Mount Etna she had to ________.
A.take a dangerous route
B.take an unnecessary risk
C.leave her boots behind
D.walk for ten hours around the mountain
【小题5】In the future, Hazel wants to ________.
A.revisit volcanoes she knows
B.go on holiday to the Antarctic
C.find a less dangerous job new things about volcanoes


In the dark street, there wasn’t a single person _____ she could turn for help.

  A. to whom   B. who  C. from whom   D. that


Cheerful Charlie was a very special boy. When he was still in his mother’s tummy(肚子), she had had an accident, which   36  that Charlie couldn’t walk. But that had never been a(n)   37  for him; he had always been happy. When he became older, they had started calling him Cheerful Charlie because of his joyful and   38  nature. He really brightened everything up for those around him.
There wasn’t a postman, or a taxi driver who wasn’t   39  to see Charlie. “Cheer up, Mr Postman, that way you’ll   40  more letters today!” he would say, or “That was great, Mr Taxi Driver. You   41  that thing better than anyone else.” He also had great ideas and   42  for everything; and he shared them so   43  that, just about every day in that town, someone did a great job, or   44  something new, thanks to Charlie’s ideas.
One day, though, he came up against a real   45 . A young boy came to town on his holidays. He was known as Waterworks and was a real crybaby. No matter what Charlie said to him, Waterworks would always find some   46   to be sad: “I don’t have many sweets…my parents didn’t buy me that toy…” Everything seemed so bad to him. But Cheerful Charlie wasn’t going to be   47 , and he kept spending more time with Waterworks,   48  trying to cheer him up, just as he did with everyone.
Then, one day, when they were together in the street, someone   49  a pie from a window above by chance, and it landed   50  on Charlie’s head. He got such a fright that he couldn’t even move his lips. He was speechless, and   51  Waterworks was just about to cry, he   52  Charlie’s happy words so much that he finally said, “Wow, Charlie, that’s a nice clown mask (小丑面具) you just   53 !”
On saying those words, Waterworks felt so   54  that he finally understood why Charlie was always so happy and cheerful. He realized that he was so used to Charlie’s enthusiasm that he couldn’t help but see the fun   55  of everything.

A.let downB.taken upC.set freeD.driven away
A.set onB.put upD.make up


It was a beautiful Sunday morning, and Maggie and I were returning from our walk through the woods.We were only a couple of blocks from home when I spotted a cell phone and a credit card sitting on the road.We took them home.We always find amazing things on the street and she looks upon them as a movable feast-a chicken wing here or a barbecue rib (肋骨)there.
I found another cell phone a few years back, too, and called a number in its phone book.I explained the situation to the guy who answered.He said it was his sister’s and that he’d come to pick it up, which he did.
And that was that.No verbal thank-you, no written thank-you, no “here’s a box of chocolates” thank-you.
I didn’t have time to call anyone on my latest found cell phone.I was pouring myself coffee when it started to shake and dance across the kitchen counter.
“Who’s this?” someone asked when I picked up.
“Who’s this?” I countered(反问).“Sarah?”
She was surprised at my knowing her name until she realized her name was on the credit card.“Could you send them to me?” she asked.
She lives in Arlington, which is 2 miles from my house.
“Hmm, no, ”I replied, adding that I thought she could come to get them, and that if I wasn’t at home, they would be in my mailbox.
A day later, when I was out for a run, someone got them back.There wasn’t even a piece of paper put in the mailbox with “Thanks” on it.In this age of e-mail and cell phone, there’s really no excuse.Years ago, I found something more precious than a $100 bill on the street:a driver’s license.I saw  that its owner lived a couple of blocks from me, so I called him up.He asked whether I could slip the license through his front door.
“I guess I could, ”I replied.
And that was that.
【小题1】What is the relationship between Maggie and the writer?

A.Wife and husbandB.Daughter and father
C.Teacher and studentD.Master and pet dog
【小题2】.How many experiences are mentioned by the writer to return things to the losers?
【小题3】How did the writer know Sarah’s telephone number?
A.From her telephone’s phone bookB.From her credit card
C.From her e-mailD.From her driver’s license
【小题4】The writer wants to tell us through the unusual stories,
A.we should return the things we picked to the losers
B.people don’t know how to appreciate others in the age of e-mail and cell phone
C.people would learn to appreciate persons who provide help for you
D.the advance of society makes people lose some virtues

