Adam had changed a great deal, so I could hardly him in the street yesterday afternoon.. 查看更多





  The Garden of Eden is said to be a beautiful place which gives joy. Where could it be found? The Garden of Eden is the place where God is supposed to have created a garden for Adam, the first man. Some people hold it to have been situated in the Mesopotamian region between the Rivers Tigris and Euphrates. The tree of Knowledge grew in this garden and it was there that man fell from grace in God's eyes because he ate fruit from this tree, urged by Eve, the first woman.

  As they did what they were told not to do, it is said, God devised three punishments. The man was to farm the earth, which was cursed; the woman was to experience painful childbirth; and the snake who urged the woman to persuade the man to eat the fruit was from that day on to be hated by mankind. Adam had to be driven out of Garden of Eden because the Tree of Life also grew there and this would have given him eternal (永恒的) life. It is said that in the end man is given knowledge and death rather than ignorance and eternal life.

  The Garden of Eden has been represented in many famous paintings and poems. In man's imagination it has always been an ideal to which he longs to return.

1.Which of the following statements about the fruit in the Garden is true?

[  ]

A.The man and the woman were not allowed to eat the fruit.

B.Everybody could try the fruit as it was so sweet.

C.God asked people not share the fruit.

D.Anybody who ate the fruit would be stupid.

2.Adam and Eve were to be punished by God just because ________.

[  ]

A.Eve ate the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge

B.they did what they were told not to do

C.they touched the Tree of Knowledge in the garden

D.Adam loved Eve so much

3.The sentence “… man fell from grace in God's eyes…” means that ________.

[  ]

A.God would not create any garden for man

B.human beings were not clever in God's eyes lost the kindness from God

D.God found the mistake made by man

4.What is the main idea of this passage?

[  ]

A.The Garden of Eden cannot be found, although people long to go there.

B.The Garden is situated somewhere between the River Tigris and Euphrates.

C.The Garden of Eden has been the main subject of paintings and poems.

D.God created the Garden but man destroyed it.


The Garden of Eden is said to be a beautiful place which gives joy. Where could it be found? The Garden of Eden is the place where God is supposed to have created a garden for Adam, the first man. Some people hold it to have been situated in the Mesopotamian region between the River Tigris and Euphrates. The Tree of Knowledge grew in this garden and it was there that man fell from grace in God’s eyes because he ate fruit from this tree, urged by Eve, the first woman.

As they did what they were told not to do, it is said, God devised three punishments. The man was to farm the earth, which was cursed; the woman was to experience painful childbirth; and the snake who urged the woman to persuade the man to eat the fruit was from that day on to be hated by mankind. Adam had to be driven out of the Garden of Eden because the Tree of Life also grew there and this would have given him eternal(永恒的) life. It is said that in the end man is given knowledge and death rather than ignorance and eternal life.

The Garden of Eden has been represented in many famous paintings and poems. In man’s imagination it has always been an ideal to which he longs to return.

1. Which of the following statements about the fruit in the Garden is true?

A. The man and the woman were not allowed to eat the fruit.

B.Everybody could try the fruit.

C.God asked people not to share the fruit.

D.Anybody who ate the fruit would be stupid.

2. Adam and Eve were to be punished by God just because ______.

A. Eve ate the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge

B.they did what they were told not to do

C.they touched the Tree of Knowledge in the Garden

D.Adam loved Eve so much

3.The sentenceman fell from grace in God’s eyesmeans that ______.

A. God would not create any garden for man

B.human beings were not clever in God’s eyes lost the kindness from God

D.God found the mistake made by man

4. What is the main idea of this passage?

A.The Garden of Eden can’t be found, although people long to go there.

B.The Garden is situated somewhere between the River Tigris and Euphrates.

C.The Garden of Eden has been the main subject of paintings and poems.

D.God created the Garden but man destroyed it.



第二部分  阅读理解(共25小题;第一节每小题2分,第二节每小题1分,满分45分)

第一节  阅读下列短文。从每题所给的四个选项A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

From time to time I travel to town for some shopping. One Saturday it was Adam’s turn to accompany me. As we left he promised his two brothers, he would return with candy(糖果) they all had a great fondness of.

Adam, 7, is  a curious boy who never lacks for questions. As we drove, he asked about a gray building to our left. “What is that, daddy?” “It’s a church, honey. People go where to pray.” “What do they pray for?” “Well,they ask God help them?” “I guess the could give them food but God tends to use other people to help hungry people.”

After parking at the corner, we walked toward the store. Adam had falled silent. He was looking at an old man begging by the store entrance.

“Can I have my dollar, daddy?” I pulled a dollar from my pocket handing it to Adam.

Inside the store, I kept Adam in sight  as I picked up some vegetables we needed. Adam stared wide-eyed,gently touching the packaged treasures excitedly.

Just as we left the checkout stand, Adam walked straight to the beggar holding out his priceless treasure. “This is from God,” Adam said softly. The old man looked up at Adam through his gray tired eyes and said, “Thank you, Lord.”

I hugged Adam saying, “That was thoughtful, Adam.”

“That certainly was,” confirmed(确认) a female voice to my right. I turned and watched a middle-aged woman place five dollars in the man’s hat. “May I ?”she asked as she bent over to kiss Adam’s cheek. I nodded and smiled.

We walked towards the corner. Behind us a small group of people had gathered around the man placing money in his hat.

41.Which would be the best title for the text?

  A.A Cild Shall Lead Them.

  B.A Curious Boy.

  C.God Will Help Anyone.

  D.Father and Son.

42.What did Adam actually give the man bigging by the store entrance?

  A.Vegetables.  B.Money.     C.Candy.      D.Treasures.

43. Which is the most probable reason why Adam fell silent when they walked toward the store?

  A.He felt curious when he saw an old man begging by the store entrance.

B.He was thinking whether God would send someone to help the beggar.

  C.He was afraid that one dollar wasn’t enough to buy the candy.

D.He was very tired after the long ride from his home to the store.

44.How did the author feel about Adam’s helping the old man?

  A.Warm.    B.Proud.     C.Tense.    D.Surprised.


The Garden of Eden is said to be a beautiful place which gives joy. Where could it be found? The Garden of Eden is the place where God is supposed to have created a garden for Adam, the first man. Some people hold it to have been situated in the Mesopotamian region between the River Tigris and Euphrates. The Tree of Knowledge grew in this garden and it was there that man fell from grace in God’s eyes because he ate fruit from this tree, urged by Eve, the first woman.

As they did what they were told not to do, it is said, God devised three punishments. The man was to farm the earth, which was cursed; the woman was to experience painful childbirth; and the snake who urged the woman to persuade the man to eat the fruit was from that day on to be hated by mankind. Adam had to be driven out of the Garden of Eden because the Tree of Life also grew there and this would have given him eternal(永恒的) life. It is said that in the end man is given knowledge and death rather than ignorance and eternal life.

The Garden of Eden has been represented in many famous paintings and poems. In man’s imagination it has always been an ideal to which he longs to return.

1. Which of the following statements about the fruit in the Garden is true?

A. The man and the woman were not allowed to eat the fruit.

B.Everybody could try the fruit.

C.God asked people not to share the fruit.

D.Anybody who ate the fruit would be stupid.

2. Adam and Eve were to be punished by God just because ______.

A. Eve ate the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge

B.they did what they were told not to do

C.they touched the Tree of Knowledge in the Garden

D.Adam loved Eve so much

3.The sentenceman fell from grace in God’s eyesmeans that ______.

A. God would not create any garden for man

B.human beings were not clever in God’s eyes lost the kindness from God

D.God found the mistake made by man

4. What is the main idea of this passage?

A.The Garden of Eden can’t be found, although people long to go there.

B.The Garden is situated somewhere between the River Tigris and Euphrates.

C.The Garden of Eden has been the main subject of paintings and poems.

D.God created the Garden but man destroyed it.



阅读下面短文, 从短文后面各题的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出适合填入对应空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。
One afternoon, my son Adam asked me, “Are all people the same even if they are different in color?”
I thought for a minute, and then I said, “I’ll explain, 21 you can just wait until we make a quick 22 at the grocery store. I have something 23 to show you. ”
At grocery store, we 24 some apples --- red, green and yellow ones. Back home, I told Adam, “It’s time to 25 your question.” I put one apple of each 26 on the table. Then I looked at Adam, who had a 27 look on his face. 
“People are like apples. They come in all 28 colors, shapes and sizes. On the 29,  some of the apples may not 30 look as the others. ” As I was talking, Adam was 31 each one carefully. 
Then, I took each of the apples and peeled(削皮)them, 32 them back on the table, but 33 a different place. 
“Okay, Adam, tell me which is which.”
He said, “I 34 tell. They all look same now. ” “Take a bite of 35. See if that helps you 36 which one is which. ”
He took 37,  and then a huge smile came cross his face. . ”People are 38 like apples! They are all different, but once you 39 the outside, they’re pretty much the same on the inside. ”
He totally 40 it. I didn’t need to say or do anything else. 
21. A. although        B. so              C. because        D. if        
22. A. stop            B. start           C. turn           D. stay        
23. A. expressive      B. encouraging     C. informative    D. interesting     
24. A. bought          B. counted         C. saw            D. collected      
25. A. check           B. mention         C. answer         D. improve       
26. A. size            B. type            C. shape          D. class        
27. A. worried         B. satisfied       C. proud          D. curious       
28. A. ordinary        B. normal          C. different      D. regular       
29. A. outside         B. whole           C. table          D. inside        
30. A. still           B. even            C. only           D. ever        
31. A. examining       B. measuring       C. drawing        D. packing       
32. A. keeping         B. placing         C. pulling        D. giving        
33. A. on              B. toward          C. for            D. in         
34. A. mustn’t        B. can’t          C. shouldn’t     D. needn’t       
35. A. each one        B. each other      C. the other      D. one another    
36. A. admit           B. consider        C. decide         D. believe
37. A. big bites       B. deep breaths    C. a firm hold    D. close look 
38. A. just            B. always          C. merely         D. seldom
39. A. put away        B. get down        C. hand out       D. take off 
40. A. made            B. took           C. got           D. did

