. Many men were (埋) when there was an accident at the mine. 查看更多




1.We all got ________(震惊)when hearing Kitty had been dismissed by her boss.

2.The citizens are on a rapid ________(上升).

3.Volcanoes, hurricanes, typhoons and earthquakes are all natural ________(灾难).

4.There are some famous actors and actresses whose life is ________(结束)at an early age for love affairs.

5.We end a letter by “yours ________(真挚地)”.

6.Some parts of the Great Wall are in ________(废墟)and need immediate restoration.

7.Many men were ________(埋葬)underground when there was an accident at the mine.

8.The government has ________(组织)a rescue team to send tents, clothes and food to the earthquake-striken areas.

9.She ________(表示,表达)her thanks.

10.________(摇动)the head means “No” in almost all the countries.

11.It was soldiers and other volunteers that came to our ________(援救)when we were cut off by the floods.

12.Your homework should be done ________(立刻); don’t delay it until tomorrow.

13.The whole city was completely ________(毁坏)by the fierce Tsunami(海啸).

14.Twenty passengers including the travel guide got ________(伤害)in the highway accident.

15.The mud ________(掘出)was piled up to a long bank.

16.________(断定)from his accent, he must come from the North-East of China.

17.Wang Zhizhi was determined to fight for the ________(荣誉)of motherland in the coming 2008 Olympics.

18.These vegetables are ________(新鲜的), for I picked them this morning.

19.The window glass ________(爆裂)because of freezing cold weather.

20.________(大量的)small earthquakes that aren’t felt happen every now and then.

