I am look forward to read this book during the summer vacation. 查看更多




Dear Editor,

I’m a student of Senior Three in a middle school in Fujian Province.

In order that we can m________ the best use of learning materials, the   ________

students’ Union of our school is ________(安排) an activity.We students       ________

of Senior Three are called on to give away our ________(用过的) books,       ________

newspapers or magazines to the students in the _______(低) grades.The ________

idea, ________ is intended to promote friendship and encourage economy, ________

is h________ praised and supported by the teachers and students alike.The_______

activity will last about ten __________, from June 10 to 20.I believe more_______

and more students of Senior Three will ________(响应) the call.As a student, _______

I am strongly f________ the activity because it is very meaningful and     ______

helpful.I hope this kind of activity will continue in the f________.             ______


Lin Hua


根据对话情景和内容,从对话后所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。请将答案写在答题卷指定区域的横线上。 选项中有两项为多余选项。

Mike:  Hello, may I speak to Frank?

Frank:   1 

Mike:  Hi, Frank! This is Mike speaking.

Frank: Hi, Mike. What’s up?

Mike:   2 

Frank: Nothing much. Do you have any ideas?

Mike:  Shall we go to the theatre?   3 

Frank: A new film? Good idea. How can we get there?

Mike:  Shall we go there by bike?

Frank: OK, let’s go by bike.   4 

Mike:  What about a quarter past ten?

Frank: Why not a little earlier?   5 

Mike:  Good. No problem.

Frank: Where shall we meet then?

Mike:  Let’s meet outside our school gate.

Frank: All right. See you then.

A.What are you going to do next Sunday morning?

B.I hear Rock of Ages is on.

C.When shall we meet?


E. I am Frank.

F. Let’s make it half past nine.

G. How about half past ten?





51. Great changes have t______________ place in my hometown in the last ten years.

52. His parents died in an accident. He was b______________ up by his uncle.

53. He thinks that I like the coat very much, but on the c_________, I don’t like it at all.

54. We have b________________ a lot from his advice. His advice is of great use to us.

55. Smoking is not p__________________ in the office.

56. She eats a little in order to lose w_______________.

57. I am looking f________ to his letter. I haven’t got any news from him for a long time.

58. He did something wrong, so he a____________________ to his father for it.

59. He failed in his business, so he is in d____________.

60. Don’t believe him. He is always telling l_______________.




Dear Editor,

I’m a student of Senior Three in a middle school in Fujian Province.

In order that we can m________ the best use of learning materials, the   1.________

students’ Union of our school is ________(安排) an activity.We students       2.________

of Senior Three are called on to give away our ________(用过的) books,       3.________

newspapers or magazines to the students in the _______(低) grades.The 4.________

idea, ________ is intended to promote friendship and encourage economy, 5.________

is h________ praised and supported by the teachers and students alike.The6._______

activity will last about ten __________, from June 10 to 20.I believe more7._______

and more students of Senior Three will ________(响应) the call.As a student, 8._______

I am strongly f________ the activity because it is very meaningful and     9.______

helpful.I hope this kind of activity will continue in the f________.             10.______


Lin Hua



Ⅴ. . 单词拼写(每个1分,共10分)

61. Congratulations! You have finally s____________ in getting to the top of the mountain after you failed six times.

62. The company e____________ 100 workers this year while last year it had only 50 workers.

63. Harry p_____________ a dance on the stage. Everyone says he played perfectly.

64. Don’t read in the sun! Strong sunlight will do h___________ to your eyes.

65. I am not f____________ with this town. I haven’t been to this place before.  

66. Don’t believe in what he said. It is only a t____________. He is a cheater.

67. You shouldn’t come into the office without teacher’s p_____________. It’s not polite.

68. A lot of people g____________ in the hall for the celebration on the eve of the National Day.

69. It is o__________ that the boy has fallen in love with the girl. Everyone with eyes can see it clearly.

70. Western d__________ is unhealthy because it is rich in fat and sugar. As a result, more and more people have turned to Chinese style.

