Father is thankful to me for give up smoking. 查看更多



Father is thankful to me for p________ him to give up smoking .



1.When the plane takes off,every passenger is _________(要求)to remain seated.

2.Father is thankful to me for_________(说服)him to give up smoking.

3.What are the _________(品质)you should find in a famous scientist?

4.Don't stay i_________ since the weather is so fine.

5.We always travel by public t_________.



persuade sb. to do ……; get tired of ……,be based on ;  play an important part in

change one’s mind

69. Hard work __________ his success. As a result, he became famous in chemistry.

70. Father is thankful to me for __________ give up smoking.

71. The film __________ a novel by him.

72. “I’ve __________ looking at nature through dirty curtains and dusty windows day after day.” Anne said to her father.


1. We always travel by public t____.
2. He gave the taxi f____ to the driver before he got off.
3. When you go on a journey, you'd better keep a travel j____.
4. Father is thankful to me for p____ him to give up smoking.
5. We are flying at an a____ of 20,000 feet.
6. Some people have a wrong a____ towards the disabled.
7. Does environment d____ one's character?
8. Let's remember the b____ actions of the heroes.
9. He is so s____ that no one can persuade him to do anything.
10. Where does the Mekong River have its s____?



1.I have to believe that encouragement is so _____________ (强有力的) that it can change a person.

2. I’m g___________(感激的) to my teachers’ help.

3.I’ve known Lucy for years. __________(实际上),we have been good friends since our childhood.

4.The people ___________(受伤) in the accident were sent to hospital without delay.

5. Every year, many natural ___________(灾难) happen all over the world.

6.Lucy! I’m sorry I didn’t r___________ you. You’ve had your hair cut.

7.Father is thankful to me for p____________ him to give up smoking.

8.Some people hold a wrong a___________ towards the disabled.

9.She refused to give the taxi f________ because of the delay.

10.He b________ into tears at the news that both of his parents died in the Yushu earthquake.


