I. 听力 第二节:听取信息(共5小题,每小题1分.满分5分) 第二节 语法填空(共10小题.每小题1.5分.满分15分) 查看更多






1.What will the weather be like?




2.How many students are there at the college?




3.Where does the conversation probably take place?

A.In a shop

B.In a restaurant

C.In a hospital.

4.Who is the woman most likely to be?

A.Mr.Black’s wife.

B.Mr.Black’s boss.

C.Mr.Black’s secretary.

5.Why does Li Lei ask Peter such a question?

A.Because she wants to know if Peter is rich.

B.Because she wants to improve her spoken English.

C.Because she wants to borrow some money from Peter.




6.What is the feeling of the boy’s mother about her son’s wound?

A.She thought it was not serious.

B.She didn’t know the thing.

C.She probably thought it was much worse than it really was.

7.What’s the relationship between the two speakers?

A.Mother and son.

B.Teacher and parent.

C.Doctor and patient.

8.What’s the matter with the man?

A.He has a headache and feels bad.

B.He is frightened at the blood.

C.He hurts himself on the head.


9.Why does the woman think Mr.Taylor is cruel?

A.Because he gets angry with her very quickly.

B.Because he once gave her a low mark in an exam.

C.Because he always gives his students boring lessons.

10.What does the man mean by saying “Now I understand”?

A.He knows why the woman hates Mr.Taylor.

B.He knows what kind of teacher Mr.Taylor is.

C.He knows that the woman is not good at history.

11.What is Mr.Taylor like in fact?

A.Quick tempered.


C.Nice and kind.


12.What do Russian performers do when they receive the applause(clapping hands)?

A.They don’t clap until they leave the stage.

B.They usually clap together with their fans.

C.They usually rise from their seats.

13.Why did people clap hands a very long time ago?

A.To show that they liked or agreed to something.

B.To express their great admiration for a performer.

C.To attempt to drive the performers out of the stage.

14.What is the speaker mainly talking about?

A.The dream of every performer.

B.The history of clapping in Russia.

C.The different meanings of clapping.


15.What does Sandra think of her present job?

A.She does not enjoy it.

B.She takes an interest in it.

C.She finds it difficult to do.

16.How can you describe the man talking to Sandra?

A.Careless and unreasonable.

B.Straightforward and understanding.

C.Strict but considerate.

17.Why does the man finally decide to keep Sandra working for LTV?

A.The man thinks that Sandra is happy at LTV.

B.Sandra has told him how she feels about her job.

C.Sandra has agreed to accept the job offered by the man.


18.When will the basketball team of the University of Colorado play the Oklahoma Sooners?

A.Friday night.

B.Saturday night.

C.Sunday night.

19.How can one book a ticket to the Walter Murphy concert?

A.Go to the office of the Union.

B.Call the Student Union at 666-5771.

C.Stop by the Museum.

20.What is the talk about?

A.The news about the University.

B.The introduction to the University.

C.The University students’ activities for the weekend.








1.Who is Kate?


2.Where is the man going?


3.What happened to the woman?



4.Where does the dialogue take place?


5.How much should the woman pay for the duck?


6.How many kinds of food does the woman order?



M:Hello, Jane.Nice to see you again!

W:Hi, Josh.Haven't seen you for quite a long time! What are you doing these days?

M:I am   7   in the national park.

W:Oh? National Park? Wonderful! What are you doing there?

M:Many things to do.You see, I have to clear the roads after storms, check on the young deer and new plants, and even check the water in faraway streams sometimes.

W:Great! It must be a great experience!

M:Yes.Though it's tiring, I feel it is really   8   , especially looking after the deer.

W:The deer? You mean the endangered milu deer?

M:Yes, they are so tame.They never hurt others.The number of this kind of deer has increased recently, but their   9   are not so good as hoped for.

W:So you have to make sure they have something to eat and drink?

M:Yes,   10  .It's my job to help them be independent of man in nature.I have to help teach them how to live in the wild.







1.Where is the woman from?




2.Where does the conversation take place?

A.On a plane.

B.In a bus.

C.In a hospital.

3.What does the man advise the woman to do?

A.To buy a second bicycle.

B.To buy a used bicycle.

C.To buy a new bicycle.

4.When does the film begin?




5.What happened in the telephone conversation?

A.The phone line went dead.

B.There was something wrong with Mr.White.

C.The secretary stopped the conversation.




6.What are they mainly talking about?

A.Making money.

B.The weather.

C.A birthday party.

7.What is Susan going to do first?

A.To go to the party.

B.To go to a concert.

C.To pick Peter up at ten.


8.What is the room the man wants?

A.A non-smoking room.

B.A smoking room.

C.A double room.

9.For which day does the man book a room finally?

A.March 20th.

B.March 21st.

C.March 22nd.

10.How much will the man pay for the room?

A.80 dollars.

B.88 dollars.

C.96 dollar.


11.For what is Mr.Taylor talking to the woman?

A.To ask for a job.

B.To ask her to make a website.

C.To invite her to play games.

12.What will happen after the conversation?

A.She will call Mr.Taylor.

B.She won’t make the website.

C.She won’t get in touch with him.

13.What does the sentence “I think I have all the information I need!” mean?

A.I want to know more information.

B.I’m satisfied with your information.

C.The information you gave me is enough to know you.


14.What happened to the man?

A.He found his house was broken into.

B.He locked himself out.

C.He forgot to lock the front door.

15.When did he lock all the windows?

A.On Saturday.

B.On Friday.

C.On Friday night.

16.What is the woman most probably going to do after she looked around?

A.To go home.

B.To talk to other.

C.To ask more questions.


17.How often will the class meet in the research lab?

A.Once a month.

B.Twice a month.

C.Four times a month.

18.When can the students get the textbooks?

A.Today after class.

B.Next week.

C.The day after tomorrow.

19.Which of the following will partly determine a student’s grade?

A.Daily reports.

B.A discussion.

C.A research project.

20.What time can the student meet with Karl Roberts?

A.From 1∶00 to 1∶30.

B.From 1∶30 to 2∶00.

C.Both A and B.



