75.I stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven have a good look at the moon by myself. 查看更多



We have completed our first month of preschool .Matthew seems to  36  it ,He is catching on to the routine (常规)quite nicely .I didn’t leave him there   37  much the first couple weeks ,I am finding if I’m not there he behaves much better .

In this class a little German boy ,who does not speak  38  ,cried all the time at first and nor cries occasionally.

The Monday of the second week the little fellow just cried and cried .he was sitting   39     Matthew ,I thought Matthew was going to start  40  and join in ,I stood by and watched ,ready for the rescue ,Matthew kept turning around and  41  the boy ,Then he reached his hand back and    42   him on the leg .He was comforting the boy! Later Matthew was playing with a  43  and the boy with blocks (积木),actually he was just standing by and crying .Matthew drove his truck over to the blocks  ,  44  it ,picked up a few of the blocks and started handing them to   45  .They then together started  46  towers on the table and the little boy  47  crying ,It seemed   48   Matthew knew what the little guy needed ,Here was the little guy ,who can’t speak English ,and Matthew ,who  49   playing together ,like they were best  50    .

One of the days when I stayed ,they were at lunch and Matthew was  51   at the table ,I pulled up a chair to sit next to him ,He smiled ,then grabbed his book bag and took off running   52    the cafeteria ,I took off after him ,When we reached the wall he wall he just giggled (咯咯笑),turned around and looked at me ,I leaned down to his  53   to blame him for leaving his seat and running ,He suddenly  54   a big wet kiss right on my lips and smiled at me ,All I could do was to take his hand and  55   him back to his seat ,Then I turned my back and couldn’t help laughing.

36. A.escape                B.hate             C.enjoy         D.avoid

37. A.out            B.in               C.off        D.alone

38. A.Spanish       B.English      C.Chinese          D.Japanese

39. A.behind      B.beside          C.in front of              D.far from

40. A.over again     B.any moment    C.even harder          D.loudly

41. A.beating             B.shouting at     C.looking at             D.learning from

42. A.helped          B.hit         C.held                 D.patted

43. A.toy              B.doll             C.truck                  D.train

44. A.parked     B.repaired       C.broke               D.threw

45. A.me              B.the teacher   C.himself                D.the little boy

46. A.adding        B.climbing          C.building          D.putting

47. A.continued      B.enjoyed         C.began                D.stopped

48. A.where        B.as              C.when                 D.as if

49.   A.signs      B.starts                C.teaches          D.learns

50.   A.brothers       B.children      C.friends                D.people

51.   A.standing       B.running        C.sitting                 D.jumping

52.   A.across       B.into           C.out of                D.through

53.   A.table          B.level       C.hand             D.back

54.   A.planted        B.received          C.made        D.had

55.   A.force      B.walk             C.push             D.drive


In my whole childhood I focused on training to play professional soccer. Through the mid 90’s I  36 through Olympic training and on June 13,1997 I was  37 with a minor league team, when a 16-year-old boy ran a stop sign(闯红灯).That night 38 my life. I was on my motorcycle and got 39 by a car, partly disabling me six months. I lost most of my memory, 40 coma (昏迷)symptom and had to learn to 41  all over. During the coming 24 months of physical treatment I changed my 42 of life.

    I began making 43 as if each day was my last day 44. Before the 45 , I was studying at a university. I was taught that the 46 of life was to study career skills and pursue financial 47. After returning from near death I went 48 searching. I traveled through the native reservation of the northern USA and witnessed the most extreme 49. I slowly realized there was so much more to 50 than just doing things for myself. I started listening to the people I met and 51 to help them any way possible.

   Everywhere I stayed I met 52 people telling me stories about 53 the earth and making better use of nature’s energy. In 2005 my father quickly died from cancer and I 54 the desire to do much of anything for myself. I started looking for well-off people to aid those 55. I’ve accumulated a list of people nearing life threatening situations or those trying to make a major effect on the world and now I try to help them full time.

A. advanced       B. fought         C. looked        D. won

A. playing         B. working       C. competing     D. coming

A. corrected       B. influenced      C. destroyed      D. changed

A. run            B. hit            C. knocked       D. stuck

A. spread          B. caught         C. showed        D. suffered

A. walk           B. talk            C. eat           D. drive

A. duty           B. view           C. course        D. dream

A. decisions       B. discoveries      C. promises       D. studies

A. possible        B. available        C. present        D. alive

A. event          B. experience      C. difficulty      D. disaster

A. reality         B. value           C. purpose       D. content

A. balance        B. situation        C. stability       D. expense

A. head          B. spirit           C. heart         D. soul

A. poverty        B. anxiety         C. anger         D. simplicity

A. nature         B. society         C. life           D. happiness

A. refused        B. volunteered      C. tended        D. learned

A. wonderful      B. famous         C. wealthy       D. cautious

A. developing     B. exploring        C. respecting     D. understanding

A. realized        B. controlled       C. gained        D. lost

A. in despair      B. in need          C. in touch       D. in season 


--- I stayed at a hotel while in New York .

--- Oh, did you? You ____ with Barbara.?

  A. could have stayed?? B. could stay   C. would stay?? D. must have stayed ?


I’d been 16 for six days and was already prepared to deal with failure. I remember when my mum   36  me up that morning, her voice wasn’t as   37  as it usually was.
I stayed in bed for a few minutes. I was   38  to leave its warmth and comfort, and didn’t want to face the problem that I’d let myself   39  for the past six months. Finally, I dragged myself out of    40 .
I finished getting ready and tried to   41 . It didn’t work, so I decided that my   42  should go with me. We had a little time, so I thought we could practice parking. I   43 , with the wheel hitting the fence. After that, the little bit of confidence I’d had was   44 . I tried two more times, but didn’t   45  much. Then we headed to the test site.
I went into a room for some paperwork. And I waited for 20 minutes—just   46  time to make myself believe that I was going to fail. Then, finally, it was my   47 . I just wanted to get it over and make sure that I had to come back next Thursday.
I stepped outside and the sky was the light blue I love. It offered me some   48  and I realized something: something between when I pulled myself off the seat and when I got outside. I had become   49  and confident.
The first thing I had to do was parking, which I did quite   50 . The confidence that came with it hit me like a wave. The rest of the test went well too and I   51  it all. As I drove back, the instructor told me I would not be coming back for a second   52  next Thursday.
Back in the building I didn’t have to say a word. My mum knew just by looking at me. Her    53  made her face softer. And I’m sure it was at least as big as the smile on my face. Her eyes, 54 , looked kind of teary. I knew she was   55  for me.

A.set down 
B.take down     
C.calm down
D.put down


One year ago, when Fiona turned four, Sam and I decided to home-school her instead of sending her to pre-school.I have always felt that the 0-5 years are an irreplaceable dreamtime.As Fiona is an inventive, observant child, sensitive and funny and great company, it would be a tragedy to find school rubbing away her uniqueness and restricting the building of her personality.
I tried not to reproduce school at home.I never had the urge to get a chalk, or a blackboard.I didn’t go and search out a curriculum(课程表).I felt that my children would learn best if I stayed accessible (易接近的)and stayed out of their way.
Every day we worked some, relaxed some, read some and played some, but Fiona did not seem particularly happy here.She lost her temper once in a while.
How strange it was that my child who was free from school didn’t want to be free at all.Her friends all went to pre-school.She felt left out of a major part of her friends’ shared lives and experiences.I thought she was not in school for very strong, clear reasons, one of which was that the quality of learning my child did at home would be good, even better than expected.
Well, here was a situation I hadn’t expected.When we first decided to do this, Sam and I agreed that we would reassess(再评价)the situation for each child as she turned seven.Meanwhile we would offer her non-school-based opportunities to give her plenty of time with other kids-ballet lessons and swimming classes.She seemed to be enjoying all.But at times she kept asking when she was going to school.Whenever she asked this question, we told her that there would be a family meeting about it when she turned seven.She nearly always responded, “That’s when I’m going to go, then.” A fair amount of her curiosity was about school and I was afraid she was dreaming of going to school before she turned seven.
Although the advantages of home-schooling, I think, far outweigh its disadvantages, it is important for me to respect my daughter’s feelings and allow her to direct her own education.If her curiosity leads her to school, isn’t that where she should go?
Next week I’ll drive Fiona to her school.I hope that Fiona will learn to read and discover something wonderful to pursue in the world that opens up for her.I hope she will find the school activities provide her with satisfactory kid-time.
1.The writer decided to home-school her daughter, Fiona, because she thought________.
A.children aged 0-5 were too young to go to pre-school
B.Fiona may not be accepted by schools for her bad temper
C.home-schooling was much better than school education
D.children at Fiona’s age were too young to have their characters formed by school
2.In home schooling her daughter the writer tried to_______.
A.make her home just like a school
B.teach with a pointer, a piece of chalk, and a blackboard
C.be there when her child wanted her but tried not to stand in her way
D.teach according to a curriculum, which was suitable for Fiona
3.What was the writer’s biggest problem in home schooling her daughter?
A.She couldn’t decide what to teach and how to teach her daughter
B.She was not sure whether her teaching was suitable for Fiona.
C.She could not make Fiona give up the thought of going to school.
D.She didn’t know how to control Fiona’s temper
4.We can learn from the text that_______.
A.Fiona always acted against her mother’s instructions
B.it was against Fiona’s wish that she was educated at home
C.home-schooling was popular some years ago
D.Fiona’s parents would ask her opinions about school education

