She looks young, but she’s a 50. 查看更多



1) If you s________ something bad, you are in a situation where something painful happens to you.

2) She looks young, but she's __________ (实际上) 50 years old.

3) Luckily, nobody was killed in the accident and the i________ has been taken to a hospital.

4) The car was a _________ (便宜货) at that price.

5) He gave the children some chocolate to r________ them for behaving well.

6) The headmaster gave the _________(信号) to begin.

7) One cannot s_________ unless he tries hard.

8) She closed her eyes and ____________ (装作) to be asleep.

9)His order is really c__________ and I don’t know exactly what to do next.

10) She accepted his _____________(邀请) to join him for lunch.



1) If you s________ something bad, you are in a situation where something painful happens to you.

2) She looks young, but she's __________ (实际上) 50 years old.

3) Luckily, nobody was killed in the accident and the i________ has been taken to a hospital.

4) The car was a _________ (便宜货) at that price.

5) He gave the children some chocolate to r________ them for behaving well.

6) The headmaster gave the _________(信号) to begin.

7) One cannot s_________ unless he tries hard.

8) She closed her eyes and ____________ (装作) to be asleep.

9)His order is really c__________ and I don’t know exactly what to do next.

10) She accepted his _____________(邀请) to join him for lunch.




【小题1】He was badly __________ (受伤的)in the earthquake.
【小题2】Her dream was to_____________ (骑车)down the entire river.
【小题3】She looks young, but she’s __________ (实际上) 50.
【小题4】She kept a travel ___________ (日记)during her trip to China two hundred years ago, so we can learn a little about the history of the city from it.
【小题5】The army __________ (组织)teams to help the homeless people in the flood.
【小题6】The teacher _________ (要求) all the students should finish the exercises before the class was over.
【小题7】Most of the old part of the city was _____________ (破坏) by bombs during the war.
【小题8】They began the ____________(救援) work right away as soon as the earthquake happened.
【小题9】He used to be a confident __________ (法官).
【小题10】The goods will be _____________ (运输)to Singapore by air.


1. He was terribly (不安的) ______ over her illness
2. The children's mother was very (担心的) ______ for their safety when they didn't come back from 
    school at the usual time.
3. She looks young, but she's (实际上) ______ 50.
4. Usage (决定) _______ what is good English.
5. Judging by her (口音) _______, she must be a Southerner.
6. Professor King often contributes (投稿) to the medical (杂志, 日记) ______.
7. What's your (态度) _______ to this idea?
8. The salesman (劝说) _______ us into buying his product yesterday.
9. The Beijing-Hangzhou (运河) _______ is the oldest one in the world.
10. A (爆发)______ of hand-clapping (掌声) followed the ending of the song.



101. This c                (关系到) the healthy growth of the children.

102. This would threaten the e                (全面的) peace of the Middle East.

103. I am g                (感谢) to you for lending me the money.

104. When I retire, I shall make a long sea v                (旅行).

105. She looks young, but she’s a                (实际上) 50.

106. Go s                (一直)down the road and then turn left.

107. The No.3 bus t                (运送) the passengers from the station to No.1 Middle School.

108. The weather man has f                (预报) that it will be fine tomorrow.

109. The rain r                (毁了) my painting.

110. He spoke in a f                (令人害怕) manner. 

