A= Anna; B= Ben A: What was the party like last night, Ben? I thought it must be w 76 , wasn’t it? B: Yes, it was. There were many interesting people there. I had a lot of f 77 talking and dancing with them. Why didn’t you come? A: I had to s 78 at home. My parents went out with their friends, so I had to look after my baby brother. B: It is not easy to take c 79 of a baby. I still remember how upset I felt when my little sister k 80 crying. It was so hard to c 81 her down. A: My brother was very quiet and I did q 82 a lot of homework while he slept. B: You are lucky. By the way, where are you going for your holiday this year? A: I p 83 to visit my grandmother. She lives by the sea. B: Oh, does she? Then it will be c 84 for you to go to the beach and sun bath. That’s great! A: I think so. B: I hope you have a pleasant time on your v 85 . A: Thank you. 查看更多






Anna lived on the side of a valley. One winter, there was a very big flood, and a lot of houses  36    Anna's were washed away. Anna's house was high enough to escape the flood, so when the water had disappeared and the other houses were __37    there with no roof and no walls and all covered with __38   , her house was    39   quite all right.

     Her house was quite small, her husband was dead, and she had four children ,    40    Anna took in one of the families that had lost   41    in the flood and she  42   her home with them until it was    43   for them to rebuild their houses.

    Anna's friends were   44    when they saw Anna do this. They could not understand why Anna wanted to give   45   so much more work and trouble when she already had quite a few children to   46   .

"Well," Anna   47  her friends, "at the end of the First World War, a woman in the town where I  48   lived found herself very poor, because her husband   49    in the war and she had a lot of children,   50    I have now. The day before Christams, this woman said to her children, ‘We won’t be able to have much for   51    this year, so I’m going to   52    only one present for all of us. Now I’ll go and get it.’ She came back   53    a girl who was even poorer than they, and who had no parents. ‘Here’s our present, ’ she said to her children. The children were    54    to get such a present. They welcomed the little girl, and she grew up as their sister.   55    was that Christmas present.”

36.A.down below       B.just around         C.next to       D.above

37.A.rising     B.appearing      C.falling         D.standing

38.A.water                 B.trees         C.dust       D.mud

39.A.just            B.already           C.yet         D.still

40.A.so               B.but             C.for          D.since

41.A.nothing          B.everything     C.anything    D.something

42.A.made         B.found     C.shared        D.built

43.A.possible         B.necessary      C.important  D.valuable

44.A.worried          B.disappointed      C.puzzled      D.impressed

45.A.them         B.herself            C.them all     D.her

46.A.support          B.supply             C.grow      D.keep

47.A.explained to       B.asked for       C.talked withD.spoke as

48.A.actually          B.then           C.before        D.later

49.A.had killed       B.might be killed       C.had been killed  D.killed

50.A.for              B.as               C.like         D.that

51.A.you             B.us               C.Christmas D.your birthday

52.A.get             B.send          C.buy         D.make

53.A.for              B.from          C.like         D.with

54.A.sad             B.happy             C.worried      D.sorry

55.A.It                B.She             C.Such       D.I



 Anna Douglas was 72 years old when she started writing her newspaper column. She had been a school teacher before she retired(退休),but she needed to keep __1__.She was even willing to work without pay. She then offered her __2__ with a business that helped other businesses find jobs for old people. Every day she __3__ other old folks like her. By talking with them,she __4__ two things. Old people had abilities that were not __5__.But old people also had some __6___.She found a new purpose for herself then.

Through the years,she __7__ to write stories about people for national magazines. There was now a new __8__:Old people like herself. She began to write a newspaper column called “Sixty Plus”,which is about __9__ old. She writes about the problems of old people,especially their problems with being __10__.

Anna Douglas uses her __11__ ability to see the truth behind a problem. She understands __12__ problems begin. For example,one of her __13__ said that his grandchildren__14__ the houses as soon as he came to visit. Mrs. Douglas __15__ some ways to him to understand his grandchildren.

“It's important to know__16__ about your grandchildren's world,” says Mrs. Douglas. “That means questioning and listening,and __17__ is not what old people do best. Say good things to them and about them,” she continues. “Never try to __18__ your grandchildren or other young people. Never __19__ your opinion. Don't tell them what they should do.__20__,they have been taught they should have respect for old people. The old should respect them as well.”

1.A. free         B.rich         C.powerful         D.busy

2.A. service        B.money         C.students         D.books

3.A. observed         B.met         C.comforted        D.answered

4.A. recognized         B.followed         C.enjoyed         D.demanded

5.A. studied         B.agreed         C.gave         D.used

6.A. mistakes         B.problems         C.questions        D.characters

7.A. had         B.ought         C.was         D.used

8.A. subject         B.life         C.way         D.plan

9.A. getting         B.respecting         C.employing  D.supporting

10.A. unknown       B.refused   C.misunderstood        D.discouraged

11.A. thinking         B.working         C.writing         D.leading

12.A. that         B.when         C.why         D.whether

13.A. visitors         B.readers         C.listeners         D.friends

14.A. got         B.entered         C.left         D.passed

15.A. invented         B.chose         C.suggested         D.imagined

16.A. everything      B.something    C.anything         D.nothing

17.A. listening         B.speaking         C.pleasing         D.advising

18.A. praise         B.scold         C.trouble         D.encourage

19.A. speak out        B.give up         C.get back         D.stick to

20.A. Commonly     B.Surprisingly      C.Happily        D.Naturally


Anna Douglas was 72 years old when she started writing her newspaper column. She had been a school teacher before she retired(退休),but she needed to keep  1   . She was even willing to work without pay. She then offered her  2 with a business that helped other businesses find jobs for old people. Every day she  3   other old folks like her. By talking with them,she  4   two things. Old people had abilities that were not  5   .  But old people also had some   6   . She found a new purpose for herself then.  

Through the years,she  7   to write stories about people for national magazines. There was now a new  8  : Old people like herself. She began to write a newspaper column called“Sixty Plus”, which was about   9   old . She writes about the problems of old people,especially their problems with being  10   .  

Anna Douglas uses her   11  ability to see the truth behind a problem. She understands  12   problems begin. For example,one of her   13   said that his grandchildren  14   the houses as soon as he came to visit. Mrs Douglas  15   some ways for him to understand his grandchildren.  

“It's important to know  16   about your grandchildren's world,”says Mrs Douglas. “That means questioning and listening,and   17   is not what old people do best. Say good things to them and about them,”she continues. “Never try to   18   your grandchildren or other young people. Never   19   your opinion. Don't tell them what they should do.   20   ,they have been taught they should have respect for old people. The old should respect them as well. ”

1. A. free         B. rich         C. powerful         D. busy

2. A. service      B. money        C. students         D. books

3. A. observed     B. met          C. comforted        D. answered

4. A. recognized   B. followed     C. enjoyed          D. demanded

5. A. studied      B. agreed       C. gave             D. used

6. A. mistakes     B. problems     C. questions        D. characters

7. A. had          B. ought        C. was              D. used

8. A. subject      B. life         C. way              D. plan

9. A. getting      B. respecting   C. employing        D. supporting

10. A. unknown     B. refused      C. misunderstood    D. discouraged

11. A. thinking    B. working      C. writing          D. leading

12. A. that        B. when         C. why              D. whether

13. A. visitors    B. readers      C. listeners        D. friends

14. A. got         B. entered      C. left             D. passed

15. A. invented    B. chose        C. suggested        D. imagined

16. A. everything  B. something    C. anything         D. nothing

17. A. listening   B. speaking     C. pleasing         D. advising

18. A. praise      B. scold        C. trouble          D. encourage

19. A. speak out   B. give up      C. get back         D. stick to

20. A. Commonly    B. Surprisingly C. Happily          D. Naturally


III. 阅读(共两节,满分40分)



In Stockholm, the Swedish Academy has chosen the British author Doris Lessing for the 2007 Nobel Prize in Literature.

The selection of Doris Lessing for a Nobel was popular among the hundreds of journalists gathered for the announcement in Stockholm.

Permanent Secretary of the Swedish Academy Horace Engdahl said with skepticism, fire and visionary power Lessing has subjected a divided civilization to scrutiny.

Doris Lessing was born in 1919 in Persia - modern-day Iran - to British parents, moving as a child with her family to southern Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe, where she stayed in school only to the age of 14.

A year after moving to London, she published her first novel in 1950. The Grass is Singing examines unbridgeable racial conflict in colonial Africa through the eyes of a white farmer's wife and her black servant.

A member of the British Communist Party during the 1950s and a campaigner against nuclear arms and South African apartheid, Lessing was for years banned from that country and from Rhodesia.

Her literary breakthrough came in 1962 with publication of The Golden Notebook, seen by many, though not necessarily Lessing, as a pioneering work of modern feminism. A disjointed study of the mind of the main character, Anna Wulf, the novel explores her thoughts about Africa, politics and communism, relationships with men and sex, and Jungian analysis and dream interpretation.

Lessing's themes shifted to psychology in her works from the 1960s, and by the 1970s she was fascinated with the Islamic mystic tradition of Sufism. Her turn toward science fiction with the Canopus series in the early 1980s was not warmly received by traditionalist critics, but she has continued to win new readers and numerous literary awards, including the David Cohen British Literary Prize and the Companion of Honour from the Royal Society of Literature, both in 2001.

Following the announcement, the Horace Engdahl told VOA why he was personally so pleased with Lessing's selection.

"She is one of the truly great writers - of novels, short stories, fiction and non-fiction," Engdahl said. "She is one of the few writers who have had the courage to uphold the principle of equality between the male and female experience, and she has given the impulse to numbers of other women writers. And she is really the mother of a school that is one of the most important in our contemporary literature."

At 87, Doris lessing is the oldest Nobel Literature laureate since the first prizes were awarded in 1901. Each Nobel Prize is this year accompanied by a check for approximately $1.4 million.

41. How old was Doris Lessing when she published her first novel?

A. 14            B. 26           C. 31                D. 50

42. Which of the following about The Grass is Singing is true?

A. It is mainly about racial conflict between the whites and the blacks in the US.

B. The main characters are a white farmer’s wife and her black servant.

C. It was published in Africa.

D. It was Doris Lessing’s most famous novel.

43. We can infer from the passage that __________.

A. Journalists are very interested in the election of Doris Lessing’s for Nobel Prize.

B. Doris Lessing regard The Golden Notes as a pioneering work of feminism.

C. Doris Lessing has written about many different subjects.

D. Many writers have the courage to stick to the equality between the male and female experience.

44. The underlined word school in the last paragraph but one means________.

A. institution for educating children

B. college or university

C. department of a university 

D. group of writers, thinkers

45. Which of the following can be the best title of this passage?

A. Doris Lessing wins Nobel Prize for literature

B. The greatest British female writer

C. The oldest Nobel Prize winner

D. 2007 Nobel Prize announced in Stockholm



Doris Lessing was born in 1919 in Persia, moving as a child with her family to southern Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe, where she stayed in school only to the age of 14.

A year after moving to London, she published her first novel in 1950. The Grass is Singing examines unbridgeable racial conflict in colonial Africa through the eyes of a white farmer's wife and her black servant.

Her literary breakthrough came in 1962 with publication of The Golden Notebook, seen by many, though not necessarily Lessing, as a pioneering work of modern feminism(女权运动). A disjointed study of the mind of the main character, Anna Wulf, the novel explores her thoughts about Africa, politics, relationships with men and sex, and Jungian analysis and dream interpretation.

Lessing's themes changed to psychology in her works from the 1960s, and by the 1970s she was interested in the Islamic mystic tradition of Sufism(苏菲教派). Her turn toward science fiction with the Canopus series in the early 1980s was not warmly received by traditional critics, but she has continued to be popular with new readers and numerous literary awards, including the David Cohen British Literary Prize and the Companion of Honour from the Royal Society of Literature, both in 2001.

Following the announcement, the Horace Engdahl told VOA why he was personally so pleased with Lessing's selection.

“She is one of the truly great writers -- of novels, short stories, fiction and non-fiction,” Engdahl said. “She is one of the few writers who have had the courage to uphold the principle of equality between the male and female experience, and she has given the impulse to numbers of other women writers. And she is really the mother of a school that is one of the most important in our contemporary literature.”

At 87, Doris Lessing is the oldest Nobel Literature winner since the first prizes were awarded in 1901.

What would be the best title of the passage?

A. Doris Lessing’s Great Writings.

B. Doris Lessing’s Concern about Africa.

C. A Great Writer of Novel and a Pioneer of Modern Feminism.

D. A Nobel Prize Winner for Literature.

It can be inferred from the passage that _______.

A. there are only two characters in The Grass is Singing

B. The Golden Notebook is regarded as Lessing’s masterpiece by herself

C. life in Africa in her early age lays solid foundation for her writing

D. Doris Lessing is strongly against traditional culture in Africa

According to the fourth paragraph, _______.

A. Lessing began to believe in Christ in the 1970s

B. Lessing’s science fiction won readers

C. Lessing had won two literary medals for her writings

D. Lessing changed her themes to meet the needs of traditional critics

The underlined word “impulse” in the 6th passage is closest in meaning to _______.

A. pressure      B. inspiration       C. energy        D. desire

