When did the last dinosaurs die? a. about 65 million years ago b. about 65 thousand years ago c. about 65 billion years ago 查看更多



Christmas bird – watching is popular in the U.S.A. When the holiday season comes, some Americans are likely to watch and count birds in the sky with great interest every day. This activity began in the early part of the last century. It has a one-hundred-year history. At that time, there was a so-called “holiday hunting” custom. In order to celebrate the holiday, the hunters went out to kill birds and beasts. By 1900, there were 27 bird lovers who decided to count birds instead of killing birds. Since then, Christmas bird-watching was held every year. It has been continued to the present.

There were 42000 people who took part in the bird-watching last Christmas, from December 16 the year before to January 3 next year. They were in the United States and Canada, central America, south America and the Caribbean, watching and counting birds in the sky. The whole viewing area was divided into 1600 points. Each birdwatcher was responsible for 25 meters, and was required to write down the types and quantities of birds within 24 hours.

A birdwatcher described what he had watched vividly in his diary—“ When I looked up, I saw a beautiful ‘landscape’ in the sky: Red-crowned cranes(丹顶鹤) were driving up in cunning wedges that split the air. They were so neatly arranged, coordinating their movements. I was excited and breathtaking. Interestingly, the “human” shape(人字行) always maintains 110° ” .

“Why do red-crowned cranes choose to use ‘human’ shape when flying in formation?” He continued, “In my opinion, there are four reasons: first, the ‘human’ shape can make red-crowned cranes use increasing air which is produced by each other’s wings when they are swinging in the sky. It can increase the glide time and save physical ability. Second, the ‘human’ shape will enhance communication among the birds. The orders and the relevant information issued by the lead bird can be conveyed to each member in this migratory group unimpeded, accurately, rapidly and conveniently. Third, such a formation will help to find the birds left behind because of feeling run down as fast as possible, so that the young, the weak, the sick birds can get everyone’s help and encouragement. Finally, the ‘human’ shape shows not only beauty but also unity. It can give enemies a deterrent.They will be terrified and did not dare to attack the birds.The migration security of the birds will be ensured.”  

Environmental experts admired and evaluated Christmas bird-watching highly. They pointed out that it made perfect sense. On the one hand it could enhance the human awareness of environmental protection. On the other hand it could provide first-hand information on birds.

49.When did Christmas bird – watching begin?

         A.Sometime during Christmas holiday.         B.At the beginning of 20th century.

         C.In the early 19 th century.          D.Since there was Christmas Day

50.What do bird – watchers do when they are bird – watching?

         A.They kill birds and beasts.          B.They watch birds and beasts.

         C.They watch and count birds.     D.They look at the sky and write diaries.

51.The following are all reasons for red – crowned cranes flying in “human” shape except      .

         A.they can help each other and ensure their safety

         B.they can communicate with each other in order to reduce tiredness.

         C.they can make use of the air produced by each other’s wings.

         D.they can look stronger in case they come across enemies

52.This passage consists of five paragraphs. Please arrange the five main ideas of the paragraphs in order of their appearance in the passage.

    a. How the bird – watchers divided their watching task and what was done.

         b. How Christmas bird – watching came into being.

         c. Christmas bird – watching is of great importance environmentally and scientifically.

         d. A Christmas bird – watcher watched and was amazed by red – crowned cranes.

         e. Red – crowned cranes fly in “human” formation for quite good reasons.

         A.a – b – c – d – e         B.b – c – e – d – a         C.b- a – d – e – c D.b – d – e – a – c



After the Summer Olympics are over ,when all the athletcs and viewers have gone home and the television audience has swiched off , another group of athletcs and fans will arrive at the host city , and another compctition will begin.These are the Parnlympics,the games for athlctcs with a disability .But in Beijing in 2008 ,for the first time,one of the greatest parulympians will not be taking part.

Sbc is a Britishby the name of Tanni Grey-Thompsun.Boyn with spina hifida (脊椎裂) which left her paralysed from the waint down,Tanni used a wheelchair from the age of 7.At first,she was not keen on sporn,apart from horse-riding,which gave her a sense of freedom.But in her teens,she started tsking sports more seriously.She tried swimming,basketball and tennis.Eventually she found athletics,and never looked back.

 Indeed ,Tanni’s  athletic career took off .In 1984,when she was 15,she pulled off a surpaise victort in the 100 metres at the Junior NationalWheelchair Games.

 In 1988 ,Tanni went to her first ParalympicGames in Scoul.She bronze in the 400 metres.Even greater success followed at the 1992 Barcelona.Paralympics.Tanni won gold in the 100,200,400 and 800 metres relay,setting two world records      in the proceas.In the same year she achicved the first of her six London Wheelchair Marathon victories.

  Tanni’s enduring success has been part motivation(动机),part preparation.      “The training I do that enable me to be a good sprinter(短跑运动员) enable me to be good at a marathon too. I train 50 weeks of the year and that keeps me prepared for whatever distance I went to race …I am still competing at a very high level,but as I get oider things get harder and I went to retire before I fall apart. ”

 Indeed Tanni retired finally after the Visa Paralympic World Cup in 2007. Her wish is to coach young athletes for Beijing 2008 Olympic Gammes.

In spite of ups and downs,she never takes her fate lying down.In her splendid life ,she has won an amazing eleven gold medals,four silvers and one bronze in a series of Paralympics---a top lever athletic career covering two decades .She has won the London Wheelchair Marathon six times ,more than any other competitor ,and she has set over thirty woyld records.

What advice does she have for young athletes ? “Work hard at your studies ,and then train,train again.”

56.Which of the following sports did Tanni like before thirteen?

A.      Basketball .   B.Swimming .   C.Tennis.   D.Horse-riding

57.When did Tanni win her first Olympic gold medal?

A.In 1984.      B.In 1988.   C.In 1992.   D.In 2007.   

58.The underlined word “that’’in the 5 th paragrath refers to_______ .

A. fifty weeks'training               B. being a good sprinter

C. training almost every day            D.part motivation and part preparation

59. What's the right order of the events relaterd to Tanny?

a.She works as a coach.                 b.She took up athletics .

c.She won four gold medals in Barcelons .  d.She competed in her first Paraiympic Games.

e.She achieved a victory in her first London Wheelchair Marathun.

A. b,d,c,e,a                           B. a,d,b,c,e  

C. a,d,c,e,b                           D. b,d,a,e,c

60. What can we learn form Tanni's success?

A. Union is strongth                     B.Never too late to learn

C. Well begun is half done                D. No pains , no gains



After the Summer Olympics are over ,when all the athletcs and viewers have gong home and the television audience has swiched off , another group of athletcs and fans will arrive at the host city , and another compctition will begin.These are the Parnlympics,the games for athlctcs with a disability .But in Beijing in 2008 ,for the first time,one of the greatest parulympians will not be taking part.

Sbc is a Britishby the name of Tanni Grey-Thompsun.Boyn with spina hifida (脊椎裂) which left her paralysed from the waint down,Tanni used a wheelchair from the age of 7.At first,she was not keen on sporn,apart from horse-riding,which gave her a sense of freedom.But in her teens,she started tsking sports more seriously.She tried swimming,basketball and tennis.Eventually she found athletics,and never looked back.

 Indeed ,Tanni’s   athletic career took off .In 1984,when she was 15,she pulled off a surpaise victort in the 100 metres at the Junior NationalWheelchair Games.

 In 1988 ,Tanni went to her first ParalympicGames in Scoul.She bronze in the 400 metres.Even greater success followed at the 1992 Barcelona.Paralympics.Tanni won gold in the 100,200,400 and 800 metres relay,setting two world records in the proceas.In the same year she achicved the first of her six London Wheelchair Marathon victories.

  Tanni’s enduring success has been part motivation(动机),part preparation.   “The training I do that enable me to be a good sprinter(短跑运动员) enable me to be good at a marathon too. I train 50 weeks of the year and that keeps me prepared for whatever distance I went to race …I am still competing at a very high level,but as I get oider things get harder and I went to retire before I fall apart. ”

 Indeed Tanni retired finally after the Visa Paralympic World Cup in 2007. Her wish is to coach young athletes for Beijing 2008 Olympic Gammes.

In spite of ups and downs,she never takes her fate lying down.In her splendid life ,she has won an amazing eleven gold medals,four silvers and one bronze in a series of Paralympics---a top lever athletic career covering two decades .She has won the London Wheelchair Marathon six times ,more than any other competitor ,and she has set over thirty woyld records.

What advice does she have for young athletes ? “Work hard at your studies ,and then train,train again.”

1.Which of the following sports did Tanni like before thirteen?

A. Basketball .   B.Swimming .   C.Tennis.   D.Horse-riding

2.When did Tanni win her first Olympic gold medal?

A.In 1984.      B.In 1988.   C.In 1992.   D.In 2007.   

3.The underlined word “that’’in the 5 th paragrath refers to_______ .

A. fifty weeks'training               B. being a good sprinter

C. training almost every day            D.part motivation and part preparation

4.What's the right order of the events relaterd to Tanny?

a.She works as a coach.                 b.She took up athletics .

c.She won four gold medals in Barcelons .  d.She competed in her first Paraiympic Games.

e.She achieved a victory in her first London Wheelchair Marathun.

A. b,d,c,e,a                           B. a,d,b,c,e  

C. a,d,c,e,b                           D. b,d,a,e,c

5.What can we learn form Tanni's success?

A. Union is strongth                     B.Never too late to learn

C. Well begun is half done                D. No pains , no gains



Christmas bird – watching is popular in the U.S.A. When the holiday season comes, some Americans are likely to watch and count birds in the sky with great interest every day. This activity began in the early part of the last century. It has a one-hundred-year history. At that time, there was a so-called “holiday hunting” custom. In order to celebrate the holiday, the hunters went out to kill birds and beasts. By 1900, there were 27 bird lovers who decided to count birds instead of killing birds. Since then, Christmas bird-watching was held every year. It has been continued to the present.

There were 42000 people who took part in the bird-watching last Christmas, from December 16 the year before to January 3 next year. They were in the United States and Canada, central America, south America and the Caribbean, watching and counting birds in the sky. The whole viewing area was divided into 1600 points. Each birdwatcher was responsible for 25 meters, and was required to write down the types and quantities of birds within 24 hours.

A birdwatcher described what he had watched vividly in his diary—“ When I looked up, I saw a beautiful ‘landscape’ in the sky: Red-crowned cranes(丹顶鹤) were driving up in cunning wedges that split the air. They were so neatly arranged, coordinating their movements. I was excited and breathtaking. Interestingly, the “human” shape(人字行) always maintains 110° ” .

“Why do red-crowned cranes choose to use ‘human’ shape when flying in formation?” He continued, “In my opinion, there are four reasons: first, the ‘human’ shape can make red-crowned cranes use increasing air which is produced by each other’s wings when they are swinging in the sky. It can increase the glide time and save physical ability. Second, the ‘human’ shape will enhance communication among the birds. The orders and the relevant information issued by the lead bird can be conveyed to each member in this migratory group unimpeded, accurately, rapidly and conveniently. Third, such a formation will help to find the birds left behind because of feeling run down as fast as possible, so that the young, the weak, the sick birds can get everyone’s help and encouragement. Finally, the ‘human’ shape shows not only beauty but also unity. It can give enemies a deterrent.They will be terrified and did not dare to attack the birds.The migration security of the birds will be ensured.”  

Environmental experts admired and evaluated Christmas bird-watching highly. They pointed out that it made perfect sense. On the one hand it could enhance the human awareness of environmental protection. On the other hand it could provide first-hand information on birds.

49.When did Christmas bird – watching begin?

         A.Sometime during Christmas holiday.         B.At the beginning of 20th century.

         C.In the early 19 th century.          D.Since there was Christmas Day

50.What do bird – watchers do when they are bird – watching?

         A.They kill birds and beasts.          B.They watch birds and beasts.

         C.They watch and count birds.     D.They look at the sky and write diaries.

51.The following are all reasons for red – crowned cranes flying in “human” shape except      .

         A.they can help each other and ensure their safety

         B.they can communicate with each other in order to reduce tiredness.

         C.they can make use of the air produced by each other’s wings.

         D.they can look stronger in case they come across enemies

52.This passage consists of five paragraphs. Please arrange the five main ideas of the paragraphs in order of their appearance in the passage.

    a. How the bird – watchers divided their watching task and what was done.

         b. How Christmas bird – watching came into being.

         c. Christmas bird – watching is of great importance environmentally and scientifically.

         d. A Christmas bird – watcher watched and was amazed by red – crowned cranes.

         e. Red – crowned cranes fly in “human” formation for quite good reasons.

         A.a – b – c – d – e         B.b – c – e – d – a         C.b- a – d – e – c D.b – d – e – a – c


Christmas bird – watching is popular in the U.S.A. When the holiday season comes, some Americans are likely to watch and count birds in the sky with great interest every day. This activity began in the early part of the last century. It has a one-hundred-year history. At that time, there was a so-called “holiday hunting” custom. In order to celebrate the holiday, the hunters went out to kill birds and beasts. By 1900, there were 27 bird lovers who decided to count birds instead of killing birds. Since then, Christmas bird-watching was held every year. It has been continued to the present.

There were 42000 people who took part in the bird-watching last Christmas, from December 16 the year before to January 3 next year. They were in the United States and Canada, central America, south America and the Caribbean, watching and counting birds in the sky. The whole viewing area was divided into 1600 points. Each birdwatcher was responsible for 25 meters, and was required to write down the types and quantities of birds within 24 hours.

A birdwatcher described what he had watched vividly in his diary—“ When I looked up, I saw a beautiful ‘landscape’ in the sky: Red-crowned cranes(丹顶鹤) were driving up in cunning wedges that split the air. They were so neatly arranged, coordinating their movements. I was excited and breathtaking. Interestingly, the “human” shape(人字行) always maintains 110° ” .

“Why do red-crowned cranes choose to use ‘human’ shape when flying in formation?” He continued, “In my opinion, there are four reasons: first, the ‘human’ shape can make red-crowned cranes use increasing air which is produced by each other’s wings when they are swinging in the sky. It can increase the glide time and save physical ability. Second, the ‘human’ shape will enhance communication among the birds. The orders and the relevant information issued by the lead bird can be conveyed to each member in this migratory group unimpeded, accurately, rapidly and conveniently. Third, such a formation will help to find the birds left behind because of feeling run down as fast as possible, so that the young, the weak, the sick birds can get everyone’s help and encouragement. Finally, the ‘human’ shape shows not only beauty but also unity. It can give enemies a deterrent.They will be terrified and did not dare to attack the birds.The migration security of the birds will be ensured.”

Environmental experts admired and evaluated Christmas bird-watching highly. They pointed out that it made perfect sense. On the one hand it could enhance the human awareness of environmental protection. On the other hand it could provide first-hand information on birds.

49.When did Christmas bird – watching begin?

       A.Sometime during Christmas holiday.     B.At the beginning of 20th century.

       C.In the early 19 th century.       D.Since there was Christmas Day

50.What do bird – watchers do when they are bird – watching?

       A.They kill birds and beasts.      B.They watch birds and beasts.

       C.They watch and count birds.   D.They look at the sky and write diaries.

51.The following are all reasons for red – crowned cranes flying in “human” shape except      .

       A.they can help each other and ensure their safety

       B.they can communicate with each other in order to reduce tiredness.

       C.they can make use of the air produced by each other’s wings.

       D.they can look stronger in case they come across enemies

52.This passage consists of five paragraphs. Please arrange the five main ideas of the paragraphs in order of their appearance in the passage.

    a. How the bird – watchers divided their watching task and what was done.

       b. How Christmas bird – watching came into being.

       c. Christmas bird – watching is of great importance environmentally and scientifically.

       d. A Christmas bird – watcher watched and was amazed by red – crowned cranes.

       e. Red – crowned cranes fly in “human” formation for quite good reasons.

       A.a – b – c – d – e     B.b – c – e – d – a      C.b- a – d – e – c       D.b – d – e – a – c

