第二节:(共15小题,每小题1分.满分15分) 听下面5段材料.回答下列有关小题. 听第6段材料.回答第6至8题. 6. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. In China. B. In Japan. C. In the United States. 7. Why does the woman want to buy a Japanese camera? A. Because she likes Janpanese cameras. B. Because her husband likes Janpanese cameras. C. Because Janpanese cameras are the best cameras. 8. What does the man think of Janpanese cameras? A. They are cheap. B. They are expensive. C. They are easy to use. 听第7段材料.回答9至11题. 9. What does the woman go there for? A. She wants to book the time for a haircut. B. She wants to have her hair cut. C. She wants to wash her hair. 10. How would the woman like her haircut? A. She wants the hairdresser to do it as he likes. B. She wants the hairdresser to do it according to a photo. C. She wants the hairdresser to do it according to her face. 11. Which of the following is TRUE according to the conversation? A. The woman would go out for lunch that day. B. The hairdresser thinks the model in the photo suits the woman. C. The woman likes the hair model in the photo. 听第8段材料.回答第12至14题. 12. What’s the possible relationship between the speakers? A. Strangers. B. Friends. C. Sister and brother. 13. Why does Alison tell the story to Jonh? A. To advise John to talk more with his father. B. To help John to forget his trouble. C. To share her feelings with John. 14. What is the main idea of the conversation? A. Parents nowadays are too busy. B. The generation gap always exists. C. Communication is necessary at home. 听第9段材料.回答第15至17题. 15. What is the man now? A. He is a teacher. B. He is a dancer. C. Neither of the above. 16. What is the man going to do? A. He is going to a dance school. B. He is going to find a new job. C. He is going to run a dance school. 17. How is the woman getting on with her work? A. She hasn't reached the top yet. B. She isn't very successful. C. She can't bear the boss. 听第10段材料.回答第18至20题. 18. What was the man looking for? A. A cat. B. A bowl. C. Ancient objects. 19. Why didn't the man buy the bowl directly? A. Because he didn’t want to pay too much. B. Because he knew that the peasant wouldn’t sell the bowl. C. Because he didn’t need the bowl. 20. How much did the man pay for the cat? A. $50. B.$30. C.$20. 第二部份 英语知识运用 查看更多







1.When will the bus leave?

A.At 7∶00.

B.At 7∶15.

C.At 7∶30.

2.Which dress does the woman like?

A.The yellow one.

B.The white one.

C.The pink one with white buttons.

3.What does the man ask the woman to do?

A.Lose weight.

B.Go to a movie.

C.Have some ice cream.

4.Which subject does the woman think is harder?




5.Where is the woman going?

A.A museum.

B.A bank.

C.A supermarket.




6.What is the possible relationship between the two speakers?



C.Passenger and taxi driver.

7.When is the important meeting?

A.At about 1∶00 p.m.

B.At about 2∶00 p.m.

C.At about 3∶00 p.m.


8.What is the two people's trip for?

A.Visiting friends.


C.Enjoying themselves.

9.Why did they not take a plane?

A.There were no plane tickets.

B.They were late for their plane and missed it.

C.Their boss didn't want them to take a plane.

10.What does the woman think of traveling by train?

A.It is the worst.

B.It is tiring and boring.

C.It is better than anything.


11.Where does the conversation possibly take place?

A.At a party.

B.At a wedding.

C.At a concert.

12.Why did Tony not come?

A.He didn't feel well.

B.He was busy with a meeting.

C.He doesn't like the man at all.

13.Who is Mr.Wang?

A.Tony's friend.

B.The man's friend.

C.The woman's friend.


14.How many bottles of beer has the man ordered?




15.How much is the service charge?

A.2 dollars.

B.3 dollars.

C.4 dollars.





1.How farther should the two speakers need to go?

A.Two more miles.

B.Another mile.

C.Three more miles.

2.When will the lecture begin?

A.At 8∶00.

B.At 8∶15.

C.At 7∶45.

3.What does the woman mean?

A.She will go to the party today.

B.She wants to go tomorrow evening.

C.She won't go to the party today.

4.Where is the conversation most likely to take place?

A.At a department store.

B.In a club.

C.In the zoo.

5.How much does the man have to pay if he wants to buy just one today?







6.Where are the two speakers?

A.In the office.

B.In a restaurant.

C.At home

7.What's wrong with the woman?

A.She can't sleep well.

B.She has a fever.

C.She can't work any more.


8.What's the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A.Employee and employer.

B.Visitor and native.

C.Traveler and hotelkeeper.

9.What can the man get from the youth hostels?


B.Bed and breakfast

C.Bed, breakfast and newspaper.

10.What's the man likely to do?

A.Look for information in the paper.

B.Walk around the streets.

C.Sign to be a member for the youth hostels.


11.What are the two speakers talking about?


B.Going to the university.

C.Women's role in the society

12.Why didn't grandma go to the university when she was young?

A.Because her family was poor.

B.Because it was improper for her to do so.

C.Because she got married.

13.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The woman's mother has lost her job.

B.The woman's father has no job.

C.The woman's grandma had no job.


14.Where does this conversation most probably take place?

A.In a classroom.

B.On TV.

C.At a meeting.

15.What is the man?

A.A futurologist.

B.A programmer.

C.A reporter.

16.What will happen by the middle of this century?

A.Digital technology will begin to change our life.

B.More than three billion people will use the Internet.

C.We will be working and shopping on line.


17.Why did the speaker ask the people to leave the building?

A.Because something explosive was found in the building.

B.Because a fire broke out in the building.

C.Because actors and actresses refused to play the last act.

18.What were people asked to do to the elderly and disabled people?

A.To leave them where they were.

B.To hold them firmly.

C.To give any help if necessary.

19.What should one do when he sees something strange?

A.Remove it.

B.Inform one attendant.

C.Go away at once.

20.Where was this announcement made?

A.In a theater.

B.In a supermarket.

C.At an airport.





1.How many streets are there in the city?




2.What day is it today?




3.What does the woman mean?

A.Mary is with John now.

B.John is Mary's friends.

C.John knows where Mary is.

4.When will Linda arrive here?

A.Next week.



5.Why is the man here?

A.To visit the woman.

B.To see who lives the 4th floor.

C.To look for an empty apartment.




6.What did the young man try to do?

A.Get the old man' bag.

B.Help the old man up.

C.Collect his money.

7.Who is the woman speaking to?

A.The bank manager.

B.At customer.

C.A policeman.

8.Where does the conversation take place?

A.Outside the bank.

B.At the police station.

C.In the hospital.


9.What can we know about the man?

A.He has got a bit of cold.

B.He will go shopping to buy many things.

C.He is meeting Bob's girl friend and her parents tonight.

10.What does the man want to borrow from the woman?

A.Some drink.

B.Some glasses.

C.Some sugar.

11.How soon will the man come to the woman's?

A.In a quarter.

B.In half an hour

C.In an hour.


12.How many ways of seeing the Statue of Liberty does the woman mention?




13.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The man only wants to pass by the Statue of Liberty.

B.There is a big museum on Ellis Island.

C.The man doesn't like the places the woman mentions.

14.What does the man decide to do first?

A.Have a look at the map.

B.Have a busy day.

C.Make a plan.


15.When did the man start saying his first word?

A.When he was about 24 months old.

B.When he was about 21months old.

C.When he was about 18months old.

16.What did the father do when the baby screamed that word at the airport?

A.He corrected the baby.

B.He tried to stop the baby.

C.He hid himself somewhere.

17.Why did the mother pretend not to know the baby?

A.She felt uneasy about the noisy baby.

B.She was frightened by the noise.

C.She got angry with the father.


18.According to the speaker, what should a person do?

A.Have his own way.

B.Make his decisions.

C.Consider the interests of others.

19.How many examples are mentioned in the talk?




20.Who should be responsible for the accident?

A.The car driver.

B.The motorist.

C.A walker.





1.What will the man do for the woman?

A.Carry the bag for her.

B.Help her with the box.

C.Carry the bag and the box for her.

2.What does the man mean?

A.He thinks it a good idea but he will not go out for dinner with the woman.

B.He thinks it a good idea and agrees to go out for dinner with the woman.

C.He thinks that it sounds very good but is actually impossible.

3.Who is the man?

A.A policeman.

B.A reporter.

C.A robber.

4.What's the relationship between the speakers?

A.Good friends.

B.Next-door neighbors.

C.New colleagues.

5.What does the woman mean?

A.She doesn't allow the man a leave.

B.She gives the man a leave.

C.She says yes to the man.




6.How did the woman think of the wine there?

A.Good and cheap.

B.Good but expensive

C.Cheap but not very good.

7.Where did the speaker travel probably?




8.What are the speakers talking about?

A.What they are doing now.

B.What they plan to do next year.

C.What they experienced last week.


9.What is the woman doing?

A.Asking about her holiday plan.

B.Asking about some places of interest.

C.Offering some information about a museum.

10.How much does the woman have to pay if she and her child visit the museum?

A.15 yuan.

B.25 yuan.

C.35 yuan.

11.What season are the woman and her child touring these places?





12.What do you need to do in order to make a better impression?

A.To make a full preparation.

B.To arrive ahead of time

C.To wear formal clothes.

13.Why do you need to arrive ahead of time?

A.To learn about other's interview information.

B.To learn about the company.

C.To avoid being nervous.

14.What kind of questions are you going to answer sometimes?

A.Work and strong points

B.Experience and education

C.Reasons you apply for the job

15.What is the most important thing when someone is doing an interview?

A.Having a good knowledge in some fields.

B.Speaking a very good foreign language.





1.How are the computers?

A.They fail to work.

B.They are working now.

C.Somebody has taken them.

2.Which of the following is the woman's email address?

A.esmith@ uwic.edu.ca.

B.esmith@ uvic.edu.ca.

C.esmith@ ubic.edu.ca.

3.What is Chris Paine?

A.A computer engineer.

B.A book seller.

C.A writer.

4.How much is the computer?




5.What can we do through the Internet according to the woman?

A.Help our everyday life.


C.Get information and communicate.




6.What is the woman doing?

A.She is surfing the web.

B.She is talking with Jack.

C.She is sending an email to Jack.

7.How many hours does Jack probably spend on the Internet every week?

A.About twelve hours.

B.About six hours.

C.About two hours.

8.What can we learn about Jack from the conversation?

A.He owns a business in the Internet.

B.His friend likes the Internet.

C.He has interest in the Internet.


9.What can we know about the girl?

A.She worked deep into the night.

B.She improved in her study.

C.She was seriously ill.

10.What did the doctor ask the girl to do?

A.To take some deep breaths.

B.To go to another hospital.

C.To get enough sleep.


11.What is the relationship between the woman and Mike?

A.Brother and sister.

B.Husband and wife.

C.Mother and her son.

12.Why is the woman angry with Mike?

A.He spends too much time on the computer.

B.He doesn't do his school work at all.

C.He won't follow her advice.

13.What does the woman ask the man to do?

A.To phone Mike's teacher.

B.To have a talk with Mike.

C.To bring the machine just on Sunday.


14.How do you find a job on the Internet?

A.Use the Key words“job search”.

B.Make a list of full-time jobs you need.

C.Type in your name and where you work.

15.What can you find in job search websites?

A.Letters to introduce you.

B.Examples of interview conversations.

C.Interviewers of the companies you want.

16.How do job search websites help people to find a job?

A.Tell them how to prepare for interviews.

B.Help them write letters.

C.In many ways.


17.Who is Ballmer?

A.He is a student from the US.

B.He is president of Microsoft(微软).

C.He is a professor of Qinghua.

18.What did Ballmer mainly talk about to Qinghua students?

A.The next generation of Internet(因特网).

B.The story of Bill Gates.

C.The story of himself.

19.When did Ballmer come to China?

A.In 1980.

B.Last week.

C.On September 19.

20.Why did Ballmer sleep only four hours?

A.He had a lot of meetings.

B.He didn't like sleeping a lot.

C.He was very excited.

