第二节: 单词拼写(共10小题,每小题1分.满分10分) 根据下列各句句意及所给的单词的首字母或汉语提示.写出该单词的正确形式. 1. He p up all his clothes and set off for Beijing. 2. His n language is not Chinese, but he can speak it fluently. 3. Though I hadn’t seen Lily for ten years, I her voice immediately I picked up the phone. 4. Which do you p , northern food or southern food? 5. His poor English is a(n ) when he looks for a job. 6. I think it’s a great for us to work with you. 7. He is quite w to pay what you ask since he likes this painting very much. 8. The monitor in our class was chosen by . 9. The students are busy lessons for the College Entrance Examination. 10. He was a by a wild monkey when he walked through the forest. 查看更多




81. I totally agree with your plan and have nothing f___________(更进一步的)to say.

82. I’ve tried but I can’t h_________(处理)the problem by myself.

83. He has been a_________(逮捕)for stealing clothes from the shop.

84. The weather in this country d_________(不同于)from place to place.

85. The two words “vocation” and “vacation” often c___________(使困惑)me.

86. He had to lea ve his homeland for v__________(各种各样的)reasons.

87. A large q__________(数量)of rice will be sent to the poor people.

88. The job of being a nurse needs much love and p_____________(耐心).

89. According to the weather forecast, it is h_________(有希望的)that it will clear up this weekend.

90. Everyone should take his r___________(责任)to protect the environment.




81. I totally agree with your plan and have nothing f___________(更进一步的)to say.

82. I’ve tried but I can’t h_________(处理)the problem by myself.

83. He has been a_________(逮捕)for stealing clothes from the shop.

84. The weather in this country d_________(不同于)from place to place.

85. The two words “vocation” and “vacation” often c___________(使困惑)me.

86. He had to lea ve his homeland for v__________(各种各样的)reasons.

87. A large q__________(数量)of rice will be sent to the poor people.

88. The job of being a nurse needs much love and p_____________(耐心).

89. According to the weather forecast, it is h_________(有希望的)that it will clear up this weekend.

90. Everyone should take his r___________(责任)to protect the environment.



71. The       (国籍) of this girl is not known.

72. I         (争论) with him about it just now.   

73.You need to accept people who have different _____ (评论) from ours.

74. The number of commanders in this game is______ (有限的) .

75. He went from door to door and _______ (收集) waste papers and magazines.

76. We asked about the _______(功能) of  the car.

77. It is ________ (显然的 ) that you are wrong.

78.He is a          (谦虚)man

79.Those        (女演员)played well in that movie.

80. You should(道歉)_______ to him.



71. The       (国籍) of this girl is not known.

72. I         (争论) with him about it just now.  

73.You need to accept people who have different _____ (评论) from ours.

74. The number of commanders in this game is______ (有限的) .

75. He went from door to door and _______ (收集) waste papers and magazines.

76. We asked about the _______(功能) of  the car.

77. It is ________ (显然的 ) that you are wrong.

78.He is a          (谦虚)man

79.Those        (女演员)played well in that movie.

80. You should(道歉)_______ to him.


第一节 短文填词 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)?
阅读下面短文,根据以下提示:1) 汉语提示, 2) 首字母提示, 3) 语境提示,在每个空格内填入一个适当的英语单词, 并将该词完整地写在右边标号为76-85相对应的横线上。所填单词要求意义准确,拼写正确。
I went by air a great deal _______ I was still a young boy as            76. __________ 
both my father and mother l________ in South America and I flew       77. __________
there from Britain for my _________ (假日). An air hostess took        78. __________
good c______ of me and I never had an unpleasant experience. I am      79. __________
used to __________(旅行)by air and only on one occasion have       80. __________
ever felt f_________. After taking off, we were flying low over city      81. __________
and slowly gaining ________ (高度), when the plane suddenly turned          82. __________
round and flew back to the __________ ( 机场). While we were          83. __________
waiting to land, an air hostess told us to keep c_______ and get          84. __________
________ the plane quietly as soon as it had touched down.                      85. __________

